Say completely topical, game related things in chat

>say completely topical, game related things in chat
>the men in the match lose their minds upon hearing a female voice

Why? Why must you do this?

it's like being the only female CO in a mens prison user shit's just gonna happen

>feel awkward about my voice
I usually avoid games with voice chat

We've already established that femail humanoid organisms aren't human, but should they even be considered organisms? Think about it rationally. Women cannot "feel" anything other than the pleasure from getting injected with Chad's seed from his 20 inch soup can don't, they only exist for one purpose and that is to create organisms. Theres no proof that femorbs are even sentient, or that they even possess organic qualities. Much like a book factory is not a book, a feminoid humanoid organism shouldn't be considered an organism. I propose we call them organoids and categorize them separately from the animal kingdom.

You could always kys slut

that's the gayest shit I've ever read bruh

>say some irrelevant shit that could easily be typed so you can get attention from men
>dawww why am I being verbally raped by all dese pigs :((((((
Women are a meme, go back to facebook you fat whore

I don't have a Facebook, I don't really have friends.

>say completely topical, game related things in chat

this can literally mean anything thanks to lack of context.

e.g. "GG no re" can be topical and game related.

Why are you trying to talk like men do? It's just weird. You probably don't understand any of this. Don't interrupt the men while they're talking and be grateful you're even allowed in to listen. Damn I wish women could be on a separate Internet.

I told someone to take their hand off their micro penis and use their hand to aim because they sucked.

I literally have never seen a microphone win a match for anybody, despite the ever present meme that they do. In fact one of my fondest memories in gaming is single-handedly winning a BF3 game for my team by flying the spawn helicopter over a mountain, out of bounds and into a tunnel from the other end and parking it on top of the objective, bypassing the whole enemy team who had pushed to the other end of the tunnel and were spawn camping us basically. All of this while some faggot on a microphone was yelling about how bad i was, just like he was doing though the whole match.

If youre going to insult them you cant whine when they call you an ugly fucking roasty slut

>I play shitty lone wolf games like battlefield

>I need people to carry me because I'm a useless cunt

Why do you care? If it really bothers you then you can:

1. Play a game that isn't full of mongoloids
2. Stop playing multiplayer games all together
3. Stop using a mic
4. Kill yourself

Really that simple

Try to play any team game without warning your allies that they are about to be ambushed

1 is impossible and 2-4 means she would stop playing the game she just wants to play. Those arent solutions.

I can get on my mic and boss people around because i have a dick, and its retarded that women cant do that without hurting people's feelings

>Play a game that isn't full of mongoloids
Name one (1) multiplayer game that
>Isn't full of mongoloids
>Isn't dead

only ones who look like their feelings are hurt are (you) and OP here


>He thinks (You)s grow on trees

I find most multiplayer games boring as fuck so I'm the wrong person to ask.

>immediate response

Did i hurt your feelings? Deal, faggot

Socially awkward women with no friends are the best to date and marry. Don't lose hope user

only proving my point :^)

>ITT: everyone acts like a virgin beta male over girls playing games

Maybe you should stop complaining and being such an insufferable faggot? The entire world doesn't revolve around people

Straight guys are all pathetic cuckolds. They have no self respect or restraint. There's nothing that can be done.

Please be my girlfriend


Tbh i just want more friends ;-;

I play FFXIV and the game has so many females in it that no one gives an absolute shit about them. I don't even need to be mean because I couldn't bring myself to be as harsh to a female as some of these bitches are.

>deliberately whore for attention because omg GRILL GAMOR ~.^
>get told to stfu
Evil evil men ;-( please save me my beta orbiter knights!

Get out of here, jim sterling

no they aren't, take it from a chad.

FPBP /thread run the numbers do the math watch the tapes

Playing a game with a friend, she gives actually good info in voice chat, gets shit for it and people talking over her and being obnoxious because she sounds like a kid. Who cares about the voice if the person gives you useful information just take it nevermind if it's a 14y old kid or a girl who sounds like one.

Also as soon ss they learn she's a girl she gets spammed with requests and its hilarious

yes they are
As long as they aren't virgins, which is a chore to deal with

fuck off cunt

I'm a straight male and the general male populace are mouth breathing, sexual deviants who can't keep their fucking dicks in their pants. It's abhorrent seeing these dudes grotesquely ogle women as they pass by. Literally, almost every 20-40 year old man I've seen glares at a girl's ass as they pass by. It's like they have no self control or can't control their libido.

