*ruins your game*
*ruins your game*
Evan Lewis
Carson Stewart
Fuck off. I'm sick of the anti-inflammatory hate here. I bet it's the fucking weebs
Brayden Peterson
Sup Forums is a weeb website dumbass.
Grayson Thomas
fuck off weeb, this place hasn't been yours since 08
Lucas Butler
Was a weeb website. Weebs became a minority here over a decade ago
Julian Edwards
*ruins every WoW thread*
Oliver Reyes
>original founders of a community leave
>the place turns into complete garbage
Really fires those neurons, i hope you redditor newfags fucking die, i hate you so much.
Chase Morgan
Kill yourselves
Luke Lee
Imagine being this big an out of touch grandpa wwww
Liam Reed
holy fucking cringe
In the end the primary purpose of Sup Forums has always been anonymous discussion and anime cancer is a vocal minority.