
25+ year olds thread, what have you guys been playing today?

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Nothing... _._

Not 25+, but is this some kind of mod for Mafia, or is it the tutorial area?

I'm 75 years old can i post here?
I'm playing One unit whole blood with the death wish Map pack


Widescreen hud fix and possibly a texture mod but can't tell.

I'm nearly 30. Cuphead was nice, today

i don't have time for video games

>doesnt know Mafia
You need to be 25+ to post in this thread

27 here. Total war warhammer 2 and rocket league

32 here, dicked around with Banished for a while.

I played some of the Talos Principle today.

27. played some CSGO

27 here, Splatoon and Bloodborne.

have been playing granblue fantasy for over a year, i wish i can quit this game and invest that time on my life.

Nothing my video card died last week and I just ordered one yesterday so im waiting for that to come in and im also 30

26. Sometimes I actually forget how old I am.

Underrail. Gonna try to clear it with a Sniper/Pistol/Trap build before moving on to another game.

>25+ year olds thread, what have you guys been playing today

I'm asking if the screenshot is from the Mafia's tutorial area or is it a mod because the textures and world look different.

29 - Divinity 2 and A Hat in Time


I was playing that Elysium WoW private server until it got shut down yesterday.

Now I guess i'll work on my backlog. I decided that I wanted to quit gaming by 30 since I did it all through my teens and 20's and I was a fucking loser.

Who cares about someone's age?

I've been trying to finish Gravity Rush 2 before Sony closes the servers.

I think I prefer the 1st game, it had less annoying stealth missions. Still enjoying 2 as the game is charming.

Played some GTA online with my friends (only way to play that shite), played some LoL by myself, and then a little bit of Overgrowth (what a terrible game with such a fun combat system).

Is that a comfy RV?

Seeing that picture reminded me of The Godfather game.

Literally the only game I have ever 100%'d and it was like 12 years ago

31 here, rarely play games, but I catch a game or two in Fortnite occasionally. Wife and kid sucking up my spare time.
But I aint really mad, because the gaming industry is fucking bollocks with shit like this:

28 here, played FF14 for a bit, and then Super Metroid. I figure its time for the yearly playthrough.

You lie

The Witcher 3. Replaying it actually since you have to be a high level to begin the expansions. It's certainly a bit less enjoyable the second time.

Powerstone, finishing a romhack of golden sun, and starting to get hyped for the tf2 update

I work 30 hours a week and have class 10 hours a week. Plus I have to study. And I have a girlfriend. So I have about 3-4 hours a week to play vidya at all. I bought a N3DS recently and I've been playing SNES games on it like DKC2.

Lots of great games are still being made, just avoid AAA trash by EA/Ubisoft etc.

You know you can go right into the expansions and they give you a leveled Geralt right?

>not waking up at 5am to play 2 hours before work


Yeah I know, I tend to stick with those kind of games now anyway. But I really do miss a big AAA epic scale single player game. Last one was Nier Automata. But I'm still at route C because I only play a short gaming sessions at a time. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks to me being a lazy bastard and never bothering to cancel my humble monthly I'm now playing Furi

Holy shit this game is rad

I didn't, user. But truth be to told I wanted to play it the second time anyway. It's just that the side quests aren't really that enjoyable the second time. I like the main story and some of the side quests but overall the gameplay just becomes tiresome after a while.
So if I want to begin the expansion pack my char will automatically be leveled to match the requirement once I start the first quest?

tfw cold and having diarea every half hour, at fucking work of all things

getting old sucks ass

>So if I want to begin the expansion pack my char will automatically be leveled to match the requirement once I start the first quest?
You just select the expansion you want to play in the menu and you'll start out at the right level with meme gear.

i was going to play some new vegas but i have a test tomorrow so i have to pretend that im going to study

32. Rise of the Tomb Raider mostly. SaGa Frontier 2 here and there lately.

Sorry bruh, every minute of the 7 hours I barely get per night is pure bliss. Not even vidya can compare.

Grim Dawn, 29

i read a book today

Built a new PC last month, I was excited to finally get into Twitcher trilogy but 1 is pure ass.

Playing New Vegas and Guild Wars 2.

>mfw no hd remaster of godfather 1
fuck that game was so good i still cant believe it.
how many games based of movies have been done right?

I know what you mean, it's rare to find a good single player campaign which isn't just a generic open world with rpg-lite elements.

32. Playing advance wars for the first time. The sniper CO can fuck off.


Gravity Rush 2 is a good game

Detention, a horror adventure game set in a fictional 1960 Taiwan still reeling from the Chinese civil war.

