Reggie says watching others play games is boring

>Reggie says watching others play games is boring
>Nintendo mentions YouTubers all the time on their Twitter account and invites them to events like they're movie stars (which they are to children)
>Switch can now record video (still no streaming) for 30 seconds and only on certain games

Fucking decide, Nintendo. Do you hate streaming or do you embrace it?

Other urls found in this thread:

They love money

They don't care.
If it make money, then they support it.
If it's not, then they will throw it under the bus.

>If it make money, then they support it.
They have YouTubers that stream their games and rob children via "donations" and they have streamers who live to brag that NoA sends them free games and shit.

All this but letting other players stream a game so their friends can watch while chatting online is "boring." I don't fucking get it.

30 seconds of game capture is nice to make the next DANK MEME they can reference at E3, I guess. It fits nicely on Facebook/Twitter.

to them they're just a marketing tool and a source of supplemental income.

Also you can't publish videos with footage of nintendo games unless you're part of nintendo's creators program and share the revenue with them, and if you're critical of nintendo then they will kick you out. So they tightly control the message put onto youtube about their games.

Of course footage of games with a commentary, analysis or review is protected under fair use, but are you willing to spend thousands of dollars taking nintendo to court to get your video back up? Or are you just going to let them continue to abuse the DMCA takedown system?

As if not every company does it. Youtube does it too. Which I think is hilarious. Lately every youtuber has been complaining because youtube has been "stealing" from them. Watching them squirm because they quit their real job and talk about video games is just priceless.

>Can't upload directly to YouTube
What's the point

>Of course footage of games with a commentary, analysis or review is protected under fair use, but are you willing to spend thousands of dollars taking nintendo to court to get your video back up?

This is probably the most disgusting out of all the YouTube shit they do. NoA considers themselves above the law. Not sure if the Japanese part of the company does on Nico or whatever, but NoA certainly does.

>As if not every company does it
youtube provide the platform and infrastructure for videos, it's right that they get a cut from the advertising on videos.
Nintendo on the other hand have no right to be taking down videos that are protected under fair use and forcing their hand-picked set of youtubers to share revenue with them. The fact that they use it as a tool to stamp out negative criticism of their games makes it even worse.

I can't think of another company that does this

Nintendo just mean LPs are shit but you are dumb enough to consume it so we're just using it to get sales, shithead.

>it's right that they get a cut from the advertising on videos
Lately they've been taking all the money, actually. They cut off all the ads people get randomly so it hits everybody. Again, every company fucks over people.

You're meant to put it on Twitter or Facebook and create the next meme that Reggie can reference in a Direct.

Youtube are forced to do it because of the pressure advertisers have been putting on them after companies discovered that their ads were being shown on isis videos and shit. It will take some time to develop a system that can detect and stop that kind of thing reliably and youtube have no other choice until then than to be over-heavy handed.

Of course it's shit for youtubers that get fucked by the system but the other option is that advertisers pull out of youtube altogether and the platform on the whole dies.
Nintendo on the other hand are in no such situation, they're just being jews

>it's okay if every every company does it
>except Nintendo

How was he saying any of that was "okay?" This is all YouTube's fault for leaving the entire website's operation to robots.

except no company is doing what nintendo is doing :^)

what mental gymnastics are you performing to make what youtube and nintendo are doing the same?

>except no company is doing what nintendo is doing
Except they are? I really don't get it, why is it 10 times worse if Nintendo does it but okay for everybody else? It makes no sense, man.

Watching small snippets of gameplay to highlight a facet of the game or listening to good commentary, users note: a fucking rarity, or watching gameplay of a game pre release to attempt to gauge quality are not the same as watching some retard play a low skill game they've put 100+ hours into poorly.

>why is it 10 times worse if Nintendo does it but okay for everybody else
name a single company that is doing what nintendo is doing

Youtube is under no obligation to host your videos, let alone give you money for the privilege. In return for not getting their tits sued off every time they commit copyright infringement, they provide a tool that gives big rights holders the ability to automatically tag the content that they own, and full control over it.
They are ALLOWED to do this, you have zero rights on Youtube. "Free use" doesn't mean Nintendo stops owning the property, it means you are able to make use of property you don't own under certain circumstances. If you want to get around this host the damn video yourself.


