Is Sup Forums the worst board on Sup Forums?

Is Sup Forums the worst board on Sup Forums?

No, /soc/, /cgl/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are all much worse

Sup Forums can be pretty shit.
A majority of it is shitposting, it's extra awful with all of the rick and mortey sauce posting.

Sup Forums

I mean /ck/, I don't go to Sup Forums it's really late, I need to head to bed.

No, /r9k/ and Sup Forums are.

Sup Forums is the most diverse in regards to shitposting. We have pol, g, consoles and the occasional Sup Forums, Sup Forums and other boards.

Yeah. It's the toilet of Sup Forums

Sup Forums is only slightly worse

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are legit worse than reddit, they are youtube comment section tier

good night, user

/trash/ Best board

pol is the worst


/trap general/, I mean Sup Forums

This is the worst thing ever
We get visited by the worst boads daily
Sup Forums, /ck/, Sup Forums, /lit/, /r9k/, you fucking name it any shit board comes here

Lmao at everyone saying pol

v is by far the worst board thanks to leddit and nugaf.

You guys wish you were /vr/

truer words have not been spoken

Is Sup Forums the best board on Sup Forums?

If you ignore the nigger hate threads and trump general, its a pretty good board with some good historic threads here and there.

/mlp/ still exists right?
It was an unending mass of fetish generals last time i checked.

this and /trash/
why is Sup Forums considered worse than them?

t.Sup Forumsposter

Sup Forums is the worst by a mile unless you happen to be a white, male, blond, blue eyed, married with children, far right, weightlifting alpha.
It's a pretty narrow hallway over there.
Sup Forums is a mix. It didn't get contaminated very much so it still has a lot of people arguing for the sake of it rather than pushing any narrative. Not saying it doesn't happen, just saying its more rare than other boards.

Sup Forums, /r9k/, /soc/, /adv/, /biz/, /s4s/ are all turbo garbage
Sup Forums has been getting worse a lot, but in all honesty is still a pretty good board, senpai

those are containment boards. They dont count. If they did, /d/ would be the worst board

The nigger hate threads are unironically the best part of the board

I vote /gif/ it's pretty simple, you post porn and shut the fuck up.

Don't forget the anti-women, MGTOW, /x/, reddit, and twitter threads.

Well, some of them has funny webms but there are a lot of african americans on Sup Forums i didnt want to be offensive.

What are you talking about?
I browse Sup Forums regularly, and 95% of it is just far right to moderate right people jerking themselves off.

*best board

>i didnt want to be offensive.

Sup Forums is worse.
There are actually some comfy threads about games people like.
Sup Forums is endless shitposting about capeshit and star wars.

>unless you happen to think you're going to become a white, male, blond, blue eyed, married with children, far right, weightlifting alpha, when you're actually just going to stay beta cuck who never leaves his parents basement forever

People are arguing constantly about the dumbest shit on /gif/, it's pretty much Sup Forums but with porn.

>i didnt want to be offensive.

Feetposting and cunnyposting too.

>i share a board with these people

yes, Sup Forums is the worst