>new AAA game
>doesnt try to shaft players with bullshit microtransactions
>honest lead developer who actually is SJW but not a fucking cunt about it
>epitome of what game devs should be
>not a fucking peep about this game or just generic shitpost threads talking about ubisoft like they are the devil as EA shuts down another studio
>publisher has the best PC port support with the best most detailed graphics menus and optimization
>19 threads yesterday about "HAHA FUCK UBISOFT WE PIRATING YO GAME DAWG"
New AAA game
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Ubishill
imma buy the fuck out of this game
Have they continued the fucking narrative yet or is it still in limbo where the Goddess Warlord somehow hasn't plunged the world into chaos.
>honest lead developer who actually is SJW but not a fucking cunt about it
>literally creates BLM AND WE WUZ game
just kys
This. Its been 3 fucking games.
havent played since ac4
gimme the quick rundown
>be a dev in America
>create a game
>it has a black character
>it's somehow propaganda
are americans that stupid?
except the game is not set in a fucking america you fucking retard.
We have collectively all decided to actively hunt for ways to be offended or to find deeper meaning in every god damn thing we do.
Not until they figure out how to get their games to run off any drive besides the C without forcing users to reformat their drives to fit Ubisoft’s shit standard
Egyptians weren't black. They could have been honest about it but they aren't.
Good thing he's not black.
the MC is not black you mongloid, as well of most of the cast
I must say that I really want to play this shit because it'll probably be the best looking game set in ancient egypt for the next decade
Thankfully the main character is only voiced by a black person. Do you think King DeDeDe Samurai Jack,Totodile,Bulby,Brainiac,Gambit,Dormammu, Kotal Kahn and Aquaman are black then?
No need to, the story hasn't advanced at all. Absertgo made the animus a home device to farm people's memories so they can get all the loot. Literally the entire plotline for the last 4 games.
Of course he is.
Uh huh. Why even lie about it when everyone can check out gameplay in seconds?
Just stop. I'm tired of companies trying to blackwash history for no reason and I'm sure as hell not going to support it.
Who else #hypedAF here?
>doesnt try to shaft players with bullshit microtransactions
It has Loot Boxes, OP. Once Ubisoft is bought out, we're probably going to see an emergency "update" that reverts drop rates to .01%
ACO could be a literal 10/10 and Sup Forums would shit on it just for having the name "Assassin's Creed".
Thinking Sup Forums ever has an honest opinion on anything is your first mistake.
It could have the best open world gameplay we've ever seen, I'm not touching it until I get confirmation the story is progressing meaningfully.
I know, it's like saying Afro Samurai is black.
>rage comic
Nobody cares about this stale as fuck franchise, Ubishill. Hell, Far Cry 5 looks more interesting, and I'm not buying that either.
>South Park: The Fractured but Whole used Denuvo and was cracked in a day
>Assassin's Creed Origins will likely use Denuvo and will likely be cracked in a day
Is Ubisoft stupid for using Denuvo, or are they stuck in a contract or something with Denuvo that requires them to use it in all their games, or else they wasted money paying for Denuvo?
Not even worth pirating
He's literally not black you fucking dumbass, going "nuh-uh" doesn't make him black. You clearly 2ant him to be black so you can act like a victim.
It's like saying J'onn J'onzz is white
Not even, it's a straight up reddit comic.
>literally black skin
>he's not black
>act like a victim
You're better off shilling your game on reddit
What literal black skin you dumbass? He looks exactly like an Arab. Stop Playing victim
Now I'm a shill because I know he's not black? Next you'll say I'm a nintenbro
>kike stuff
>>doesnt try to shaft players with bullshit microtransactions
Didn't this game have lootcrates? Or was it a meme?
Is this the new thing? Being so obvious a marketer that you assume people will think there's no way you'd be a marketer?
That's all fanfiction
I actually liked the way Syndicate played and am kind of annoyed that they basically rebooted it gameplay-wise.
i'm not buying any ac game at full price until they bring back pvp
>tfw they are never gonna bring it back because people buy the games anyways. fuck
Alright, it did look written by a kindergartener. I just assumed that was Ubisoft.
Probably a long term contract with denuvo so that every game published by ubi has it
I'm starting to think the anons calling him black are shills that know racebait threads never get deleted
>art work
His skin ingame tells a completely different story.
Too bad you can't play this magnificent bonus mission unless you pre-order!
Probably investor bullshit as well.
>Yes master, we have made sure to include the latest in anti goyim theft software. We have cowed the cattle into pre-ordering instead. See? Here is the figure we are looking at [arbitrary number no person cares about but seems big].
The same color skin?
That's the ad everyone got their panties in a twist about. Ubisoft's just trolling Sup Forums
>tfw you aren't buying AssCred Kangz
first and last asscred i bought is 2
the rest is garbage
He's not black. He's got north african/arab facial features, you know, exactly like an egyptian should.
