Blizz will be having its own version of discord

>blizz will be having its own version of discord

What do you guys think? What will happen to discord?

Pretty sure they're just licensing discord with their own skin and user database


Nothing?You know wow has had in game voice since like WotLK and nobody uses that either.

>Battlenet gets even more bloated
Fuck you discord

>swear in private message
>get permabanned from all blizz games

>Diablo (Leah)
Why are they spoiling Diablo 3 for everyone

>you will never have a voice chat with Jaina and Tracer

>post "manamajeff" in a private chat
>blizzard bans you from all games and sues you for using the word "Jeff"

Haha memes. Han Solo amirite

Why would anyone use this over discord? Opening is a pain in the ass enough

>blizzard in charge of copying everything in existence

>blizz will be having its own version of discord
No, this is just regular Discord. They are integrating it into their client.

>What will happen to Discord?
It will get money from this deal?

i only open bnet to update my games then i exit that shit and just run the games through shortcuts

TBC, actually. It's always been shit, so no one uses it.

Oh yeah I forgot that was a thing

*posts loli*

>Diablo (Leah)


they're announcing a pubg game at blizzcon btw

>tfw overwatch royale

this is why they are hiring new people for over watch recently.

Is it going to be as dead as their Diablo and Starcraft 2 chats?

god I hate battle royale games, they killed shooters

Heroes of the Battleground. Gotta recycle all those assets you put into trying to make that shitty MOBA survive.

hots isn't dying its one of their only profitable games

The only dead game is diablo and wow and sc2

this would be great for someone who only plays blizzard games

>this would be great for someone who only plays blizzard games

Isnt that 90% of Battlenet users?

fuck if I know, I wasn't joking, I know normals who only play overwatch/WoW/hearthstone and they're probably use this more than discord
actually thinking about that makes me realize that will just distance them from me further
well fuck em they were huge thots and cunts anyway

WoW has some 4-5 million people still
Hell, TERA barely has 8k people and that's considered a Live MMO
Tree of Savior is at some 40k

WoW is shit sure. Garbage, casualized, backwater swill that the Everquest or Runescape devs should have been able to crush underheel in a lazy afternoon if they weren't so intimidated by thinking outside the box? Of course, but "dead" is something i would not use to define WoW

No they are not. Discord has no direct connection with this.

>They want to sue that Chinese Overwatch for being a copy paste, donut steel
>Then do this shit with Discord
Fuck, let them win, then let DotA2/LoL, Magic the Gathering, and Discord to pounce on the fatty gut of ActiBlizz and sue them into oblivion

Who are you talking to that considers tera "Alive"? Because I play that game and it's a fucking ghost town.

WoW has some 4-5 million people still
Funny how people claim ff14's userbase is as big as WoW, but based autist jap Lucky Bancho proves them wrong. On his latest census he found a little over 800k active characters, but this doesn't mean it's actually 800k players. Some autists, myself included, have multiple characters, I used to have 3 when I played back then, and I won't deny doing MSQ all over again make me want to kill myself.

I thought Legion was good or acceptable, haven't played myself but dudes in my discord server love it.

Why are TERA numbers so low though?

TERA went to shit in small steps, then one big ass heap
First they gutted the Vanarchy electoral system, mostly in part thanks to Sup Forums, because, holy shit, some 1200 guarunteed votes to 3 people every month gave us permanent spots in the System

Then they never fixed Nexus raids, so powerpoint presentation: The World Raid gimped some more

Never addressing how hard it was/is to level a mystic didn't do anyone favors either

The pvp for melee like berserkers or slayers hinged heavily on not stubbing your toe on one jagged pixel, or timing your strikes to not overlap on the 90 million i-frames every other class had

Then, they just threw shit to the wall and made the game into a cash shop, full of 20+ alkahest types you can only get from loot boxes or special events, but the SE only gave so little, and you needed ever so much for that RNG +1

I wanted to play TERA on release because it looked fun as fuck my college didn't give me the time to play it.

what the fuck is up with jaina's icon?? is this a leak for wows new expansion or is it related to the halloween event

I still don't understand the point of Discord. The first time I ever heard of it was from a friend that asked me if I was into ERP, because that's what he used it for.

Nothing, discord has established userbase and battle net client despite offering nothing in return does not. Plus it doesn't have twitch emojis

It's just another ventrilo/teamspeak. I guess the only good thing about it is that you don't have to host your own servers.

Community management, with streamlined chat and VOIP services. For small groups other services may be preferable, but for medium to big ones Discord is better and all-in-one solution.

>pepe, kek, and every other half-decent meme will probbaly be prohibited from Blizz-cord
Literally what reason is there

Why would anyone who doesn't play Overwatch, or other Blizzard games, switch from discord for this? If Steam integrated it then maybe Discord should be worried, but this seems like a waste of time for a client with so few relevant games.

It's a mix between Teamspeak and IRC that actually keeps logs even when you're not connected.

Steam would more likely get Discord before this blizzard talk

blizzard is creatively bankrupt and I don't give a fuck

>"half-decent memes"

Does anyone have a source? Can't find any

Discord is basically anonymous though.

>4-5 million

could it be... Mozart?