>It's actually good
why didn't you tell me this Sup Forums?
It's actually good
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone told you breh
It's OK if you like that sort of thing. Not much of a game though, just a walking and QTE simulator.
Because we dont discuss about good games here. We barely discuss about games here anyway.
>their next game includes couch multiplayer where you need to agree to make decisions, and at least a majority of you need to make the QTEs
>except one of you cunts has a secret goal at any given time to fulfill that might fuck you all over and get characters killed
Played it at an expo, it was pretty good banter.
Literally everyone said it was good just expensive.
because its on the PS4 so Sup Forums will automatically hate it regardless of the game's quality
How can you have a secret motivation if you're both looking at the same screen? Like nigga just close your eyes for a bit?
But I did tell you
You all use smartphones as controllers, so you can browse clues and shit without anyone else seeing.
nah you right. she is best girl
That sounds like how I always thought movies of the future would work. But I thought all the games they were working on were VR or some garbage.
I will fucking fight you.
She's an irredeemable whore.
>twilight levels of cringe writing in a "game" that's all about the story
Cut down on the estrogen there, you mentally ill sack of shit.
Sounds like a pain.
people have been saying the game is pretty fun since its launch but as always what happens.
the game did get a good amount of threads when it was first launched.
then of course shitposters moved in because people were having fun discussing the game.
>Thrown off a collapsing fire tower
>Chased by wendigos through a load of mine machinery and nearly falls into a grinder
>Gets bitten but manages to escape via zipline
>Exhausted and wounded, manages to get back to her friends
>They immediately treat her bite with suspicion and almost shoot her
>has the most death scenes in the game
Emily... had a hard life.
i think two of them are vr. that hospital one and the generic "we wuz war n shit" one.
the couch smartphone one sounds promising tho
We live in an age of interactive movies where you can chose the outcome and are basically a part of it as you play. How about trying to hold onto a little wonder instead of just being dead inside?
Like I said, it's OK if you like that sort of thing.
I can watch a two hour movie but a six hour game needs some gameplay to keep me interested.
there's only one problem with your claim
>Crying and complaining all the time while doing nothing to improve the situation: The Character
Seriously, what does she do in-game?
>Freaks out over Emily's wound and goads Mike to shoot her
>Refuses to open the door to Chris when he's being chased because he hurt her feelings earlier
>Follows a creepy voice in a tunnel to a locked, banging trapdoor THEN FUCKING OPENS IT BECAUSE SURELY THERE COULDN'T BE A MONSTER BEHIND IT
Ashley is garbage tier
ashley deserves a horrible life. fuck her
if any of this happened to you in your playthrough, you're the idiot here
n-no u
I wish
And it's more or less completely her fault. That's what happens when you lead a life of insufferability.
The alternatives are:
>Do nothing
>Open a door
>Do nothing
If you play her well she does next to nothing. The only actions she's capable of taking are stupid ones.
>Best tier
Emily, Mike
>Good tier
Sam, Josh, Jess
>Okay tier
Matt, Chris
>Trash tier
if you want to talk about doing nothing, let's talk about Jess. literally dead weight through the entire game.
>trash tier
she's thicc and has a cute pudgy face
that's enough for me
>Matt is literally a white guy playing a black jock
Does anybody actually like him or bother saving him? He's a total pushover
Sup Forums contrarianism will never cease to amaze.
>We live in an age of interactive movies where you can chose the outcome and are basically a part of it as you play. How about trying to hold onto a little wonder instead of just being dead inside?
>It's CYOA book but it's a movie, and has QTEs!
>also you can't actually CYOA because it's a linear story and the two main characters can't die until the very end.
She plays her role as the one who gets wounded/killed to show the others that the danger is real.
desu until Jessica got her face ripped off I thought the prank was still going on.
He was a geuinely nice dude, what's not to like? Putting up with Emily is punishment enough. If you kept him alive, you played the game at its hardest difficulty.
>displays none of these traits in the game
It's fine to be a bitch so long as you have some kind of worthwhile skills to back it up. She's completely insufferable and useless throughout the entire game and never once does anything to redeem herself.
hmm, never thought of it that way. makes me think. for a game driven so heavily by player choice, you'd think "step away from the fucking glass panel door" would be a good prompt to have.
I do wish Ashley had more to do aside from being just some nerd's love interest and crying about everything. if I'm being desu I actually think Sam is best, because she's the only person aside from Mike actually fucking doing anything. Ashley's second because I think she's cute.
Mike is an action hero in a horror game.
