Lawbreakers update 2.0: All Star Content. Ranked play (including a solo player queue!), a new map and much more!

>Lawbreakers update 2.0: All Star Content. Ranked play (including a solo player queue!), a new map and much more!


>including a solo player queue
Well that's good, I'm sure the solo player on Lawbreakers will appreciate that


Damn Clifford chill out.

>updating a game only 10 people play
for what purpose?

Calling an update "2.0" two months after launch is pathetic.

I can only imagine what it feels like to not only put effort in, but also pretend to be excited about the effort you continue to put into the development of a game that has managed to sink faster than Battleborn.

>still not free to play

>they added the overwatch lootcrates
n-no guys it's called stash drops it's totally different and not copying a more popular game

>"We were developing this game before we even heard of Overwatch"