This game is 18 years old now.
This game is 18 years old now
Why can good games no longer be made?
Even attempts to remake old games are bad
I can remember holding tricks past the two minute mark and the song would run out. It was a weird surreal feeling. Like the entire world was just an illusion and nobody cared what your high score was.
I'm only a couple months older then this game. Do you oldfags feel old?
>not being born in the 80s.
All the PS1 THPS games are like that, not least of which because of the lack of pedestrians. The music fading out helped matters, though- suddenly everything is silent, at most some ambient noise from background machinery or phantom voices from nowhere, nothing but the skidding of your board and the constant click-CLACK CHING skzzzzzz of ollieing onto and off of rails.
Can't help being born when I was born my friend. The Tony Hawk series is without a doubt one of my absolute favorite series though. How much am I missing out without playing 2? I played 3 and completed it and thought it was good but not the greatest. I absolutely love THPS4 to Proving Ground though.
It's alright dude. I still wanna make out.
THPS 5 was awful tho. I still think THUG was my fav.
2 is fantastic and the first 'real' game in the series. 1 is still good, but admittedly kind of barebones and the controls hadn't been quite worked out yet (i.e. up-up-ollie for Nollie instead of Boneless with Nollie as a separate stance). 2 set up the controls that would be used for pretty much the whole rest of the series and introduced the manual which changed things forever, even more than 3's Revert. The soundtrack is also FANTASTIC.
However, if you think 3 is good but not the greatest but also absolutely love the games past THUG2, something might be wrong with your head.
Post your favorite track and level from any of the series
Solid choice, and am I retarded for originally being hyped for THPS5? Even though I never ended up getting it. I think Underground is pretty god tier however I think I like the sequel a bit more. If only for the fact it has a classic mode along with even more levels on the PSP version
Yeah, I don't really know what's wrong with me when it comes to that. I think it might be because I started with 4 and played onwards from there that the classic only games don't really click with me as well. Haven't really found anyone to agree with me but I absolutely love the fuck out of Project 8 and Proving Ground. Project 8 was a game I loved so fucking much, minus shit customization the goals were all so much fun to get sick ratings for. Proving Ground though for as much as it gets shit on is one of my absolute favorites as well. I love the environments in that game and the progression system for stats and the different mini stories to upgrade the skater was the best in any game in the series imo and made for a great experience. Also the return of Eric Sparrow.
Picking a favorite track is really goddamn hard. Picking a single favorite level is even harder.
I'm gonna have to go with THPS3 L.A. or THPS4 Alcatraz, and
Special mention to
Honestly nah, they acted like it was gonna go back to the roots. I'm just always assuming the worst. Rented and fuck me it was awful.
"Going back to the roots" is nearly always a sign to stay the fuck away from a game, especially if it's a series that you actually played the roots of and had lots of fun with. Another case: all the advertising for Need for Speed 2015 that claimed it was going back to its roots.
Isn't this basically what most devs say when a series has gone to shit and they try to draw back in core fans?
Yeah and it's usually a sign for the core fans to stay away.
Yes, and then the core fans realize from a mile away that the devs are rarely actually going back to the roots, and then the core fans will eagerly tell everyone exactly how badly the devs fucked up when the new game comes out.
So who was in the wrong here?
Has there ever been a game where a dev actually claimed this and it actually held up? I can't think of a single example.
capcha: marghera mira
(presumably dave mirra, that bmxer who kys'd, who had his own z-axis game)
Is it bad that out of like... 7 tony hawk games, my favorite were THUG 1,2, and THAW?
His game controlled like shit, though, as did the BMX shit in American Wasteland which IIRC used the same control scheme. I don't want to waggle the goddamn sticks around like a loony, gimme four directions and four face buttons and call it a day. Neversoft had that shit nailed down two decades ago.
Having THUG 1 or 2 as favorites is fine. I love THUG 1 myself, don't care for 2's story mode but the classic mode makes up for it, even if some of the goals are crap compared to the level originals. THAW is unacceptable.
THAW can be mindless fun still if it's babbies first game in the series and has some bright spots throughout the story. The Classic mode is a joke though.
THAW Classic mode is what, six levels? And they all completely suck. I'm sure the story has bright spots but I couldn't see them because I was too busy being buried under about two hundred fucking ten second tutorials that count as "goals" locking me from doing the same tricks I've been doing for well over a decade.
