What is your opinion about FFXIV 4.1?

What is your opinion about FFXIV 4.1?

How about the event turning the game into Furry Fantasy XIV?

what a horrible existence
I love it.

I just got the game and I rolled a bard but it has hella buttons. Did I fuck up?

I want to be knotted up my Miqo'te ass by a big, fat, thick red knot!

Its the "stare at your bar for procs" job

You'll wish you had more later.

Well fuck, does this game have weakauras or some shit?

Instead of making lupins a playable race they gave us shitty ears that no one else will be able to get outside of this event


someone post what the outfit looks like on a cute lizard girl

I'm a slut for doggy cock! I want to be pumped full of a litter of puppies!

There's nothing cute about severe skin diseases, user.


Great taste! Getting filled with doggy cum and having his litter of pups is the dream!

I want to be knotted in public where everyone can see, tied to my dog husband's cock while I pleasure his doggy friends with my free hands!

Just wait a year and you can buy it on the Mog Station™ for a cheap $7.99 a piece!


Nigga they were having issues just getting Viera's feet to work. Do you think they'd be able to drop Lupins as a full playable race just like that?

Yes considering they don't have digitigrade feet like viera do. The head would be the bigger problem.

ACT probably has something similar? I never played WoW so I don't know what that is


Basically I want a bigass icon of the procced spell in the middle of my screen.

It looks like hot garbage on mine. Christ

He said cute, user.

post butt

post it

she is cute

You can set skills that proc on a separate hotbar and enlarge it. It's a jank solution but people have been doing it.

I guess that could work, thanks.

Delete this

I was hoping the ears would blend in better with the hair like in the artwork, but they still just stick out like a sore thumb. Same problem I had with the fox ears. Even the tail is disappointingly small. God I just want a Fox/Wolf-human hybrid race


PLD if you're going to boost.
WAR if you are starting from 1.
DRK is PLD 2.0 tier to play. Ignore unless it gets big changes.

I'm planning to jump potion

Not him but
>DRK is PLD 2.0 tier to play. Ignore unless it gets big changes.
intrigues me. I'm still in ARR's story and my current main is Paladin with a Dragoon coming up. I desire clarification on the greentext,

I think you look cute in it.

it's dogshit when it comes to speed running and world firsts, otherwise it's just like any of the other tanks.


Oh okay.

just take what people say with a pinch of salt when it comes to class balance.
people often think if you're not able to become the top 0.1% the class is shit and unplayable.

But which one is more fun

I look like a bat, not a dog.

Jesus Christ
fucking Koji knows how to trigger me

Do you want you BE important or FEEL important?

Public humiliation too~ getting filled with and covered in doggy seed while the city watches confused!

Both, which is which

What's the most braindead job that's still wanted?

Does the server you choose matter? Which server should I choose as a beginner from EU??

It's not humiliating! I'll simple be making love to my living fluffy husband where anyone can watch! I'll get a reputation as good with dogs and people from all over town will bring their dogs to me when they're pent up for a little relief!

Either of the Stormblood DPSs fit that bill.

Nice, thanks.

There's only one EU data centre so it doesn't matter for instances. But I think the French dominates a particular server and the Germans another for instance. I don't know which

Thanks, can't say I agree. Maybe I'll tinker with hair colour and see if I can get it to work

SAM isn't wanted.
It's popular, but not wanted.

I got my house, everyone else can get fucked.

PLD is important, WAR is feeling important

Red Mage.

If you don't want to put a bit of effort into minmaxing avoid SMN, DRG & MCH but to just play every job in this game is easy.

It isn't? I figured highest innate damage output while being relatively easy to play would've made it desirable enough.

Why red mage? Is it the dualcast heals/res?

Same here.



Wat. It's the least braindead DPS job to play!

Yes hello I am Potato Carpenter I wish to sell you 100 of the same small stool and perhaps a single vinyl rug that will be 1 million gold.

>tfw you can afford 5 max priced large houses but didn't have internet when the patch went live
Why live?

