Could somebody please tell me what the fuck Sega Team are playing at?
Is this some kind of joke? I was so fucking hyped for this game, never again. Check out the Eggman robots, look at there DIVERSE move set.
Could somebody please tell me what the fuck Sega Team are playing at?
Is this some kind of joke? I was so fucking hyped for this game, never again. Check out the Eggman robots, look at there DIVERSE move set.
Forces on Switch. Really makes me think.
Forces was a mistake
this is the worst fucking level design I've ever seen in a Sonic game, somehow worse than Lost World somehow worse than 3D Blast, it's like it was designed by a 9 year old in Mario Maker.
I can't believe they thought that first video you linked looked good.
Why would they show that infinite boss fight as if that is a selling point...? That is meant to be the scariest, ultimate, edgy badass villain in the entire sonic universe, and he is reduced to that? Do they want this thing to flop..?
Does Sonic control really floaty, like Unleashed floaty or 06 floaty?
he looks like he controls like pure ass
the whole game feels worse then any other mainline sonic game, except maybe 06. classic feels exactly like generations, physics still suck ass and you cant do the spindash anymore, it doesn't go as fast
are you serious no spindash? what in the holy fuck are they doing with this fucking game?
did history really repeat itself, did SoJ get beat out by a western Sonic dev again?
Passion for a video game will always shine through.
clearly, but did japan completely give up on Sonic? He's always been more popular in the west but my god man this is just I don't know what this is, it's almost like THQ made this with their movie game devs.
I worded that wrong, my bad. There IS spindash on Classic, but not on Modern. Classic spindash in generation sent you too far forward and was too fast, and instead of finding a middle ground, Sonic Team did a complete backwards on it and reduced the spindash effect in classic Forces to NOTHING. it might aswell not be there, you hardly move when you spindash, it's fucking absurd.
as many will tell you, the current head of sonic team is just not a smart man
that's just fucking stupid
as made clear by the overwhelming evidence of this thread, but did the guy really make the gameplay decisions himself or was it just the story stuff?
Modern sonic games, this is the biggest problem that nobody for some reason ever brings up
When a Sonic game is made, it is 100%, undeniably, being catered to the west, Japs do not like Sonic like we do. HOWEVER, this is the mainline problem. This game is a JAPENSE mans thoughts of what HE thinks the western audience wants. They're getting lost in translation and think we want the edgy cringe, with 90s pop music and sonic screaming "HA, WE'LL DO IT TOGETHER, AS FRIENDS!!!" etc.
Sonic will never be saved if the japs keep making him like this, and why a silent sonic, see Mania/and his animation reigns supreme over anything Sonic in the past 10 years.
Sonic the Hedgehog is the definition of lost in translation vidya.
The fuck? It's 06 all over again.
>Sega Team
the story stuff, and, I know you probably won't believe me on this
they hired the guy who did the sonic 06 story, to do this story
yes, they thought "you know people hate 06? shall we rehire the team who made it?" and then actually did it.
Jesus H. Christ man, when is that company going to wake up and realize they need to wipe that entire fucking team?
that makes sense but also sounds exactly like Naruto. I bet Boom was them handing it off to western devs assuming they'd make something the west wanted from Sonic and since it failed they'll never do that again.
oh no I believe it I read about that before, they also hired the guy that made those ugly as fuck faces in in SFV
u know everybody hates sonic 06 and it is used as the go to game to compare other shit games too, it is universally hated and the biggest meme game of our timeline?
shall we hire the guy who made that to make sonic forces?
yeah sure, by the way have a promotion
is 06 the new Superman 64?
I wanted to play the cautious optimist, but by the time the Tag Team footage hit, I just realized that there really is no soul in Forces. The more I see, the more I feel like i'm watching a trainwreck in slow motion.
What's worse is it could probably be fun if I just sat down, shut my brain off and played it, but I have some pretentious concept of standards that make me not want to waste my money on something I know won't actually be "good".
I have this tin hat theory with Sonic Boom that I don't care how insane it is, it is my theory and I genuinely believe it is canon.
Sega hired a team worse then them to make the ultimate, shitty Sonic game to make themselves look bad, Sonic Boom was a self imposed bullet to the foot, and they thought they could come back as the heroes of Sonic with Forces
but Mania sort of destroys that doesn't it?
You're a little off the mark here. They didn't re-hire the '06 guys. They never left.
