Spends $60 million on hiring famous actor for literally 1:14 minutes of dialogue

>spends $60 million on hiring famous actor for literally 1:14 minutes of dialogue

The rest of the game is even greater shitfest.

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Saying "WE HAVE SIR STEWART AND MR. BEAN" sells more copies than an actually making a good game.

Why did it all go so wrong?

>game is about plane of oblivion
>copies one level design thirty times

Oblivion was good. You anti-bethesda bandwagoners are getting annoying

>Gather like 5 guards from different cities before an oblivion gate
>Apparently this is what they called "an army".
For some reason this is funny as shit to me.

as terrible as it is, this is what makes the game so stupidly fun

>$60 million
come on user, he probably cost like, tree fiddy

>Oblivion was good.

Why was Bethesda so awful at making human faces?

>Saying "WE HAVE SIR STEWART AND MR. BEAN" sells more copies than an actually making a good game.

Since fucking when has voice actors mattered to anyone but weeb faggots? Their presence in the game is not mentioned anywhere on the box specifically because it wouldn't have garnered any more sales if it had been. Nobody who plays superior western games cares about voice actors. Not even celebrity voice actors.


No it isn't, fuck off.

I reckon that having Stewart narrate the trailers will boost the sales. Especially if the alternative option is that Breton guy.

I saw a mudcrab the other day.

Uncanny valley. They actually used a third party program called FaceGen to generate the faces for Oblivion. The meshes produced are actually pretty genuine to a real human face, that's what that software is all about, but the problem is the textures and skin shader were meh and people aren't used to genuine human faces in games, they are used to sexy idealized faces. They learnt their lesson, Fallout 3 & NV saw their faces get a overhaul to the structure to make them aesthetically more pleasing and Skyrim pretty much perfected it but in the process made everyone look more or less the same apart from the hair and skin color.

>playing Oscuro's overhaul and entered this cave
>a fucking room sized mudcrab is added
scared the fuck out of me, it was so huge it clipped out of bounds, and was lagging the game. had to wait for it to fall through the ceiling so I could fight it.
at the very least, it was made trivial by standing underneath it where it couldn't maneuver to hit me, allowing me to hit its weak point for massive damage

>Fallout 3 & NV
Weren't those faces made by a modelling school dropout who was only hired because he was Todd's friend?
That is why they looked like shit. Different kind of shit compared to Oblivion's potato face shit, but still shit.

I wish the games were like Morrowind where its mostly just text and you only hear voices when someone greets you and the usual battle taunts when fighting someone, the same voice gets really annoying.

We need more giant mudcrabs

Why is n'wah even pronounced envaah? Or did they just let the VAs pronounce shit however they wanted?

Patrick Stewart wasn't exactly an a-lister when Oblivion was released. The Star Trek nerds probably loved him because of something done 15 years prior but to most people he was just that guy from that silly x-men movie. No one is buying a video game just because Patrick Stewart does some voice acting in it and they knew that because they didn't really advertise his presence in the marketing of the game. There's no "STARRING PATRICK STEWART AND SEAN BEAN" on the box or in the trailers. You wouldn't even know unless you recognized their voices.

>Weren't those faces made by a modelling school dropout who was only hired because he was Todd's friend?

No, the myth you are thinking of is that Todd's highschool dropout friend did all the animations in the games. That's not true either. In any case, FaceGen was still being used for Fallout. It's the same program generating the faces for Oblivion as Skyrim, they just tweaked the sliders to make sure everything produced is sexier.

>a legendary shakespearean actor with a voice to die for does an epic monologue to inspire hype
>not a good marketing ploy

You think there's a lot of crossover between people who play Oblivion and people who go to the theater to watch Shakespeare being performed? No one cared.

It's not about recognition, it's about the top notch quality of the VA, and even if he has a miniscule role in the actual game, it can be used for marketing. Just like you see rendered cutscenes marketed as what the gameplay looks like.

Bethesda actually ended up not using some lines they recorded with Sir Patrick Stewart.

>the game being shit makes it fun

>greetings dumner

It's a fake word so I'm pretty sure the VA director knows how to pronounce it.

>Mr Bean
I wish Rowan Atkinson was in this.

It wasn't "top notch quality VA", it was actually pretty piss poor. He clearly phoned in his performance and did not give a fuck. No western game specifically markets based on VA. They will inherently display the VA as part of showing the game itself, and Oblivion did a lot of that beyond just Patrick Stewart, but it's never treated as a reason to buy a game. Non-weeb westerners just do not care much about that stuff. As long as it's not terrible that's good enough.

But as far as I understand n'wah and n-wah are differently pronounced like n-word and n'word would be. N'wah is pronounced more like n-wah.


You are trying to apply English pronunciation rules based on Romanization. It doesn't work that way. For example, how do you think the Romanization "Tsui" is pronounced based on that spelling? It's probably not what you think.

Anyone else looking forward to a release of Skyblivion?


Literally never.

Kvatch Rebuilt should've been a thing in vanilla Oblivion

ayo thas some bonemold
Bethesda fucking sucks ass at this. Doesn't the Bruma Mages Guild stay sacked and burning forever after the Mages Guild questline?

The voice acting was good though

Why not? It looks like they're coming along quite well.

Dumping some artwork from the Skyblivion project.



Yes and its the best version, Redoran from the Elswyr Anequina mod.

Yes its stays burning forever but there's a mod for that as well and one that improves the mage's guild final quest.




What is the point of making concept art for Skyblivion? We already know what it is supposed to look like because we played Oblivion.


Because vanilla Oblivion looked very samey in all areas which they're trying to change.

to make some neat landscape fan art


Can i be evil in this game, like you can in fallout new vegas for example or it's like the other todd cucked games fallout 3, 4 and skyrim where you can only say the same thing?