>used to play vanilla WoW on private server, semi-hardcore raiding guild
>one of our main tanks was a mid 20s something woman from estonia, had a thick accent
>always did her job well, never attention whored or made drama
>used to drink a bottle of vodka every raid, would shit talk with errybody
>we'd get other women who'd join the guild and try and cause drama and shit, but they never lasted long or did any damage, maybe because they sensed alpha female or something
>basically kept the whole group together, acted as a kind of den mother to the whole team

Good times. Anyway, a lot of female players are great fun to play with. Just avoid the bad ones.

Kys pleb

Play competitive games at a high level where people actually give a fuck and good callouts will be both standard and essential to winning. Of course mics don't matter in fucking Battlefield where there's 64 people just turning their brains off and running around.

Is there sand in your foreskin?

>Socially awkward women with no friends are the best to date and marry.

hahaha no son. I know a 28 y.o. who still lives at home and has no job or friends and she is one of the most insufferable cunts I have ever met. She treats anyone around her like shit and is obsessed with any dude that comes any where near her. I made the mistake of going on one date with her and she was already telling me our kid's names, so when I told her "sure maybe in a few years" and she replied with "um no, I want to get knocked up in a month or two" I noped right the fuck out.

For one thing, FFXIV has a very large gay population in terms of males. Also, women don't give two fucks about other women.

And, when there are so many women playing, it's no longer special for any of the straight guys. If there are 3 guys and 2 girls in chat, the guys aren't going to give a fuck about trying to be the 'one' for the girl, because it's not special anymore. Most FCs in FFXIV are at least 50% women so no one gives a fuck.

jokes on you, I'm jewish

I am not one of those white knight neckbeards who defend the honor and dignity of women. I'm just a normal guy who practices self-control and who doesn't go ooga booga caveman when a girl with a phat ass passes me by

I'm talking about socially awkward women with no friend, not useless shut-in neets with no job and no future

Shouldn't you be bulldozing Palestinian houses instead of arguing with women on the internet?

You sure sound like one.

Here's a pro tip, If you REALLY are like that, then "show some self control" by shutting the fuck up about it. I get it, we're user, but I can tell you bring this shit up all the fucking time.

Nah your just a pathetic Omega

>Literally, almost every 20-40 year old man I've seen glares at a girl's ass as they pass by
I will damn near always look at a girl's butt if I have the chance to. I can recognize women I barely know by looking at their butt while they walk. It's not even a conscious thing. I see butt, I admire butt. Hell, sometimes it turns out to be a dude with a nice butt, it ain't a bother.

those types of women are a chore to deal with regardless. They're usually clingy as fuck, have no hobbies of their own and want to be attached to their boyfriends hip. Not always, but more times than not.

is there a worse form of self-cuckoldry?
You and everyone else who does this is only anxious because they don't interact with others often. Step out of your autist comfort-zone and talk with people for like, a week, and suddenly your voice won't be an issue.

Either that or you're >18, because unless you're a child or a literal a low-functioning autist you'll sound normal

you might be gay son, you sound like me in highschool before I realized that women fucking suck. Just a suggestion haha

I never bring this shit up irl. I just bring it up when faggots on the internet can't cope with the fact that they have to think with their cock every second of every day instead of using logic and common sense.

It's too late for me to realize this is bait.

>Why must socially maladjusted autists act like socially maladjusted autists

there are no women on the internet, are you new?

I've started noticing me doing this and I'm not even really attracted to assess.

Wearing a skirt doesn't make you a girl fags

There's a difference between oogling, and admiring. I admire ass all the time, slyly. I don't glare wide-eyed as my jaw hits the floor.

There are differences and ways of self-conduct.


>Play competitive games at a high level

I never thought of it this way before

if you're a girl, you're only allowed to voice chat if you also show tits during it through your webcam

You're full of shit and have probably never been in a relationship my dude, I'm sorry but that is just wrong. Dating a clingy psycho who is constantly obsessing over you sounds cute on paper until you've lived it

The one I'm married with is a Sup Forumstier "REEEEEE"ing piece of shit with a strong personality, a real job and defined hobbies.
She is cute though

>tbqh I'm a charismatic dude who has no trouble talking or joking with others online or IRL but when a girl talks to me online I turn into a virgin beta and can't keep a conversation going to save my life
>usually end up ignoring them or passing it off with a forced laugh and then totally switching my attention to someone else
fuck my life why does this happen

Women certainly fucking suck, I hear you loud and clear. I've almost entirely given up on them and have decided to become celibate with other humans. I just jerk off and don't have to worry about emotions and drama infesting my life.

girls do it too though. As someone who is /fit/ you don't realize it but all girls assume you want them just because they're a girl. Doesn't matter how ugly, fat, whatever they are. They think that because they have a pussy they an aggressively pursue you and one you don't want them there has to be something wrong with you, like you're a fag, or you're a beta or something. Don't act like this is just a guy thing, it's not.