But it was amazing when you realized you could grab shit in ragdoll.
no, not that bmx game
imo mirra's game had more realism, just like z-axis's thrasher s.a.d. was more realistic than tony hawk ps
Yeah, what really grinds my gears that I didn't know until recently is that THAW classic has two extra levels added to the Collectors Edition for PS2 and aren't playable on any other console. Yeah the tutorials are pretty bad, so are the command prompts later in the game. I remember your on an oil rig late late game and it's still telling you where to grind and ollie still. I have to give that game a replay soon since I haven't played it in years. Don't know if you ever made it that far but they actually have turret sections in the game lol.
Oh, that. Think I got it confused with the Mat Hoffman games.Did he an hero too?
Even two extra levels won't salvage THAW's classic mode. What're the two extra levels? They might be in THUG PRO as an off-chance.
>I remember your on an oil rig late late game and it's still telling you where to grind and ollie still.
Yeah, that shit pissed me off. At most, highlight the objects. You don't need to show me exactly where to do what, especially 'cause I remember at least one goal where the indicators are in the wrong fucking spot.
Speaking of SPOT, one thing I remember is tne goal that has you go around spraytagging tags on a time limit, and instead of THAW's own 'do thing here' indicator, it uses the floating-fist icon from THUG 1. Not sure why, considering the find-all-the-tags-in-a-level thing was THUG 2, but whatever.
The 2 extra levels were Atlanta and Marseille. I know that Atlanta was in THUG 2 remix for PSP so it's not an entirely new level and I don't know if Marseille is completely unique remake made for THAW or that was also in T2 Remix. Lol yeah, the spots are pretty annoying. Doesn't the game have difficulty settings? Why the fuck didn't the hardest difficulty remove them? Thinking back on it though THAW had certain areas that were top tier levels though imo. It's a shame there were hardly ever any worthwhile missions in them.
>Doesn't the game have difficulty settings? Why the fuck didn't the hardest difficulty remove them?
I'm pretty sure they changed like 10% of the game for difficulty setting. I played through on Sick (of course) and the game was constantly asking me to do shit like 5k point combos or two-second manuals, just easy shit and nothing close to the high scores and ridiculous lines you had to sometimes hit in the older games (getting the hangover cure in THUG1 took me two fucking days straight, even on my most recent playthrough after marathoning THPS1/2/3/4 directly beforehand).
>Thinking back on it though THAW had certain areas that were top tier levels though imo.
I honestly can't remember most of 'em, partly because the whole game just looks so damn dreary and lifeless and partly because I didn't find any of the levels particularly fun or memorable.
last good tony hawk game was underground
If colectathons did get a revival this, year, can the thps/extreme sport also get one? I guess thug pro will do for now.
also, just by chance I made a guide for a friend to show him how to get thps2 running on modern systems in 1080p 60 fps. here it is if you are interested
But I liked how thug2 did the goals and it's classic mode is good.
Yeah the difficulty setting in that game was basically a complete meme then I guess. I'm starting to feel a bit robbed of what looks like an amazing level in Atlanta (Pic related)
Yeah the only level that I really consider super high tier is the area that you start out in, but this could be nostalgia blinders since I haven't played in a while. I found super old copies of Underground and American Wasteland in storage the other day for PS2. It blows because I don't have a PS2 to play them on, but Underground is pretty good honestly, it just kinda sucks there's no post game or classic mode. The extra levels you can find throughout the story are pretty cool though.
>met old timer who lifts and runs up mountains every day with his pitbull
>Get to talking
>Pull out earbuds during a run with Psycho Vision playing
>He overhears
>Mentions he was Suicidal Tendencies Roady
>Yeah ok.jpg
>Next day
>Be running
>Meet up
>He bust out Polaroids of him and the band living in a van and doing shows
Good news then, Atlanta is in THUG Pro.
So the next game is going to be good right?
>next game
I wish they would just straight port the originals on PS2 classics.
You know every game from THPS2 to THAW has a working PC port?
Fuck PC when it comes to TH.
Rad tho.
>Fuck PC when it comes to TH.
Some suggest head injury caused his suicidal shit
Stay safe, anons
I just hate pc games in general, but the controls never feel right, even when mapped to a ds4.
so it's autism, then
Yeah, playing them originally on ps2 and not wanting to use a shit keyboard or nigger rigged controller mapping.
Def autism.
>nigger rigged controller mapping
>every one of them has built-in controller support that works flawlessly
okay friend