A mania sequel will never see the light of day because of DISHONORABLRU
memes aside, Japs at Sega probably despise that a group of ganjin made the best reviewed sonic game in 15 years and got universally loved, and they had zero to do with it except funding. This is the horrifc truth about Mania team, they want TROO FRAR and now lizuka will never allow something like it to happen again, and, if a mania sequel DOES happen, expect
SONIC TEAM to be plastered all over the front and lizuka directing.
>What's worse is it could probably be fun if I just sat down, shut my brain off and played it, but I have some pretentious concept of standards that make me not want to waste my money on something I know won't actually be "good".
this was secretly penned by ex-archie writers. that's why the autism is off the charts.
Eh, it was probably a retarded thing to say, it's like two in the morning. But still.
they tried that with Sonic 4 though and it failed miserably
yeah but now they have whiteheads engine
They had it since that CD remake and didn't use it for anything.
yeah but now they know there Is a want for more classic sonic, as Mania showed them. It'll be interesting to see what happens AFTER Forces. Maybe a Mania 3d type of game, I know Sega will find a way to fuck it up. They always do.
>Maybe a Mania 3d type of game
I think we've had enough Sonic Generations.
if it's 3D they will absolutely fuck it up, the only thing SoJ should do with that engine is make a Sonic Maker game and that's it.
Watch it all, but 1:42 to see actual physics in a Sonic game
It is time for them to realize they need to hand there games over to the fans. Imagine a game like this, but with SEGA's budget.
that looks like a properly updated version of 3D Blast
So about that ring cap
>I can offer more insight into ring collection, because the 100-ring limit only exists in the lower difficulty mode of the game. In this mode, getting hit causes you to lose only 20 rings, so you can take a number of hits before running out – hence the 100 ring limitation.
>In the other mode, you’ll lose all your rings when you get hit, but you can also collect as many as you can grab and go well into the hundreds, just like past Sonic games.
>Hope this helps clarify – there’s even more to talk about in the future and further updates not yet reflected in this footage, so stay tuned!
I like how they don't explain this kind of shit at all and we have to resort to Aaron's forum posts to understand what the hell is going on here. Good job, Sega.
There's a difficulty setting for Forces?
I would really like a high-speed open-world game with parkour and shit.
that makes absolutely no sense how is a ring limit easy mode?
If it's used as currency for avatar items, then I can imagine it's like "oh you want to play on easy? well we cap it so you can't earn nearly as many rings for buying things"
Since the game has infinite lives there's really no point in not going the other mode anyway
This is his first bad Sonic game as the PR frontman, isn't it? I think he'll spin his way out of it; it was clear since the Infinite trailer that he's trying to confuse people on whether it's intentionally shit or not.
Only someone who knows the fanbase well could pull that off.
and now there's a shop good god wtf even is this game?
Cause the rings make up your "health" as it were.
No he couldn't handle the PC delay for Mania and burnt a lot of the goodwill he had curated over the last few years.
yes, so more rings = easier
Ladies and gents, I give you, the worst ringplacement in any Sonic the Hedgehog game, ever made. This is the equirevlanet of a 10 year old putting Mario coins everywhere in a Mario Maker level.
destroy this game.
>No he couldn't handle the PC delay for Mania
That wasn't my question. Mania was not a bad game.
Mind you, an avatar item shop has not been officially confirmed, just speculated about because they haven't revealed yet how to get new avatar items and the levels being filled to the fucking brim with rings would make more sense if that were the case.
I dunno, LW wasn't anything great. I do find it telling how little they've shown of the game, even when it's this close to launch.
We have no idea if there's a shop. We have no idea how avatar items will be earned. It was only a theory, because the game is about 3 weeks from release and we barely know anything besides the bare essentials for the plot, several stages, and random contextless tidbits from the PS4 Trophies involving missions, challenges, special stages and EX stages.
but it was bad PR
Aaron wasn't running Social Media when LW came out, was he? I thought he only took charge shortly after Boom:RoL
Not him, but what's this shit about Mania's bad PR due to the PC delay?
In short: Wut happen?
Sure. Not part of my question though. Him dropping the ball with the port is a different scenario to him being thrown one covered in grease. It's interesting to observe his strategy.
He's been social media director since June 2015. Huh. Guess you're right, although LW did release unto PC under his watch.
>LW did release unto PC under his watch.
Did anyone even want LW for PC? Everything I saw pointed to it being horribly mediocre.
But this is the first Sonic game in a loooong time that has anything close to edgy. How to you explain the last 3 games that had minimal plot and didn't take themselves seirously?