People in parties want muh party utility
BLM is unwanted for the same reason

Relatively easy rotation while packing a ton of party utility.

I'm so fucking tired of the pierce meta

But user what if you have to start living like a dog too because it helps them feel more comfortable..? Walked on a leash by someone else or made to sleep on a doggy bed (where you're bred by your husband)

It's ok when you hide the skin disease

that person is me

Jokes on you fucker, I don't mind my house being bare except for cheap shit.
I probably just want a bench for the lawn so I can look out over the beach while sitting.

better get used to it
it's here to stay

That'd be fine! I already have a nice red collar with a spot on the back for a leash! If living that way makes my husband and his other dog friends happy, I'll gladly live that way!

I hate NIN and MCH and I'm just bored of DRG and BRD now
Should I just quit until they learn how to balance their shitty ass game

Ah yes but you see this is the finest level 12 maple wood shined to perfect, you never regret (please, I even filled my retainer's inventory to full with these I have to throw them away to even accept quest rewards, oh god.) Is good, ya?

NIN is stupid
MCH/BRD/DRG is not, any other comp can keep up with that as long as they have a NIN

>any other comp can keep up with that
They really can't, there's a reason why it's the only comp that's used

Honestly tempted to buy the expansion and resub just to get the ears.
Can it be completed with havensward char?

As long as you've completed "It's probably pirates."

fuck off back to /vg/ you fag

Any cute lizard girls on Mateus want to be my friend?

You sound like a great doggy yourself user, I wish you the best of luck~

>just to get the ears
Just wait until they come to Mogstation next year or something, eesh.

Thats the intro quest, so I guess that means even Realm Reborn only char can do that.

The event clothes are shit and just blatant anime waifufag pandering like 90% of outfits that get added to this game. Call me when the Lupin get added as a beast tribe and we can unlock a wolf head headpiece like the other beast tribes.

Not him, but I want the ghost suit, how do I as a new player?

look at it this way
MCH/BRD/DRG has to be stronger than other compositions because that's what dragoons do to ranged jobs
if it did the same damage there would be no point in doing double ranged and bringing a DRG
and it's not even too much about damage, it's mostly making MCH and BRD compete with other dps jobs, and ranged jobs have UTILITY making your group much more flexible and leaving much more room for your healers to be "lazy" for more dps
it's strong because it's flexible

who cares, dps checks are not hard in this game and don't pretend to be a hardcore speed runner either.

>anime waifufag pandering
but it's a furry event

>SAM and BLM unwanted
This just feels like you either heard someone say that and you now think its that way, or you saw this retarded behavior in PF and think its the norm. The reality is that any job works for endgame raids, it entirely depends on your static. If your static is forcing you to play a job you dislike because >muh perfect parsing, I highly suggest changing static.

the only thing that is true is that your static is losing out so much by not having a NIN
but yeah i agree
my static is running 2caster and we have a early o4s kill

no it isn't, furries want actual beast stuff, not shitty kemonomimi dog ear headbands


WAR is the thinking man's tank

>Get DRK in roulette
>Called Rune Anonymous
>Can barely tank
>Tries to use fucking greentext throughout
>Look up on lodestone
>No friends
Jesus fucking Christ, no wonder.

Cold hard $$$

So what you're saying is that it should be the only worthwhile comp by design?

>tfw rolled drg because drg is fucking cool and it turned out to be meta as fuck anyway

Yes. Balance honestly doesn't matter anyway, this isn't a competitive game. Just play whatever you want.

tfw nin

You're not supposed to tank Black Hole at the center, right?
When tanks do that each of the dps has a 50% chance of getting surprise buttfucked by one going through his shitty cape

I didn't need those five bucks anyway.

Believe it or not, I don't go on /vg/, period.
I'll be the best dog I can be for my master and my doggy husband!

Just started playing 3 days ago and got a lvl 43 Monk as of now. I am not sure I want to stay as this and am thinking of going dark knight at 50 but now I am reading it is no good?