First time I've been excited for a AC game, but my god those graphics, that setting, the lore, the open world, the soulsborne inspired combat, fucking naval combat, everything I can ask for.

Who here /hype/?

Are you paid hourly, or per post?

I'm not.

I am, getting both AC and Mario on the 27th, it's going to be a great day!



Calm down or you'll get burned.



AC stop being good after the best and last AC released, AC Brotherhood. Anything else didn't exist.

I really don't get the shit Sup Forums is giving to this game, I think it looks great.

this is an actual shill

>If you're hyped about a game, you're a shill
This is your brain on memes

Can this game series just die already?

I liked black flag, but mostly because it was less an AC game and more just a badass sad story about a guy who becomes a pirate and then fucks himself out of everything he cared about, the assassin's stuff was there but so inconsequential I didn't have to give a fuck.

Seriously, though, I'm curious. Do you get to work from home, or are you in a sweatshop computer farm? How do you even get into something like this? I wouldn't mind making a few extra dollars a day marketing games to Sup Forums.


This, of shill to Sup Forums for some quick shekels.

>I'm not a shill, I have a job and I'm just interested in the game.
Do you sperg out about shills in every Mario thread too, or only when it's a game you don't like?

I dont know If Sup Forums is the best place to shill for a Ubisoft game.

But NMS became good after all the patches.
Also what's wrong with being hyped? There are people right now who are unironically hyped about the next Mario. People like different things user.

I don't know, are those Mario threads very obviously written by a marketer?

Im hyped to pay for lootboxes in a fucking single player game.

First time I was excited was back in 2001.

Yes I'm so hype! I already preordered my special edition with all the day one DLC included!
Sup Forumsros, you should all do the same, this game is going to be awesome!
btw I'm not a shill :^)

Look, I understand you have a job to do, but you really should be less obvious about it. The other thread, which I don't know if it was made by you or your coworker, stopped just shy of saying "OH GOD PLEASE UBISOFT RUB YOUR SCROTUM ALL OVER MY FACE."

Know your audience, guy. This is not a website full of optimistic people. So giving a tonguebath to a game that isn't out yet is a surefire way of outing yourself as a marketer. Especially for a game being developed and published by a company known for making large volumes of shit.

I'm not saying you have to badmouth Ubisoft, since they're presumably the ones paying your bills and it's poor form to bite the hand that feeds, but nobody, I'm willing to wager not even the normalfag general public, is going to sing the praises of Ubisoft.

How are they not written by a marketer?
>it's gonna be totally original
>you're gonna collect coins and swim, just like the 345634 previous times
>you can also transform into stuff! just like every other time
>b-but wait there's more, you can literally take selfies, we're totally not targeting the 12y/o audience
>it's totally original even tho it's literally the same as every other game
>there's literally a sand desert!!! wow!!! but desert is shit if ubisoft does it

fuck off kid

Cant fucking wait to pirate it

Why the fuck would you pay for lootboxes??! Let alone in a singleplayer game?! YOU are what's wrong with the industry.

Point out ONE thread that contains any of the things you listed in the OP
I'll wait

Shitty games get hype too, you just gotta pay shillfag

hahaha yeah bro! I preorder this game and got a mchicken on the way home ( the best chicken sandwich). Mcdonalds is very consumer friendly and gives good bang for your buck!



>a company known for making large volumes of shit.
Such as?
>since they're presumably the ones paying your bills
I have a full time job user, don't have time to "shill".

Please don't, the devs worked very hard on this.

>ant pic
>oh god oh god
fuck off shill

>But NMS became good after all the patches.
it didnt

Your reading comprehension is amazing, congrats.

>Such as?
You cant be fucking serious.


>the soulsborne inspired combat,
I just remembered that video where the devs described the new combat system and boasted about how now "you press the attack button to attack" as if it was something new.
To be fair in old AC games you'd press X to awesome so it's a big change. But still I found it pretty funny.

I wonder if anyone at Ubisoft remembers that AC was supposed to be a stealth game though.

You literally said you're hyped to pay for lootboxes in a singleplayer game tho. My reading comprehension is fine, you're just the cancer killing gaming
Oh so you haven't played it. Nice.

>Wish i could freeze myself!!!
^u gotta use this sentence again. did u guys forget about it or something? u used to say it all the time 1-2 years ago

>You literally said you're hyped to pay for lootboxes in a singleplayer game tho. My reading comprehension is fine, you're just the cancer killing gaming
You missed his sarcasm.

>Oh so you haven't played it. Nice.
No, I just failed to reach same timespace point as another player and we ended up failing to see each other.

Ok so you have no exemples or arguments. I knew it.


I get it. You're probably under several NDAs or whatever and can't just admit you're working, but do take my previous advice. People will respond much more kindly if you're not so blatantly trying to sell them something.

