ITT: Subtle videogame-related apparel

ITT: Subtle videogame-related apparel

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Do you think he has a buttplug in

>he has a buttplug in
which one?


Why would Adam Sessler have a buttplug in?

He'd be too fucked up on drugs to keep it in.

What is that cute girl's name?

>clark county fair & rodeo
>formerly Chuck's

what did they mean by this?

>Sissy boy faggot is wearing a video game cap
>Chad alpha male is wearing a football cap and a Texas shirt
This picture is proof that video games are for virgins and that sports are for Chads

Natalie Mars

>be Sup Forums sissy
>get fucked by Chad's delicious thunder cock
>be Sup Forums man
>get that sweet gamer boipucci
I fail to see what's wrong with this

thicc girl on the left

Natalie looks and sounds like a man in drag. Sue Lightning is the superior trans.


Why is he in all my favorite porn?

How much VD does he carry?

Why are they just hanging out, what's up with that.

Quite a few, judging from his pill collection.

The thing about trannies is that even the best ones look like absolute dogshit when out of the comfort zone of perfect camera angles and lighting.

I mean the same can be said about most real women too, but the effect seems to be extra harsh on trannies. Like a 10/10 will go to a 3/10 real quick.

which tranny has the hardest cock? id say sabrina suzuki. that thing is like a lead pipe.

what the fuck is it with people like sam hyde and adam sessler fucking trannies all of a sudden?

are pornstars really disease ridden?
don't they get checked for those stuff?

Its pretty apparent he has a failing liver with the pain meds and detox pills there.

I guess thats why he stopped doing drugs and starting hitting the gym, he was probably going to die.

>sabrina suzuki
>Be a spic
>give yourself a chink name

for what purpose?

How the fuck are we supposed to know which buttplug he has? The picture doesn't exactly show the inside of his ass, genius.

He is called Christian, and jews get off to christians fucking men for money

i'm pretty sure she uses saline injections so i'm not sure if that counts


you can see the mental illness in its eyes

>Sup Forums is full of betas that are and prefer tranny sissies instead of irl tomboys

That THICC in the back.

I like both

Natalie would be so hot if they didn't have that busted dick and it looked normal

Me too, but one is clearly superior.

Daily reminder that both Sue Lightning and Natalie Mars have been to Anthony Cumia's compound and probably performed all kinds of very gay sexual acts on him and little Jimmy Norton.

i enjoy being able to easily overpower my girlfriend

as well as 100s-1000s of other men

they are prostitutes

it is known

Daily reminder that Anthony is pedophille alcoholic who broke his gf's ribs

There are like no tomboys in the porn business. I can only get my fix from doujins and even then it's not exactly booming.

got any more webms of women beating the shit out of each other

not for you, creepy faggot

You might be in the wrong place friendo

what do you have against people who like ryona?

Sue Lightning hardcore video when

>d-don't make fun of my autistic fetishes

>acting defensive when you instigated first
what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?

There are a lot more autistic fetishes like vore or eyebrows

never >she stopped doing porn

I swear vore is like a red flag for autism spectrum disorder
t. vorefag

But >she never did anything besides masturbating on camera

i know

Is that drug addled WWE superstar Randy Orton?

How the fuck does someone think this is okay

Autism as following the reply chain would inform you

Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened to that place? It's worse than Sup Forums.

what's up with trannies and their fucked up dicks

>worse than Sup Forums
>this kills the whiteboi
>rate my cock Sup Forums
>fb/ig fap thread
>rate my cock Sup Forums
>white women prefer black masculine sex gods
>the state of white '''men'''
>rate my cock Sup Forums
>tribute thread
>rate my cock Sup Forums

yeah no

What if that's why they wanted to turn into not-girls in the first place, their broken penises?

>You will never go to the rodeo
What are they like, Ameribros?

Yeah maybe it's about the same quality as Sup Forums. Both catalogs are practically identical now if you check. Shame, now I have nowhere to vent my feels.

There's one vid of sue getting fucked in the ass but it doesn't look like they were really into it. She seems happier cosplaying and streaming vidya now.

Is that barstaff going over to kick the dude out, i never noticed that. I'm mad

>5'11 vs 6'0

me, mine gets retardedly hard, I haven't been with a guy that could get as hard as me desu

wow, and I thought mine looked gross

they can atrophy and change shape if blood doesnt go thru them regularly

Post your gross dick you fag


cant, this is a blue board? you dont want to see it trust me its small and ugly

Upload it imgur, I want to laugh at your shitty dick you faggot

Yeah haha me too
Just for laughs haha

The fuck? Botched circumcision?

you're going to have to ask better than that