>Girlfriend gets nabbed
"dammit. I was just about to get some but now it looks like you're about to GET SOME"
>Bonds with bro as fuck wolf companion
>his idea of split up and search for clues involves him going alone against an army of bullet proof monsters
>Gets nabbed by big bad monster and dragged underwater
>still survives
>Breaks a lightbulb with his bare hands
The guy is basically John McClain and Schwarzenegger rolled into one
At least she actually does things and doesn't scream the whole time. She feels genuinely resourceful and is, along with mike, the character that makes the most plot discoveries. She isn't an untouchable mary sue like Sam either. And if you do hate her, she has some of the best deaths in the game. Easily the most entertaining character.
>It's fine to be a bitch so long as you have some kind of worthwhile skills to back it up
No it's not, americuck.
She displays resourcefulness when she is stuck in the mine.
Apart from Nathan Dr- I mean Mike, Emily is subjected to the most danger in the game and she doesn't even get a proper gun.
The only people that should have died in your playthrough if you aren't incompetent are Jess (I understand fucking up the first real quicktime event sequence) and Sam (only because the "hold still" prompt for her at end is known to be finicky). Everyone else should have lived if you didn't make dumb choices and didn't fail easy qtes.
That's exactly the outcome I had. Jess died at the start (I didn't fuck up any QTEs but I chose all the safe routes thinking the game would punish risk-taking). Sam failed the last Keep Still, which I maintain is bullshit since I hadn't failed one up to that point.
>the "hold still" prompt for her at end is known to be finicky
just put the gamepad on the floor, nigguh
t. Third World Uneducated
>pad vibrates and moves
Where is your God now?
For me it was Matt. I think he only survives if you get the flare gun, right? I was doing a kind of RPish playthrough and didn't think Emily would be the type of person to thoroughly explore her surroundings.
Yeah,its a pretty good movie. Would suggest tlou as well
disable vibration, nigga
>No Chris, shoot me not yourself! I love you!
>Wow wtf Chris you tried to shoot me, fuck you I'm going to stand and watch as you get your head torn off in front of me.
Chris deserved better.
Also Mike is best Bro and has great taste since he's fucking Beth.
If you abandon Emily and jump to safety, Matt survives. You need the flare gun if you want to try to save Emily and still want Matt to survive the wendigo encounter.
Ah, I see. So apparently I doomed Matt then. And the reward I get for such bravery is Emily wishing death on him in the end credits. Just another reason to hate her I suppose.
I know we are getting a prequel but I would like to get a proper second game in the same vein. New characters and story and a new cryptozoological threat, shit like the Jersey Devil, Mothman or even something like the Hopkinsville Goblins.
Fug, meant Jess. Beth was best girl though.
>try watching Mr Robot because Mr Prank man is in it
Somehow i think every actor in this game is giving it 100% on this B tier slasher flick which is kinda of rare on this type of games.
Part of why I enjoyed Until Dawn is that the supernatural element came out of the left field. It was setting up as a human psycho antagonist until the sudden twist. I don't think a sequel would pull that off again.
Thats a really good point. I would still like a second game though, I am sure they could come up with some other way to spice it up.
It starts good, but after that it turns into a generic hurr durr teenagers are killed by monsters shit movie.
Also the ending was a fucking disaster.
It's really not good. If it was a movie it would be one of the shittiest movies ever made.
>it would be one of the shittiest movies ever made.
Nah, it's too generic and high budget for that.
It's more like a below average quality SYFY shlock.
Though being 5 hours of garbage instead of 2 does make it a more painful experience.
>still blasted her in the head
what did they mean by this?
ryona pandering
cliche fest
fake choices
pointless jumpscares
the absolute state of this peecuck
>people unironically liking Emily
it's only good because it has Hayden in it. Hayden is top tier Hollywaifu.
Reminder that Scary Game Squad did the best playthrough at launch
Watching people play games. What are you 10 years old?
I got the flare gun and he still died because he used it at the tower. I was fucking pissed
I've literally said multiple times that this was the only game (aside from Kingdom Hearts) that I wish was on PC.
Because you should ask Sup Forums
When you're in the railcar station, Emily will say she wants to go the radio tower. You, as Matt, have to say you wanna go back to the house.
You'll still go to the tower, but if you get the gun, he won't shoot it.
i really enjoyed it and managed to keep everyone except josh alive until the last second where the fucking "don't move" event bugged out and sam got killed by that wendigo that triggered me so hard
>interactive cinematic garbage
It's decent for what it is, but these Telltale style games are pretty shit in general. Until Dawn at least puts up a better facade of your choices mattering than most others and it also doesn't take itself too seriously, which means the writing doesn't come off as bad as it might have otherwise.
Okay, play the game for 2 hours as an interactive movie. Save, do something else and come back later.