We will see how the launch goes. If its gonna be day one dlc and bug infested shitfest,no way am i paying for that. Maybe in a year when the price drops 60%

Ironic you talk of cancer, faulting to understand language figures such as sarcasm is usually a sign of brain tumors.

I was going to list a bunch of games, but remembered that Ubisoft only makes one game: the Ubisoft Sandbox. So that's my answer, their large volumes is the Ubisoft Sandbox.

Did you somehow miss how most people complain about most of AC series being pile of shit?
Fucking watch dogs?

>soulsborne inspired combat
Excuse me?

Are you saying this isn't batman combat recycled for the 20th time?

Praising Ubishit games should be a bannable offense here.

Keep responding, guys! I like how hype everyone is!


>No, I just failed to reach same timespace point as another player and we ended up failing to see each other.
If you weren't such a memeloving fuck you'd know that the game is singleplayer, so of course you failed to see him.
Again, I have a full time job and I'm not paid to shill or sell stuff. I'm a geniunely excited consumer, just like people are geniunely excited for Mario, for some reason. Others were hyped for Zelda.

People like things you don't, and you like things some people don't. It's not rocket science.

>AC being a pile of shit
The fuck are you talking about?

Anything that isn't Assassin's Creed 2 or 4.

Jesus christ this post screams shill so badly, and I don't normally call someone a shill for being a little excited for a game.

You tell'em, Sup Forumsro! Consumer Hi-5

Let it go, dude. You're here to sell Assassin's Creed; they're not going to pay you extra to say nice things about Ubisoft.

this is your average shill damage control respond according to the script

Yeah I'm getting the Deluxe edition on PSN.

I am, the we wuz kangs shit turned me off but it looks like that turned out to be bull shit.
Not thrilled you use uplay though.

>If you weren't such a memeloving fuck you'd know that the game is singleplayer, so of course you failed to see him.
They forgot to change cover of my copy :(

they do pay for high post count threads though

Did you somehow miss how most people complain about most of AC series being pile of shit?
A couple of underaged memelords on Sup Forums=/=most people. If it was so bad, it wouldn't be selling like hotcakes every single time.
>watch dogs
First one wasn't bad, just dissapointing. Second one was pretty nice. Not phenomenal, not a masterpiece, just pretty nice.

Fuck off nintenbro

Are you telling me you really believed for a second there would be multiplayer? How old are you exactly? Jesus fuck Sup Forums is trully dead.


>it wouldn't be selling like hotcakes every single time.
Are you eating shit? Billions of flies can't be wrong.
Shouldn't you shill CoD instead? It's far better game, cuz it sells better.

It tell you what, Ubisoft must really be skimping on their marketing budget.

>If it was so bad, it wouldn't be selling like hotcakes every single time.
Do you love Nickelback? What about Garth Brooks? The former is the best selling Canadian music act, and second best foreign act in the US; the latter is the single highest selling solo recording act of all time, and the second highest album selling musical act of all time. In both cases, they're second only to The Beatles.

Clearly, Nickelback and Garth Brooks must be fucking amazing, right?


>based autist proves there hasn't been a single good game in the history of mankind, because if it sells poorly it's shit, but if it's sell well, it's also shit.
Why the fuck are there Zelda, MGS, DMC, RE4, Mario, FF, GTA threads? These games sold a shitton and are therefore objectively bad, why are they shilled so much here?

What are the good games user, I'm tired of living in a lie.

Dwarf fortress

>see post
>cant figure out shit on tue picture
>see soulsborne mentioned
>think from announced new armored core
>get excited
>then understand whats going on

did he break

Egypt as a setting is so fucking boring.

Ok then what are the good games user. Without memeing, name a few good game series, I'll pirate the games and give them a try. Enlighten me please.

it's pronounced whity you fuckwit

>I wonder if anyone at Ubisoft remembers that AC was supposed to be a stealth game though.
I don't think so? Why else would they turn the game into an RPG with scaling enemies?

The only good thing about AC you could come up with was 'selling like hot cakes'. That speaks volumes about series and that's what I targeted.

What you mentioned are good series, but they all had weaker entries as well.

It always was RPG, silly. You roleplayed as some random guy who roleplayed his ancestors who were assasins.

>What you mentioned are good series
But how can they be good series if they sold so much copies? user just said the lots of sales means bad game. What the fuck, make up your mind.


>user just said the lots of sales means bad game
It started with shill saying that something selling a lot means good game, though.

I'm half convinced this thread was made to make fun of shills by being so over the top

At least one user didn't fall for it. I made the same thread 4 fucking times in a row yesterday, and nobody realised my masterful deceit, just shows how underaged Sup Forums has become.
I'm proud of you user, have a wonderful day.

I'm fucking hyped!