>it means you are able to make use of property you don't own under certain circumstances.
Not part of the argument you're in, but NoA ignores any and all circumstances. "Free use" does not exist to their online lawyer takedown monkeys.

It's absolute fucking shit and you know they are using the money they make from it and investing it back into youtube pr, so basically the people who give them money as a partner are paying to go to the events that Nintendo "comps" them in for.

except it's not the same at all, see and

youtube videos are 100% protected under fair use, go and throw yourself under a bus drone

So youtube taking all the money is okay but not Nintendo? But it's not the same? Do you even hear yourself?

Again, free use doesn't come into it because you don't host the video. Youtube can do literally anything they want with any video they host. They choose to give big rights holders full control over any property they own.

Too bad everyone's a little bitch and no-one fucking fights them over it, they would get wrecked in court over this since it blatantly violates fair use.

People could fight Fair Use, it depends on if the company on the other end cares or not.

Years ago, a user that made Dr. Rabbit YouTube Poops had their videos removed by Colgate. He counter-claimed and had full intent to take it to court over fair use because he was tired of it happening.

The week or however long YouTube required at the time passed and Colgate never fought back, so now Dr. Rabbit poops are allowed because Colgate never argued it.

Someone could argue with Nintendo, but they'll fight back over every nickel and dime. They could lose if they got a judge that wouldn't take a bribe, but even if they did lose they would just keep appealing it until the person was poor.

Sony, when they took down all Horizon pre-release videos and streams. And guess which fat British cuckold wildly applauded them?

The only youtuber I watch is Strawburry17

reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?
>anime poster
yep, definitely mentally handicapped.

I've already spoonfed you all the information and yet you still don't seem to understand. you're either genuinely retarded or just pretending to be so, which is it user?

the only reason why streaming games and lets plays are allowed is that they devs and publishers see it as free advertising. Other companies like nintendo and sony are starting to push back a bit. Like with ps4 streaming, they often let the pub/dev choose what a player can and can't stream.

Mostly because I know it's pointless arguing with you retards. I could hand you plenty of proof of companies doing the same shit but you'd just deny it. You're either delusional or a fanboy. I like Nintendo but every company is the same, when it comes to these things they'll take everything and who honestly gives a fuck.

>removing spoiler videos before a game's release

is not the same as

>forcing content creators to share revenue and taking down any negative criticism

>taking down any negative criticism
When did this happen?

But a lot of streams and videos aren't even criticism. It is more akin to MST3k style riffing.

>I could hand you plenty of proof of companies doing the same
I've literally asked you for exactly this multiple times and all you can do is squeal "y-youtube!!1!" when it's clearly an entirely separate situation and nothing like what nintendo is doing

There are lots of videos shitting on Nintendo though, if they can remove criticism it is clearly very limited.

If you're one of Nintendo's "ambassadors" (not the same as creators' program, this is people they send free shit to) you're not allowed to say anything negative about the product. Whatsoever.

If you make them look bad, you're out. No more free shit for you.

It's not "taken down" because it doesn't happen. Abdallahsmash is one of the biggest examples of soul-selling corporate shillery to Nintendo. He has to smile at every little thing Nintendo gives him while stealing from children with a donate button and pretending to be their best friend.

So fucking what? On Sup Forums everyone shitposts like you. Merely asking for it doesn't mean you're entitled to shit. Sony has done it if you really want proof by the way.

So you're making shit up. Got it.

>If you're one of Nintendo's "ambassadors" (not the same as creators' program, this is people they send free shit to) you're not allowed to say anything negative about the product. Whatsoever.

Excellent, please post proof that this is absolutely the case.

>There are lots of videos shitting on Nintendo though,
Those people aren't on their YouTube payroll, though. That's the difference.

Wait so you're telling me I'm not allowed to shit on the people that are paying me? WHAT THE FUCK NINTENDO????

there was a youtuber that got kicked from the creator's program for being critical of nintendo, I can't remember his name and google isn't helping, can another user post his name?