It just sort of happened randomly with no real warning or context. And mods for it died out real fast because the game had so little interest from the community as a whole that there's not a lot of reason to get it on PC either besides leaving it available for easier piracy.
The Avatar looks like ass but the Modern and Classic sections look about as good as Colors to me. And I enjoyed Colors a lot even though it didn't adhere at all to classic physics.
I feel like people are being harsher than usual on this because Mania set the bar so high.
Forget the Sega team! How bout more high res pics of the Hooters girls!
>TL;DR: Sauce?
Mania on PC was delayed by a week or two to add in Denuvo. This change wasn't announced until a few days before the release of the PC port - and apparently there were some issues with implementation where people couldn't activate it properly, and performance was impacted (although, that might have just been people trashing Mania for having Denuvo at all). Not only that, but they didn't update the store-page, and this was announced through their twitter page - meaning that any consumer would have no idea that Denuvo was on the game at all without previous research.
Honestly, I don't think one should entirely blame Aaron for that, as it might have been a decision from higher-up to delay it in the first place, and his hands might have been tied. Then again, it could also entirely be his fault. Outside of being present, Aaron himself, or some kind of intern or assistant, one would have no real way of knowing.
it was delayed two weeks, pissed off a lot of people cuz denuvo and console players spoiling shit all over the place, get's cracked in 6 days anyway.
huge amount of pre-order refunds on steam, the steam forums became horrifically toxic, etc.
not really, with both he's just sort of tiptoeing around and not saying anything concrete or meaningful.
the twitter was covered in bots as well saying how awesome and amazing Forces looks when any idiot can see it looks and plays like trash.
It's the fact that it's released almost back-to-back with Mania setting the bar high, and the fact that it looks positively cheap compared to Generations or Unleashed. Like they just couldn't be assed to make a game that really tries to push the envelope for Sonic at all.
Aaron encouraged everyone to write to Sega about the whole Denuvo thing so I'm guessing his hands were definitely tied.
Remember when Sonic games had a budget? Or when Sonic Team were proud of releasing a new Sonic game?
Can we all agree that Sonic was never good?
So you mean 9 years ago for the former and 6 years for the latter?
In hindsight reading those numbers off while typing this just makes it sadder.
>with both he's just sort of tiptoeing around and not saying anything concrete or meaningful.
Yeah, exactly -- he's being careful in person. But if you look at the marketing matierals (trailers etc.) it's clear he's trying to court the "ironic edge" crowd. There are a lot of kids on YT who are legit looking forward to it, so throwing the ironic people into the mix is a good way to stop people from getting a handle on whether the team was trying genuinely and failed spectacularly, or was making fun of what the series has become.
It's either accidental genius, or a savvy but cynical marketing move.
Utopia is fun if you're just a classic Sonicfag who already enjoys dicking around with physics but as an actual GAME there is nothing there. No challenge, no player direction, unclear level design. It's fine for a tech demo but to make it into something resembling a complete game they'd have to scrap like 90% of the one level they have.
I liked Utopia but I'm sick of people holding it up and saying "SEGA JUST DO THIS" like the level design is anything close to becoming something intuitive or challenging
>I was so fucking hyped for [sonic game]
are you fucking stupid?
>9 years
Get outta here- oh shit you're right, it was 2008. God that's depressing.
I really can't imagine anyone looking forward to this dreck, not even the furfags
>Sonic game is shit
And water is wet. This surprises no one. That said either i'm retarded or Infinite is fucking huge for a normal Sonic character.
You now realise this is Sonic Team's first Sonic game since 2013.
he's the evil create a character so he looks like villains, they are large.
It could be the translation team trying to make this shit work for western audiences.
Sonic had a good game 2 months ago though
Could be. To be honest I'm very interested in who exactly is behind this, because it's a very creative way of trying to pre-emptively salvage their rep going forward after the game is inevitably awful.
As a game there is nothing there, so the entire physics engine, general fun of movement, and the ability to add more depth is non existent? The level design would be made to fit a level, this is a tech demo to free roam about and test the engine. You seem to be getting annoyed at something people are enjoying and for some reason can't see why this would be the best cause of action to take, especially when the official Sega team are making tripe like in the OP. We shouldn't be saying SEGA JUST DO THIS but when a ragtag group of people can make a test demo like Utopia, with actual physics working as you traverse up and down walls, through loops and hoods, all while Sega are producing Forces, of course people are going to want it.
and when Sega did cave and hire ANOTHER group of rag tag group of developers, we got Mania, a brilliant game. You can nitpick all you want about this Utopia having "no design" but you forget the circumstances of its existence. There is no challenge to Forces, no player direction, except forward, clear level design yes, because you only go forward. Works the exact same way.