>Also, women don't give two fucks about other women.
That's what I'm saying, it's almost unreal how harsh these bitches can be. Of all the discords I've joined for the game, the harassment from man to woman or man to man seems like child's play compared to what a woman will say to another woman. A man will call another man shit at the game, a woman will dismantle another woman's entire life. It's honestly fucking scary and makes me glad that I was born with a dick.

>The entire world doesn't revolve around people
>wants world to revolve around him by making the people he doesnt like go away

what did user mean by this

I'd be your friend out of empathy, but I can't since you've outted yourself as a woman and adding you would just paint me as some kind of desperate numale feeding your hunger for attention.

some anons think reclused women aren't horrible people just like most of the regular reclused men here

Usually when I hear femalss start a conversation the males just contribute normally. You must have gotten unlucky.

You remember that memory fondly because he used voice chat, which makes it stand out to you. Do you think he remembers you?

I wouldn't say my ex is a horrible person, just fucked in the head from having few/no friends, being bullied when she was younger and having a shit family.

Team Fortess 2.

I've had 2 and it starts out great it's really fun and cute but oh boy they go overboard really fast and the worst thing is i like introverted girls and those are hard to find and most are awful as soon as you scratch the surface

he said a game not full of mongoloids

because you be in the kitchen making sandwhiches or sucking dick not playing vidy

Baby girl, they all remember me

>>>/reddit/ is that way --->

these. straight """men""" are insufferable.

Trannies have male voices tho.

But we weren't talking about Overwatch.


Are you lost?

I remember because i was the one who did it dumbass. The faggot on the mic was just window dressing. I got a ton of messages from people with no mics after the match ended. Also i wouldn't have been able to do it without the two random micless engineers who got on board the chopper and started repairing it when i started taking damage in the tunnel.

I don't know if he remembers me but he got immensely butt blasted the minute he saw that we planted the charges on the enemy M-COM. From that point onwards it was complete silence even though i could hear that his microphone was still on. No celebration, not a we did it, not a good game, nothing. You would think he was on the losing side, even though some of the messages i got were from the losing team.

Bullshit OP
I play a lot of csgo and make callouts and shit and never had any problems.
Sure you sometime get the usual "are you a grill" response from guys trying to be funny. Usually it's just banter just say some dumb shit back and keep on playing.

This. The only people I ever hear using mic in random games are tryhard faggots that always use the same strategy that fails 80% of the time and when it does he starts blaming everyone but himself. Mic-users are selfabsorbed attention addict, so it's fitting a womyn is complaining about getting called out for it.

Not OP but if you think any guy on your team just considers you "one of the boys" you're sorely mistaken. As soon as the opposite sex enters the playing field the whole dynamic changes. They may not go full beta orbiter and make shitty passes at you, but their demeanor will change in other ways. They might try so hard to prove they're NOT a beta and treat you like an everyday teammate with such obliqueness that it loops back around on itself and suddenly they're attempting to impress you an entirely different way, for different reasons. Or if they're the type of verbal, smarmy player who likes to throw around cheeky insults and be degrading as a way of banter or motivating the team they might not do it to you because it will either look like they're singling you out for being a woman or they're flirting. Any kind of intensive conduct like that is dangerous and everyone is out to secure their ego, you might be oblivious to it but you get treated differently for being a woman.

Where did you meet a girl like this?

I want that.

>hear a female make a pointless comment on mic (though by her tone of voice she actually thinks what she is saying is important and game related
>i start a votekick on her and it passes almost instantly because the other players also hate attention whoring roasties


What console?

I dunno man, maybe you're right, but I can promise you that there's no drama whatsoever in my online group of friends.
There's also another girl that plays with us and we just chill and have fun.
I don't mind if someone says a sexual joke, I just laugh it off and say something back. It's the fucking internet, you'd have to be a retard to take anything personal. People are just so overly sensitive nowadays. Bitches who think they deserve to be treated differently and faggots who think they are funny by screaming tits or gtfo. Just two sides of the same coin feeding into each other's bullshit

Ii play games because I enjoy it as my hobby, if I want attention I go to my bf.

>play killing floor
>literally only use mic to call out scrakes or fleshpounds
>average 2 friend invites per game

>I dunno man, maybe you're right, but I can promise you that there's no drama whatsoever in my online group of friends.
That's the important thing, I'm just pointing out that most of the time in a game setting there are going to be gender barriers that are tough to uproot even if you recognize them. If that doesn't really impede anything or bother you who gives a shit, and I'll go further and add that it's really only like that with randoms anyways. In my old gaming group we had a few girls but there was no real conflicting dynamic in the group at all regarding who was a guy or who was a chick, everybody saw each other the same way and it was pretty chill.

if it helps with anything, i'd never add you