>Making shit up
What part of am I "making up?" Because I can debate that.

They don't give a shit about their customers your all dumb shits who will just lap up whatever they crap out and call it ice cream.

prove me wrong

you can make a video shitting on nintendo, just don't use any footage or audio from nintendo games or they'll DMCA takedown it

>please post proof that this is absolutely the case.
How? You find a YouTuber paid by Nintendo that says anything negative whatsoever and I'll bow out to your superiority.

You can't.

why do you bother even trying to argue if when somebody asks you to back up your point you just say "YOU'RE NOT ENTITLED TO PROOF FOR MY SHIT ARGUMENTS!"

once again: state a single time any other company has used DMCA takedown requests to silence criticism of their games, and no, removing spoilers of a game before relase doesn't count.

Nah, I remember listening to a discussion of Mario Sports Superstars where multiple channels partook in calling it boring and not worth buying, and they still get shit from Nintendo, you sound like Josh Thomas buttmad that Nintendo cut their partnership after you posted endless videos of you shitting on them.

Google. It takes you 5 seconds but apparently it's too much.

>you sound like Josh Thomas

>Josh Thomas
that's him!

>For review purposes, Nintendo will only send product to creators who have signed a Nintendo Brand Ambassador agreement and are compliant with the Nintendo Code of Conduct. In reviewing your online channels, we feel the Nintendo Brand Ambassador program is not the best fit for your platforms at this time.
>you refused to shill for us so we will no longer allow you to post nintendo content on youtube

>they do [thing]
>well there's no proof because it doesn't happen in the first place

didn't find anything. Indulge me please user, if it will only take you 5 seconds then surely its not a big deal for you to post a link here for me?

Most people are fucking mad with Nintendo because they are fans of people on youtube that don't and can't get partnership. Or they don't get free shit from nintendo. Its not an integrity issue at all.


>turning thousands of people onto their games
>by shitting on them all the time

>shitting on them all the time
what are you talking about? go and watch some of his older videos, he sucks nintendo's dick 99% of the time, and only when he actually tried to give some (pretty genuine) criticisms did he get the boot from nintendo

>"I have Switches at my store so no one wants them!" shitpost

God fucking damn, how salty is this guy?

His entire Twitter is basically shitting on Nintendo in one form or another.

Games like Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival deserve to be shit on.

Nintendo put out some really shit games for a while and threw a tantrum when people weren't still shilling for them.


Actually it is, if you have the rights to a video you can do whatever the hell you want with it.

look at his tweets
>The game boards in Mario Party Top 100 look great. I'm obviously being sarcastic these look painfully bad.
>Now NOA plans on being more strict with how early & how many codes go out for games. Sounds like Nintendo reviews r getting even more rare.
>Why is the Switch dock so expensive? It feels like a hollow piece of cheap plastic.

These are all genuine criticisms user

Projared shits on Nintendo all the time and he gets interviews with Reggie.

>if you have the rights to a video
if a creator adds commentary, review or parody then the video falls under fair use and nintendo have no rights over it

MP100 looks great though. But you're still ignoring the hundreds of tweets just shitting on Ninty because he's bitter. He said this E3 sucked even when Ninty won E3

>genuine criticisms

No, if they were there would be a "why" in there. If he cared enough to voice his opinion in full he'd do a Twitlonger thing.

This is just shitting for the sake of shitting.

>MP100 looks great though
what fucking planet do you live on?

Vine is back but this time it's vidya only on the Switch

Fair Use is a defense against legal action, it's not a right.

The Creators program is if you want to monetize videos that have nintendo IP.
For the switch it is these following games. ・Nintendo Switch
Snipperclips Plus - Cut it out, together!
Super Mario Odyssey
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Basically if you want to post a youtube video that has Nintendo first party games. you need to sign up for their creators program. Also it seems if you do this, you CANNOT have anything else shown or heard from other IPs during the video. So I guess that goes for showing other games while you talk about nintendo games or even having music that isn't nintendo's during the game can be seen as violating their terms.

