Human warrior

>human warrior

>not playing the most alpha race/class combination

you must be some beta paladin cuck

Human is the master race.

No, orkz are

>female human warrior


>biomechanical bard

>Not playing dwarf shitposter


literally me on both wow and lotro

>white human warrior with brown eyes and hair

we need to tell chink MOOT to bring back sounds

>female healer

my man

wielding a sword and shield



>Human(Robot) Warrior


>Elf Barbarian
>Human Shaman
>Dwarf Wizard
>Lizardman Blacksmith
>Catman Crusader

Anyone else like this kind of shakeup?

>worgen death knight

I like that shit. Lots of games restrict the classes though.


Dwarf Wizard is a God-tier RPG roll

>male healer

>tfw human warrior

>female orc warrior

2-Handed human warrior tank masterrace

It was nice seeing that grumpy Orc Librarian at Winterhold College in Skyrim

>Assembly is below the joke language, brainfuck
I'm fucking triggered

I always go for Warrior, but either I pick the largest or smallest race for it.

need to get something off my chest

>playing Neverwinter for the first time
>getting a companion
>pick Apprentice Healer
>have to name her before I can summon
>alright, lets give her some average girl name like Sarah
>summon the companion
>it's some faggy looking male elf
>never summon him because of the female name

I live for this shit. Orc Mage in WoW, and I yearn for Troll Paladin.

>tiefling kensai mage

>Catman Crusader

>female tiefling vampire paladin

>not playing as the master race

>Playing WoW
>being a furnigger in WoW

Elf barbarian makes sense to me. Wood elves should be in top physical condition from successfully mastering nature without exploiting it. Real communion with nature is fucking hard, otherwise you end up with Chris McCandless

Yet I think a lot of stereotypes when it comes to Elves in fantasy fiction is based on the 'ethereal' persona related to magic and supernatural powers making them above your mere forest dwellers. That's why they always have that tall, graceful and noble look.

>Dwarf berserker




PNGs still work

Dunmer are cool as fuck, fight me

>tfw Joker in Improbable Island

Not enough games let you play as a sentient golem, like the War Forged.

You got good tastes for a frogposter

>games never have playable bird races

>tfw will never have divebombing archer or sky warrior/fighter

It hurts.


The wackiest combinations are always the best.

Like female Gnome Warrior.

>anthropomorphic lizard mage

>gnome mage

>beastwoman holy crusader

>one warrior and one wizard dwarf standing on eachothers shoulders wearing a trenchcoat

Well, wood elves in neverwinter night 2 have ranger as their favorite class, which you can interprete as a non-dumb barbarian.

>game doesn't have bard class
What games let you play as a wandering minstrel?

I like it. Non-standard, but not retardedly obnoxious like halfling barbarian or minotaur rogue or succubus paladin.


t. nobeard the babyface

Dwarves are the worst fantasy race

>succubus paladin

sounds hot

t. smoothcheek the chinless

>rats, amphibians, and reptiles are evil 99% of the time
>most games don't even have bird or insect people

>brown eyes

Humans tend to get more points and perks to distribute, meaning it requires more planning.

Thus human can't be the simpleton choice. Unlike dwarves, half orcs and other low point/perk races.

Quite the contrary, you need to think less because skill points are cheap. You barely have to make hard choices. Also their balance stats mean that you can barely fuck yourself over with classes.

But you gotta plan. Not only that, more points means more functions and skills to use, for example D&D's craft skills, search and trap making. Skills few will bother with unless they got points to spend. Once they do a new world of possibilities open up. Combined with more perks you got a world of combinations to work with.

Meanwhile dumb races get 2-3 points they'll just put in parry.

Dwarf Wizard sounds fun as fuck.

>But you gotta plan
Like with any other race. If you have less skill points you will spend more time plainning before you start your character. If you play human you can just piss around with them.
>more points means more functions and skills to use, for example D&D's craft skills, search and trap making
Yeah, play a 18 INT rogue human and you will have more skill points than you would ever need. Nice planning if you can max out detect traps, use device, pick pocket search, move silently and hide from the start. Play a human fighter and you can be proficient with so many weapons your choice don't matter anymore. You really don't get that, do you? If you have less points to spend your choices become more important, you can fuck your planning more easily and end up in trap options more easily.

>halfling psion

If you play an 18 int anything where int isn't the focus attribute like for wizards you fucked up. Enjoy being a shitty rogue because you put points in int rather than dex and str.

Best birb, best fighter.

There are plenty of wild elf barbarians in the Forgotten Realms.

Nice arguing the point.

>lizardman bard

>gnome anything

>he doesn't play a human supremacist made to CRUSH inferior beings
Gee, what a phag.

>gnome warrior

>poo eyes

It is on point though. You fucked up the planning stage even before char creation was done. It's like putting points in CHA if you're playing a dwarf barbarian.

And in regards to fewer point, people will not waste points on anything that isn't a main skill like parry or tumble, meaning in fact less planning because they already know what to put the points in

Don't remind me of what was lost to age of smegmar

>he says this when humans are usually the most inferior and unspecialized race in a setting, that exist only because humans need humans to relate to

>implying a shitty fantasy human could ever beat a based space marine


that's a warrior of chaos you heretic cur

>he says this when humans are usually the most superior stat wise and specialized in whatever you want to be specialised race in a setting, that exist only because humans need humans to relate to

Sounds like real life supremacists

>implying humans aren't superior simply by the fact that humans created the world they experience and thus a human can understand greater the nuances and reasoning behind what a human would create than a made up species which bears no relevance or linkage to humans and oftentimes just take on the appearance of a deformed human rather than a unique species unto themselves
Try thinking before you type next time, kid.

>at best mediocre
You will never be a grandmaster of your profession like a dwarf Smith or elf mage

>dragon knight

are Warriors of Chaos canonically this large? I knew they are tall but I expected them to be human sized not look like a fucking Ogre.

Weak Sup Forums bait.

that's the way those are supposed to work
the last image is supposed to be the complete opposite of the direction things were heading

that's the joke's punchline
except it's not actually funny

>no playable birdie nomad


They're basically mutated humans. It's why they're big and occasionally got a tail, claw or a second face

>It is on point though
It was a comparison to illustrate what extra skill points do, you low INT human. I never said that a rogue needs to have this many INT, which is not the point. The entire point is that more skill points don't automatically mean more planning, on the contrary, your choices become less important if you get more choices by default. And it doesn't make your choice of human character more sophisticated. It was entirely there to illustrate what "pissing around" with skill points mean.
>people will not waste points
And so will people that chose human characters. So what? Prime retarded.

But on the other hand:
>fewer skill poinst, less feats
>choices matter more
>easier to fuck up
>harder to make up for weaknesses
>easier to make mistakes
How the fuck can you not see this?

this does not compute