Yes its has more twists in it's quests where you can decide the outcome. Make sure to play the dark brotherhood quest line.

>spends $60 million on hiring famous actor for literally HOURS AND HOURS of monologue
>it gets really boring after about 1:14 minutes

Castlevania Lords of Shadow sucked. Bethesda had the right idea.

Stuff is being changed or added. It wont just be oblivion with better graphics

no not really
like skyrim, majority of quests are good samaritan quests where you help people, with a couple guilds (dark brotherhood and thieves guild) where you are a bad fella (but thieves guild is much more robin hood in Oblivion)


That's good. Morroblivion gave me a bad taste for these portmanteau fan projects.
Now, that shit blew ass.

i don't know which one to believe, i hate rpgs where you can't actually roleplay


I wish it were more like Zelda and characters emitted grunts, cheers, laughter etc. to emphasize the tone of their statement, it would make modding infinitely easier.

>Friedrich von Frankenstein
wasn't his name Victor, they didn't even get that right

End of dump

I'd say it isn't really a roleplay game quest-wise. More of an adventuring game where you get to think of your own backstory and which quests your character would do and how they would react. The vanilla game is really underwhelming but with a few mods it can be a really enjoyable experience. More so than Skyrim i would say.

As a person who literally stalks around their shit.
The reason for the upgraded landscape shit for the past year with no real gameplay videos is their lead designer is just a Dutch smuck. He is very picky but that's not the main problem.
They lack actual script writers. No one knows how to properly write quest scripts except I think it was two guys. So you have two guys script writing all of oblivion's quests.
They had a good guy for the spell making mechanic but he ghosted on them half way through.
Not many people are joining because picky lead, everyone wanting to do the same thing when trying to join, not many script writers, unfocused end.


>you only hear voices when someone greets you and the usual battle taunts when fighting someone, the same voice gets really annoying.
but that also has the same voices over and over which is also a problem in Morrowind

believe me () because there is a severe lack of roleplay potential in Oblivion's dialog choices
for example, this quest...
talk to the farmer, and you are railroaded into picking helpful options because indifferent/evil options don't exist. so even if you murder hobos for no reason other than you hate poor people, you'll ask to hear more about this guy's dead wife who was killed by goblins, and you have to agree to help him. no saying no.
there are tons of quests like this.

And? In hollywood they hired that guy from that faggoty british boy band just so he could die in the first 20 minutes.

The sad thing is that they had like 4 actors voicing all the NPC's for the rest of the game, 2 of them were actually good.

Oblivionfags make me sick. By far the worst Elder Scrolls to date.

No but I'll play TES II when it finally gets remastered. It sounds like it has a lot of features that none of the other games have.

yeah man they LITERALLY only had 4 other voice actors

how much did he get for his role? Pretty sure, it's a sub-million deal, because no fucker will pay more than that for literally a half-hour job, no matter how high the actor's profile is

It's actually closer to 64 times.
I forget how many story planes there are, but there are 60 gates randomly spawned I'm sure

To think the female nord voice actress was the old wonder woman who only got the job because she's married to a higher up.
God she sucked

>Lynda Carter will never be your mommy

Redguard would like a word with you

No humans work at Bethesda.

It wont ever happened. Skyrim is more likely to get yet another remaster


TES II is shit unless you like spending 2-3 hours on literally every fucking dungeon no matter how simple and insignificant the quest is.

At least Skywind has given us some pretty cool tracks I guess

Thanks for the dump, nigga.
These are extremely well made


Yeah, kyle seems very picky but i think that's good for a project of this size desu.
So basically all they need are more scriptwriters to speed things up?

Do you mean the unity remake of Daggerfall?
Doesn't look that interesting desu

No problem senpai

I played Oblivion and FO3 at launch and I swore off their shitty fucking games forever after that. They are one o the most overrated companies in the industry and somehow they always get a free pass for their massive piles of bugs, terrible amateur looking animations, and awful writing.

>download shadow mod
>suggestsd -7-10 shadows per area in ini file
>set it to 40

runs okish on a 1080ti, some drops in cities

>tfw you will never make an oblivion clone

yo man they don't have any Imperial City streets concept art? cause that shit is gonna need some WORK, see

They definitely do need way more.
Kyle is too picky. I feel as though he is trying to turn oblivion into his own modded game.

I know ClefJ is open to a lot of suggestions like fixing a lot of plot holes and missing lore like the missing crown and throne room.

I remember asking how they would do the cities and asked if they'll make em big like that one city mod that I'm totally blanking on.

All I got from Kyle was "why copy when we'll make it better" which wasn't my question.

>runs okish

Last time i tried that my fps dropped to 5 in the Imperial city

All i have currently is this.
I know that they have remade the Waterfront and it's looking really good. Not sure about the main parts of the city though.

I think their general idea is to make ti bigger and more "alive"

To further elaborate on that picture, they asked themselves how IC could house so many people while still having no access to food and the like, so they started expanding the city with tons of farms around it.

>that one city mod that I'm totally blanking on
Do you mea Better Cities? It had a lot of added NPCS and houses but was extremely cluttered with debris and could tank your FPS.

I believe that they can do it. I think that Cyrodiil could have been pictured better lore-wise and if this is what they aim to do, im backing them.

Maybe i should learn how to script then

>hire talented concept artists
>3d modellers deliver underwhelming adaptations befitting their potato people

Well but it was about Dagon's plane of Oblivion, not the realm of every Prince, right?

>race voices
They are great

>they're to intelligent to have stupid fun

it's been remade by another guy,

Do you have a link?