Who would you say is the most attractive vidya man?

Who would you say is the most attractive vidya man?

Venom Snake, hands down

Good taste.



9S a cute! If I *had* to fuck a guy I think it would be 9S. It's not gay if you keep the blindfolds on.



Is there a problem?

they're attractive but look like teenagers

Venom Snake is the objectively most attractive, but I'm not gay enough to want to fuck or be fucked by a masculine man. I'm just memegay and want to fuck traps.

men shouldn't wear girl clothes

But why not Naked Snake?

not a man

My gf said when she saw him that she makes her want to pick up scissors and cut every male pony tail in the world. So there’s that.

I agree with her. Only Venom Snake is worthy of a ponytail, all pretenders must lose it or lose their balls.

this guy

A challenger appears

i'd let raiden and venom go balls to the wall inside my ass.

i have a real soft spot for the metal gear lads.

Yeah I'm not gay but me too I think.

Raiden does nothing to me, both before and after getting ninja'd.

I'd legit let Venom do things to me

i'm bi so i'd ride that dick desu.

ninja raiden is hotter than regular raiden imo

Uggo mongrel t b h

I want to be his favorite orphan, then sneak into his room and do things to him so good he will be addicted to sin.

I normally don't feel attracted to men because I'm not a faggot.

it's ok, not everyone can have good taste.

Why are you itt?


There's nothing gay about fellating a handsome man.

Venom is more rugged.

>I’m not gay because I haven’t found a man I could fall in love with yet
The absolute state of Sup Forums

I'm surprised there's a closet big enough to hide all the pooftas-in-denial that inhabit Sup Forums

i am bi tho lol, check the replies faggit

>Being this insecure about your masculinity.

>that shit animated pixel art

Bad taste.



I didn't say I wasn't gay user.


Sebastian from Evil Within, he kinda looks weird in 2 but in 1 before they take his trenchcoat away he's got me head over heels

>being confident in your masculinity means fapping to burly men
What a shower of faggots.

>Being this insecure about your masculinity.

Look. I'm not actively going out trying to have sex with men because I'm not gay but if it were to just happen then it would be no big deal because I'm confident in my masculinity.

>not being alpha male enough to wear your sexuality on your sleeve
yeah it does make you a flaming faggot but it also proves you're not some fucking pussy

oh hot damn I AGREE.

also joseph oda

I only fap to femfags

Yeah indeed nothing says masculinity like taking a dick up the ass does

Fucking same. Venom and the dude from TEW. I won't even fap to traps but goddamn if i'm not prison gay for those two for some reason.

>falling for his bait

Sam is just an unrefined Vamp tbqh



The romans did it and they were manly as fuck.

No, being confident in your masculinity means not giving a fuck who you fap to.
Then again, why wouldn't be attracted to the better sex?

I'm based in London, in the southeast

I don't actually live there

Nah, you’re just a faggot man


Technically I am a vidya man, because I edited a photo of myself flexing into FTL and made it a ship with bicep-mounted guns.

rip. Don't ask if I live there then lol

It's a matter of taste, but I find Miller to be more attractive.


It's a meme
Was just a bait or are you really dumb?


Here you go, friend.
A nice Sup Forums thread popped up that's more ripe for shitposting and screeching about liberals. You should hurry before it's deleted.

Holy shit coming in here to post this guy, you have good taste user.

they should call him The Handsome Man.

If I HAD to have another guy in a 3 way with my waifu it would be HIM.

In the artbook it is.

I don't understand what's so great about men. But to be fair, I am a straight guy in a half gay thread.


don't you like dick?

kill yourself

Daily reminder that twink>bara

prove it, post more

Only when it's attached to a girl.

>tfw not gay but would gay it up for The Handsome Man

So you don't like yours?

>tfw you will never no homo blow The Handsome Man

>tfw you could never fully join and bro it up with the Illusive man in 3, instead being raildroaded along some shit plot.

Alright now you post some bara to try and prove me wrong.

>tfw The Handsome Man will never be an option for romance.

No one is going to mention him?

Mark Jefferson

I wish there were more games with orcs.

Geralt would have been so much better if he was just a little thicker, especially around the waist and thighs

i'm not a huge bara fan tho

probably would do a Femshep trilogy playthrough just for TIM romance.

Of course you aren't because you know twinks are superior.


agreed desu

the absolute state of Subtle Inc. threads

why did this thread die?

Because being gay is a sin user.

i'm not gay
just wanted more pics

Attractive to who? straight men? Gay men? or women?