Dunno how good it is yet overall but the atmosphere is great.

Path Of Exile, 26yrs

There is one. On ps3. It runs at 1080p though.

Man fuck you with that screenshot. After the recent mafia thread I downloaded it again and this shit doesn't run on my system. I've googled for a good 2 hours and tried every method I found and nothing worked.
Shit fucking sucks man, I really wanted to play it again

I feel genuinely upset we'll never see Gravity Rush 3 because no-one purchased 2.

hm ill have to check this out, still got my ps3 hooked up
thanks user

Always go to pcgamingwiki

Is 29 too old for a career change??

Oh well, it's a bit too late now since I'm just a few levels away from lvl28. Thanks anyway, user.

Works fine on my machine

with depression.

I remember shooting out the tires of a parked car at the hotel so I could catch a faggot when he drove off and they stayed popped.

Why do video games suck now?

naw nigga colonel sanders was like 50 or some shit when he made kfc
all you need is some willpower brother

>muh gaming industry
the "gaming industry" is better than it has ever been because of the rise of AA-level games

Visceral made one good game 10+ years ago let's keep sucking their cock because?........

Let's make maymay images where we put Visceral in the same group as companies like Bullfrog and Maxis! Yeah fuck off.

I just reinstalled Mafia about 2 weeks ago. I haven't played it for probably over 10 years, but it felt like it was yesterday. It was awesome.
And today I haven't played anything yet. Just now I have a bit of time so I was thinking about spending an hour or so with either Shadow of War or Fractured but Whole.

>Dark Arisen

That's modded right?

If it won't run at 1080p - try disabling 720p and 1080i in Video output settings of your ps3. Game will be forced to render at 1080p. Works with Godfather and some other games, as I recall.

>waiting for my nvidia 1080 to be delivered so I can enjoy pcars2 in vr at a proper 90fps


>not TI

Tried to play some Cuphead and realised I don't enjoy hard games anymore. Feels pretty bad, man. I've become what I once despised.

>immersion/camping skyrim mod playthrough
>assfaggots with friends

thank you for the help user i appreciate it

Not him up I got a non to 1080 because it was nearly 300 more for the to model.
I'm waiting to see that new headset that's releasing January, pimax I think it's called.

>25+ year olds thread, what have you guys been playing today?

Games aren't becoming boring, but LIFE is really taking a toll on my body and soul. It's hard for me to play anything because games feel like work, except for stuff I can jump right into.

in 3 months i will become 25 and i've already lost every fucking joy for playing any short of multiplayer that i used to. LOL, Overwatch, PUBG, etc... every single one of them dropped out of boredom

Fucking 25+ tree give me back the joy REEE

only needed a 1070, but bitcoin schmucks inflating the price of those to near 1080 prices so I just got the 1080

30, FFXIV dailies, Gundam Versus, and Dodonpachi Daioujou or whatever the fuck it's called

>keep playing the same type of shit forever
>why isn't it fun anymore??

play some single playeer games like a real gaymur

>Dodonpachi Daioujou

29, destiny 2, towerfall, bloodborne


Under Night In-Birth
Devil may Cry 3
Gundam Versus
Blazblue Central Fiction
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge

25. The Evil Within 2.

post a picture of your room in your parents house

25. Just starting up Siege now.

I'm meant to be applying for jobs, handwriting a letter and preparing for a course thing I have coming up, but holy shit no.

Any richfags around willing to give me 4 million bucks so I can stop this charade and live as a hermit for the rest of my life?

Whoops, quote not intended.

The house I grew up in now belongs to my sister and the room has been changed. This happened years ago. Not even sure why you want to see that in the first place.

What can we do about all these fucking agelets?

kill o ur selves

>tfw 27 with no career at all
I fucking hope not.

I'm 30. I've recently been playing Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Cuphead.

picked up wildlands a couple days ago when it was still on sale. it's not the worst thing ever. solid 7/10.

Played some hoi4 the Great War mod as Russia and beat back the central powers. Now I don’t know what to play... might try getting back into factorio but starting from scratch is a pain in the ass.

>doesnt know [random game]
28 and I don't know and I don't give a fuck
Mafia II was pretty great, though.

Nothing. I just got home from a 12 hour shift and made dinner and did laundry.. drinking some tea now.
Maybe will play some MGSV or dota or something I dunno before sleep.

Oh, and New Vegas.
I kind of expected there to be a whole other part of the map on the other side of the Colorado. I didn't realize it was a Lakelurk family and about 30,000 goddamn Deathclaws. It also surprised the hell out of me that the water was not irradiated.

Mafia is shit though

fucking overrated game with shit AI

Underage confirmed.