Will there ever be a more satisfying gun in a vidya
The double barrel from Killing Floor.
Never played it, any good?
BLOOD would like to have a word with you.
the shotguns of KF are all superb.
The game's simple, addicting fun, with friends.
>using this thing on moonbase
how do I play Blood without the mouse being janky as hell?
Why do you crawl across the floor like a faggot so much
worked just fine for me when I last played it on DosBox.
not my webms, but it helps to dodge enemy attacks.
What is the WORST shotgun in any FPS ever?
My favorite will always be Doom 3's expansion double barrel shotgun. The power, the sound and the reload are all fucking perfect.
I used to play through the original doom 3's campaign with the double barrel for maximum fun.
you should play more game
I absolutely love how all the weapons in this game would be the same shit you'd find in a redneck's garage.
Probably not. The nailgun from Project Brutality 3.0 (Doom mod) comes somewhat close though.
There are so many hitscan enemies in Blood and their aim-related-AI is so bad that the easiest way to dodge in Blood is to constantly crouch and jump. It makes speedruns look like the character is on a pogo stick.
Try bmouse if on dosbox or BloodGDX it's a psuedo sourceport. Uses java though.
Am I the only one who prefers the single shotgun in Doom
It's more accurate at absurd ranges.
the punch this thing packs is fucking monstrous and I love it
Half the time the super shotgun feels like a waste of ammo
Dynamite from Blood
Doom 3.
That too, I mostly used the the normal shot gun for everything unless I needed rocket launcher power at point blank range.
Even on UV you should always have pretty much capped ammo on any of the official WAD releases and most good WADs. At least for shotgun and pistol/chain.