That'll be $19.99 plus tip, sir

>That'll be $19.99 plus tip, sir

How the mighty have fallen...

This is Fry’s Electronics

Maybe when companies finally stop giving CliffyB money, they can open a small cafe together.

>I made Doom you know
>and sir please don't forget to check out the game I made with my wife's son
Every time. This guy is so annoying. I'm not going back there.

I wonder how much does 2TB harddrive at Fry cost. Anybody live in Orange county know?

Am I supposed to know who this is?


That's the creator of Call of Duty

He made Halo

That guy is gonna make you his bitch.

WTF? Which is it?

He's the into the trash meme guy.

>people think this how a modern had station looks like
>People don't realize this is a collection and unironically think he works at a gas station

It is John Romero

If you got promo codes from email as low as 54 internal 62 external recently.

Am I supposed to know who that is?

He's back making games full-time now.

Besides, it's not as if making video games is a glorious career to begin with. Being a mechanic is just as satisfying, with less bullshit.

Didn't he move to Ireland or something?

He's George Romero's mentally disabled son

He made half-life


the guy that made those old zombi movies

Yes, get the fuck out.

Yes, otherwise you're a newfag beyond measure and a nu-gamer below even reddit

Todd Howard the creator of Return to Castle Wolfenstein

What'd I do?

He's holding a fucking gas pump.

No, John Romero is the name of OP.

aum shinrikyo

It's a fucking meme, you dip.

You outed yourself as a dumbass

Well sorry I'm not a fucking nerd like you dude, I just wanna know who the fuck this is

Where's Blackroom?

hmm not bad, I think might have missed it.

In a room getting BLACKED

You underages really need game history class at the schools


Why should I care about him? If I never heard of him or his games than that's probably because they suck and aren't worth looking at

Where is the game he was supposed to be working on?


That's moot, right?

It's not even a question of being underage or a millienal, but you at least know about Doom if you are there.

Not enough power, hmmmmmm

I never got people like this. There is no qualification to being on Sup Forums or liking games. Even if he played and beat doom there is 0 need for him to ever look this guy up or look at his face. Your e penis does not look bigger because you shamed someone for not being hip on gamer culture.

Full-time? Hahaha, no. Check his twitter and try to find the last time he worked

>E-celeb thread
Report and move on, people

>Here's 20$, keep the change

>not tipping at least 10% for the service

>you will never be a part of id software in the early 90s

It hurts.

Warren Spector, made a bunch of games including Deus Ex: Human Revolution and The Witcher.

>pizza guy arrives at the door
>instantly tells me how hard they have it and that I should tip them when I haven't even given them money yet

Why tip? They already get paid by the hour.

>tfw pay for pizza online
>select "no" for online delivery tip
>delivery guy gets to my house, sign the receipt or whatever, take my food, and immediately close and lock door

Believe me, I'm sure there's people who honestly believe he went from big game dev to gas station attendant.