ONLY if you want to monetize. If you don't mind that video not getting monetization on youtube then you can upload whatever the fuck you want. Its all comes down to that youtubers can't make money off of Nintendo first party game footage without nintendo's say.

yea but it contravenes fair use laws, they're just relying on the fact that a small time youtuber isn't going to take nintendo to court over it and instead will just bend over and let nintendo steal most of their revenue


nintendo issue DMCA requests even against unmonetised videos, it happened to jim sterling I think

care to prove it?

Nintendo also DMCA'ed your mom fat ass, btw.

Then start a lawsuit. Also fairuse doesn't cover entertainment. Which 99% of all the youtube stuff is. If it a big issue to the youtubers they should start a legal defense and go to court. But that will never happen because gamers bitch and never do anything!

If he did get a DMCA request vs a video that means he was trying to monetize a video that was on the list of games that you can't monetize unless you are part of the creators.

>it happened to jim sterling I think
Good, fuck that cuck.

Nothing even to do with Nintendo here, I just fucking hate that smug, fat piece of shit.

>But that will never happen because gamers bitch and never do anything!
>never do anything!

You show me someone who has the money to fight Nintendo in court until they stop appealing it to drain their bank and I'll show you someone who doesn't have to worry about YouTube income. Ever.

For God's sake fair use is a DEFENSE IN COURT. It has nothing to do with this.
Nintendo just walks up to Youtube and asks them for the revenue of all Mario videos, Youtube says ok. If you don't want that to happen host your videos on your own fucking website.

>But that will never happen because a youtuber trying to fight an international mega-corporation in court will just bankrupt them, so instead they have no choice but to let themselves be bullied by false DMCA requests

fixed that for you

>fair use is a DEFENSE IN COURT
100% incorrect

fair use is an exception to copyright law that allows creators to use some parts of another person or company's IP without paying licensing, as long as the content is not too similar or a straight up rip off

You can always fight in the collective. But that will never happen. Also you have lawyers that are gamers.

>as long as the content is not too similar or a straight up rip off
Which all companies, be it gaming, anime, whatever, completely ignore and YouTube just removes the video.

Its pretty much this. This rule only goes for youtube. That's it.

Which is decided by a judge. Did a judge declare your video fair use? No? Then it's not fair use and you need to stop being such a little bitch.

Most non-creator program videos go completely unnoticed by Nintendo unless someone reports it for some reason, like a butthurt kid who doesn't like that the creator is taking views away from someone else or someone just being a dick.

This is why Youtubers sign up to an MCN (that isn't Nintendo), because their lawyers will cover their asses when Nintendo try to take down their videos.

This is exactly why Adre from GameXplain signed up to an MCN when Nintendo started their absurd Creator's Program, so when he was contected by Nintendo he could say "sorry I'm signed up to an MCN already". If he had signed up with Nintendo, the channel literally wouldn't still exist.

Unfortunately, the only way to get a definitive answer on whether a particular use is a fair use is to have it resolved in federal court.

I think Stanford is way more versed in law than some asshole on a anonymous board.

>Which is decided by a judge.
incorrect again.
provisions for fair use are published in copyright law

Meant to type Andre obviously. You know who I mean. Marble mouth.

>This is exactly why Adre from GameXplain signed up to an MCN when Nintendo started their absurd Creator's Program, so when he was contected by Nintendo he could say "sorry I'm signed up to an MCN already". If he had signed up with Nintendo, the channel literally wouldn't still exist.

>Nintendo removing GameXplain, their #1 YouTube cocksucker
I sincerely doubt that.

why don't you read the actual link you posted.

They wouldn't 'remove' anything, but under the Creator's Program any video that isn't footage of the 7 approved Switch games would be demonetized.

FIRST FUCKING LINE RETARD. Unfortunately, the only way to get a definitive answer on whether a particular use is a fair use is to have it resolved in federal court.
IT IS/ISN'T FAIR USE TILL A JUDGE DECIDES IT IS. Everything else is up to the person that OWNS the copyright to said IP. IT IS NOT A LAW.

Also it includes old nintendo games as well.