Sonic Mania's story and ending got fucked because of this
rip depressed eggman story
They should just hire cwc. Sonichu would be better at this point, plus he can bridge a gap with Nintendo and Gamefreak.
I don't even know why they bothered. And you just know it was Sonic Team's involvement in the matter rather than the Mania team intentionally egging for it, since Sonic Team admitted they "looked to the Mania team for inspiration with how to handle Classic Sonic" solely for his animations and not even remotely for the gameplay.
The animations for classic aren't even that great. Why does he go into his idle stance for one frame every time he jumps, for one? It's so jarring.
When will these horrible sonic games stop being made?
It hurts 2 watch.
Just pretend he jumped into his cameo in Mario for a bit and then came back.
Level design is over half of a Sonic game user. It's what separates a Sonic Mania from a Sonic Advance.
Designing a 3D level is hard, and when you have a character who can move as fluidly as Sonic it's even harder. How do you make obstacles that the player can't simply run around and circumvent? How do you make sure they don't get frustrated because they can't stay on a loop or twisted path, things that were much easier in 2D? How do you make sure they always have a visual cue of which direction to head and don't get disoriented? These things are all important to the game design, and Sonic Utopia addresses none of them.
In fact, I would go as far as to say it wouldn't surprise me if Sonic Adventure (which has close to classic physics) started out testing similar to Utopia before becoming the game it is. Because guess what, Sonic Adventure level design doesn't resemble classic, but it WORKS. Putting a booster before a loop is better than a novice player repeatedly flinging himself out of the most basic object in the game.
So because Utopia devs get all high and mighty, try addressing all the level design needs that Sonic Adventure does. I think you will have to make some concessions toward the game feeling "classic" to do so, and the game will end up resembling Sonic Adventure more than they might think.
>stop infront of enemies, push a button, they're gone
>scripted loops, quicktime events
Alrighty then, When did it hit you lads that we aren't the audience anymore?
Ive played sonic games for as long as I could afford them and I just don't even want to buy them anymore.
Why were we unlucky enough to enjoy generations? because after we thought they were back to making good shit, lost world, boom, and now this volatile mess drops.
honest to god, sonic heroes looks more fun than these trailers.
Reminder all these things were in Colors already and it's your fault.
Colors just had button mashing to get onto alternate routes. Unleashed had the real QTEs with some being death upon failure.
I would say that Generations somewhat improves on Adventure because it removes some of the wigglyness of Sonic replaced with that jump sequence and boost section and it remains fun.
Are we implying that Sonic Utopia controls like Adventure? Uptopia is beating it tenfold on the fact there isn't a boost before a loop, you simple go through, you earn the speed and go. Down to level design, none of us can talk about it, because all we know from this Uptopia demo is that this world they've given us, is just a open world so we can fuck around in, and they said when they release the actual game, it'll have the game design and actual levels you want and want them to address. What is it that you don't like, that this isn't called Sonic Adventure 3? or do you think Sonic Adventure was the first game to make its "level design" and now you think Utopia is stealing it? Who gives a damn what its called user, or based off. The Utopia engine looks and flows lovely, you can play it yourself and see, if they added actual levels, you would have a great Sonic game.
the whole point about "desiging a 3d level is hard" is irrelevant, we're talking about what could be done and what should be done. if the level design is good or not comes down to when the game releases, but that doesn't mean that utopia is bad.
seriously look at this shit it's so jarring
Isn't that like 5 frames.
Can somebody explain to me how a Sonic R game hasn't been made yet? Forget that Sega Team race car driving shit, I'm talking a proper Sonic Racing game, all the characters, grinding, shortcuts, special abilities unique to each character, all the iconic levels and zones, all the rad music.
Sonic is SCREAMING to be made into a racing game, they run fast.
fund it, you could even if you wanted too, keep boost in, fucking F-ZERO style sonic the hedgehog racing game, I'll suck a dick on the spot for it
Instead of just having the jump animation be instant like the classics, they're doing what Modern Sonic does by having a jump transition animation. Problem is that when slowed down it looks really fucking obvious; played at 60 FPS most people won't notice it unless they've got an eye for detail.
It's one or two frames, but I still can't unsee it now that I know it's there.