Post your gaming sins

im a hypocritical faggot that keeps getting sucked into p2w phone games and YES i do spend cash on them

I stopped considerably playing games years ago because I got too busy. I keep buying and hording them when they go on sale though, because I hope one day I'll get around to it. I probably won't

I've had thoughts about buying a switch to play the new mario, but I know spending $500+ for one game is not smart. Please absolve me of my sins, Sup Forums.

But it won't cost anywhere near $500 if you're in the U.S. You can get a Switch with Odyssey for $300-360. It's a lot better then when the PS4 and Xbone launched for $500 with no games.

Outside of multiplayer games like League and Overwatch, I almost never play videogames anymore.

Most games suck now so its hard to justify a 60 dollar purchase on something I'll play for 15 hours max and then I'll be asked to keep paying for shitty dlc. At least with League and OW I can have fun with friends and not feel like I'm being milked

is there a reason you dont use your little free time on games? do you take games too seriously?

honestly you can beat a game playing every day for 30 minutes. maybe wake up in the morning and play before work with coffee. its comfy as fuck. also phone games are better than nothing. way more casual though

the bundle is $499.99 before tax in leaf land

games are also eighty bucks fucking kill me

thats without season pass or anything extra i want to die

I _STILL_ haven't gotten around to play the LucasArts adventure games apart from Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle. what is the best way to go if I want to redeem myself? SCUMM VM?

I actually kinda enjoy mobages simply because they don't require much effort but have some sort of long term planning involved unless you whale, and are simply comfy in aesthetics, even if there are actual games that beat it as a game and in comfiness. I am aware that they're fully scummy and employ the worst practices though and wish that they didn't have that allure.

>put 60 dollars into Stronghold Kingdoms because it was a perfect game to play when i worked at the call center

i pissed off the wrong people and lost everything but i sunk way too much time and effort into that nonsense by that point i was glad for a reason to quit

I have the same urges but i've been burned enough times with enough regularity to wait for a revised version of the console.

i'd start with the remastered version of full throttle

yeah exactly and you can play laying on the couch and wherever you are. also the p2w element has a retarded appeal. im not sure what it is that makes it appealing. its not the same paying for a full phone game (trust me i tried)

When I play dota I always get high af forst because prherwise its boring for me but then i am slow and suck and blame the team

Holy shit, I had no idea the U.S. dollar to leaf currency was so bad in comparison. If you're really serious about it though you might as well bite the bullet. The games look amazing for it. I'm picking up one when Odyssey drops

im not 100% sure but i dont think the conversion is that bad. i think they used it as an excuse to jack up the canadian prices of games

Yea I feel like if they released a new version of the console with a mainline pokemon game that isn't disappointing I would buy it then.

It's a mix between being too tired and being picky. I'm almost always tired. When I finally have the energy and the time, I just stare at my library and can't choose. I guess I do take gaming to seriously.
I used to consider myself more hardcore, investing hundreds hours into RPGs to get maxed out characters and playing obscure games the only get rewarding 10+ hours in. This seems ridiculous to me now. I have games like Baldure's gate and the witcher 3 sitting there, but I want to give these games the time they deserve to really appreciate the story and explore every nook and cranny.
I feel like if I only play a few hours a week, I'm pressed to squeeze out as much fun as I can and not pay attention to the story. So I ended up playing super smash bros on my 3ds for like an hour a day spread out as five minute matches ( I got pretty gud ) or dwarf fortress while I watch star trek re-runs on weekends (pretty cosy). Going for a drive in GTA seems like it would be the nicest thing for me if they dropped the price already. Anything else requires to much of me. Even corridor shooters seem exhausting.

I've bought DLC

you missed the scare when everyone thought odyssey/new switch games were going to be $100 CAD

On steam I have never paid for a game so it’s around 30+ game library...I’ve gotten them all for free...
yet I haven’t played all of them and have over 1000+ hours on a free to play MMO
Of which is the only game I have ever bought DLC for

I spent over a thousand dollars in TF2 loot crates, a thousand in Overwatch loot crates, and two thousand in KF2 crates before I realised what the fuck and stopped. I now avoid games with loot crates in them because I realised I have a serious problem, but at least I did manage to put another hundred hours in KF2 without buying anything ever again, so that's a start.

nah. i remember.

i falseflag a lot here

how edgy is that series? keep in mind i love anything edgy. hatred's on my mosaic

In "guess the spoilers" threads I frequently post cool plot twists that I made up and then when people reply asking what game I don't tell them it's fake