Here's a front face shot for you
Go back to shooting people, Tyrone.
>honest SJW
Good joke
>epitome of what game devs should be
Fuck off Ubishill
>generic shitpost threads talking about unisoft like they are the devil as EA shuts down another studio
Being "not as bad as EA" isn't an achievement. Ubisoft can fuck off for what they did to open world games. Uplay too. You can see their influence in the new South Park game now that Obsidian hasn't got the reigns anymore.
>best PC port support
You fucking wish
2.5 and 2.75 are acceptable.
Black Flag is acceptable.
Fuck off shill.
But didn't Syndicate end with Abstergo making clones of the ancient ones or whatever they're called?
Or was that Unity
>north african/arab
Semite you tard
Only an idiot would pay money for a Ubisoft game.
Unless its Prince of Persia 08.
By all means grab that shit. Its the only good game they've ever made. An its only 10$.
I have a feeling you faggots want the protagonist to be black just so you can complain. It's fucking Assassins Creed there's gonna be millions of things to complain about like how Ubisoft is still coming out with this garbage.
Hopefully all the current/future/animus story will be completely retconned.
Its garbage and you should feel garbage for wanting more of it
>2.75 is acceptable
I genuinely cannot remember anything about that game outside of what we thought was going to be the final chapter of Ezio.
But then it got put into a short film.
Look, I've read more about history than you've read books in your life and I'm not gonna bother. But companies always do this and personally I don't really give a shit. You can go ahead and deny the obvious if you want. imdb.com
Fuck that game the first one is best. Not the pixel one the sands of time one.
It has lootcrates functionally, whether or not they use real money is up in the air. All videos only show an option to buy them with in game money but it's very possible for them to attach microtransactions to them with a day one patch
Nah fuck you.
>T-T-The voice actor black!
So Samurai Jack is black user?
I only played bits of it but it did just seem like 2 again but this time turks.
I was ignoring your namefag shit until this point but with this post it just becomes too obvious. Read global rule 2.
What do you guys think Denuvo's fate will be in the next few years? With Denuvo games getting cracked in a day now, Denuvo has no excuse about being able to protect games in their initial launch windows. I can't imagine that publishers will keep paying for something that doesn't work.
>egyptians werent black
I hope you are trolling, I do hope so
That pussy whipped fuck in 08 was not good.
Maybe they'll just pay less.
Maybe they'll use the large sum of money they have received for their work up until this point to create a superior variant.
>LE "I just want random assassins from different time periods" MEME
the most reddit opinion. they all need to be connected somehow or whats the fucking point retard.
I liked Rogue
He's black, not sure why you keep posting the same garbage over and over again.
Read a book, user.
damn niggu imma play the fuck of that shit godamm homie thats sum tight shit u know wat im saying
You have no soul, no taste, no class.
"Architecture explorer with tacked on combat gameplay through the ages" Sounds good enough.
I agree that having everything connect is a positive thing, but only in the early days where there was a sensible linear narrative.
Oh we're going closer to the future we are learning more.
Then they stopped any logical progression and it's better off without it at all.
Black Flag's inclusion of the meta-narrative was pointless trash.
I didn't play it.
The voice actor being black has nothing to do with the Arabian he's playing In-game just like how the guy that plays Aquaman in Injustice is black as well.
>to create a superior variant
They revamped the entire thing for Andromeda, and the result is that crackers have been able to crack games faster than before.
>publisher has the best PC port support
You're the nigga that actually likes 08.
It's a lot better than black flag
I have paid very little attention. Even if that is the case they could then once again alter something and accidentally improve it this time.
My main point is that wondering what will happen to Denuvo is a silly thing to wonder about. It's just another piece of software. It'll keep up with its purpose or it won't. As other software has and has not done so before. And the financial ramifications as well as those for the industry are going to be much the same.
how? more ship battles?
My nigga, nobody I know was even aware of this game but it was a secret gem in my library since it released.
>dat ending
; _ ;
if you played any pc games in the past i dont know, 3+ years, you know its true
for pc gaming, ubisoft is doing more than any other publisher
also their pc ports they add pc exclusive effects and features when like no other publisher does this
>caring a single iota about the present day plot
You're the problem
I liked the whole "assassin gone templar" story. Getting to hunt down assassin's and friends. Also, the ship battles are more polished. The Morrigan is better than the Jackdaw
And all of this is held back by Uplay
Hell yeah, got a physical copy and on steam as well. Game has a special place in my heart.
What ending? We never got the ending, it's DLC and only on consoles. Thanks, Ubisoft.
is that what anisotropic filtering does
I never knew
That game was shit, but I like it
Yeah, I remember those Assassin's Creed ports like AC4 and Unity are held in particularly high regard.
They really did a lot, like turn people off of uplay and make them pirate.
Fuck this series