Big open world that's full of content and secrets to discover doesn't exi-

>Big open world that's full of content and secrets to discover doesn't exi-

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That's not Skyrim OP....

Indeed, you are absolutely right, it is not Skyrim. This is a thread about good aRPGs

>can't disable expansion content in Gold version
The NotR stuff is really great if you already played the base game but it makes some parts really weird for new players.

damn right it is not

Its not really that big.
Its just not empty like skyrim.

>shitthic 2
>open world
I thought the shills defense was that it was a carefully constructed small world RPG instead of open world meme

think I don't know where you live???

it's a carefully constructed open world

Kek, he looks like sterotypical neonazi

This won't run on my pc.

Are you retarded? You can have small, handcrafted open worlds.

There is DX10-11 mod that should make it work in case it has isssues


>Always play full strength because im a fag
>Finally try out dex one day
>Oneshot fucking EVERYTHING
holy shit

except shitthic is pretty much a hallway

I'll try this. I did something similar to this and it didn't work, but it didn't involve this L'Hiver mod.


I see, you didn't play it.

Does this game have awful clunky combat and gameplay like all other non nip rpgs?

I’m interested in it for a long time

kraut shill defense force is here i see

how's ELEX?

>Big open island where you can go anywhere anytime

L'hiver has nothing to do with the game working properly

The three patches are what you install to get the game to work

Same as Risen2-3 - shit, because wasnt made by original PB the last good talented members of which left after Risen 1

Nice fallacy tho, retroactive trying to paint G2 in a bad light because modern games from the devs that wears the same titel are bad. Good job underage

And what are you trying to prove with this picture?

>"Oh no, i'm losing an argument"
>"Oh wait! Let's call them a shill"
>"That totally counter's their argument"

If you were that interested you'd have played it by now
Who are you kidding, even if you did play it you'd just drop it after 10 minutes because it doesnt have a consolized interface

How old are you?


So in other words yeah it does

Thanks man I won’t bother then

>Thanks man I won’t bother then


Fuck man, i forgot how atmoshperic the swamp areas could be.

I installed them all and the DX11 mod and now it just crashes on startup.

Getting desperate I see
oh well, maybe you'll catch someone in the next big steam sale

Are you going to ignore ?

wrong, it makes them git gud