PTSD Thread

Vidya PTSD Thread

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Thanks doc

Can I get medical Marijuana for this?

How... How did you get the time to conquer ALL of Los Santos? At some point it just became tedious trying to obtain each sector while defending your turf.

>not modding in all those other gangs
or if you're console
>not flying out into the ocean for like 3 hours to have them pop up

if you take over all the territories in one sitting, it's not that bad. takes like 3 hours to do though.

>not flying out into the ocean for like 3 hours to have them pop up


Grind minigun ammo, destroy everything.

>implying i defended my turf

Just run to a safehouse and save.

Different user here.

There was a... feature? Exploit? Glitch? That happens if you fly over the ocean at some point. The entire map gets covered in gangs for you to conquer. Really gave the game a lot more playtime.

Eh I just did it to level up my guns skill. Also to get some quick cash.

Man, now I want to replay SA. Anyone know where to download the purest form of it? Does the PS2 classics on the Ps3 have all the music?

That's the one where no fucking gang members spawn for you to kill and you constantly reset the event by walking out of the tiny-ass area, right?

Either play an original PS2 release, or pirate the PC version.

Any other option has gutted music or nightmarish port issues.

>while defending your turf
Last time I played San Andreas I rarely had to do it, once you finish capturing the territories you don't need to worry about that anymore

cheat codes


>Dude that part in a video game was, like, soooo annoying!
>It totally gave me PTSD xD
Would it hurt you little shits to not be disrespectful to war vets who fought for your rights?

You had to fly in the water for a long ass time (30 - 45 minutes in the south east corner) on PS2 and suddenly you were seeing turf zones in the whole SA map. I had Grove Families in San Fierro and in the countryside while the Varrios were chilling in the desert and fighting SF gangs. Some Ballas were lost in Las Venturas.
Pretty fun stuff but I think it fucks up your 100% completion.

>That one balla block on the right.
>I took it over
>Game glitched out
>Literally a hairline is still owned by Balla
>Alley round the back of the building
>No peds/gang members spawn there


reddit pls go

Seriously? Fucking weebs, man.

If you could get gang members to chase you into that area a turf war would still be triggered. You could even get Vagos to chase you into Ballas turf and you'd start a war for a Ballas zone while fighting Vagos, and vice versa.

>The fucking faggot vagos are fleeing from the territory in war to the other side of Los Santos again


>finding out you can skip the whole house

Fuckkkkkk. Even with cheats I don't like this part it's so slow

PS2 Classics on PS3 used to have all the music but it was in 480p, but now it's since been replaced with a dreadful gutted iOS port

molotovs, also save the game/start a taxi mission when turf is attacked and you won't have to defend it. But mostly just stock up on a ton of molotovs and finish firefighter missions


What's worse is if you bother capturing all of the territory before you reach San Fierro. By the time you make it back to Los Santos in the story, you have to retake the territory.

What? How?

>The first time you saw the boat, you knew shit was going down
>But we didnt care, did we commander?
>we lost good people there

That's the hotel right? It was so fucking hard to trigger the gang war then, and even when it started I felt like I was mostly fighting cops

Also, way back when I was a kid I heard weird shit about special guys coming in if you rampaged in the police station long enough. Most of it was kids lying, but I noticed that the county sheriffs actually showed up after I killed enough LSPD

>easy xp, the mission

Oh god, I spent so long looking up how I was actually supposed to climb up that fucker

First time you go in, you dont know what is on the other side
Also this piece of shit


oh man fuck this, also FUCK dodgding 200 thunderbolts in a row


>mfw i actually did the negative time unknowingly during my second or third race

Too bad i shat on Tidus and used other people..

Yeah fuck that shit. FF X was baaaad when it came to secrets like that.

I think I'm the only one who found this to be fun...

on the pc version, you can at least download/copy a script that does that for you.


are you kidding? just lure some buster fools into the territory and blast em
it was the most fun thing to do in the game for me

Fuck me, nope, not this again, I refuse

Since when is tediousness considered to be traumatizing?

>be kid
>save scum like a faggot
>still have a hard time against him
I am legitimately terrified to play this game normally

On Über difficulty

Surprised this wasn't posted before

Fuuuck, I remember this happened to me.

In my case it's probably OCD, those non-green tiles really pissed me off.

>not flying out into the ocean for like 3 hours to have them pop up
That caused a glitch with taxi missions tho.

>count to four
>count to four

Who does taxi missions

Did that glitch that covered the whole map with territories actually work or was it "that kid" tier

it does work

>that last turf with no ballas to kill and start a war
I spent hours walking up and down, fuck.

This on hero mode. Jak had some godamn bullshit

[controller breaking intensifies]

Grout's mansion? Really? Shit's one of the easiest sections in the game.

Which game? I don't remember seeing these guys in New Order

aren't those also the territories where they actively run away from you?

it was fixed for the Xbox version, so it makes sense some people thought of it a "that kid" thing

>At some point it just became tedious
What? sleeping niggas was the funniest shit ever, especially if you used the cheat that allowed you to recruit pedestrians for your crew, i had an all granny hit squad.