Post games only you played
Post games only you played
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what the hell is this
some skateboarding game i used to play as a kid
has shitty ps1 models and cheesy rap music sung by kids who pretend to be gangsters
i own a copy.
its like a Capcom Cell shaded dungeon crawling game right?
dont the weapons have durability like in Dark Cloud? fucking hate that shit.
This and UT2k4 are the best Unreal games by far. Selkey was cute.
I was one of the 10 people who played this game
Have a bunch for PS1 that I'm pretty sure only I played, but I only remember Destrega, Toy Soldiers and Defcon 5.
Destrega was actually pretty good.
I got it because the flowersword was
and nobody played nor do they remember UC2. I miss that game so much
Hearing Jon St. John as the main character was amusing. The prequel had better gameplay but not Jon St. John as the VA anymore sadly.
It was pretty popular m8
Help, there is a certain game on PS1 i'm trying to remember, its an adventure game with a bit of horror that takes place on a ship....i've been trying to remember this game for months
echo night?
can't tell. no one I know and no one here ever talks about it in any arena/shooter/overwatch thread
No user its not First person, its 3rd person and more like Resident evil with multiple discs
this looks fun
eggo mania (ps2)
Is a rip-off of Crazy Taxi but it was still fun.
holy shit! leave Sup Forums you fucking redditor newshitter retardbaby
did you know someone rebuilt this game in the Hit and Run engine? its amazing
Always, always wanted to play this, because the art direction looked so cool.
Looks pretty basic now I finally get to see gameplay of it.
So many games sold purely just because of cool box art.
Damn that style is making me nostalgic for the early 00s. Dark Cloud, Jet Set Radio, Power Stone, Phantasy Star.
>nobody played the first high profile Squaresoft game released for the PS2
Are you being sarcastic?
omg, I remember this game, I had a blast with it
so bad
I think what you're going to get in this thread, is a ton of early ps2/gamecube games that people took a chance on, but never really talked about.
Beach Spikers is already making me think of a time where some boxart was sort of confusing, and you didn't get enough information about what you were getting.
I took a chance on the first ZOE, and I enjoyed it. Never spoke to anyone about it thought, until about 12 years later.
Everyone played these games, and most of them were strange, they just weren't big deals to a lot of people.
The character models put me off, I'd rather play the original Romancing SaGa.
TimeSplitters 2.
No, never seen anyone discuss it. Why?
I remembered this when X-Play was relevant
mah nigga
The only time you are ever going to see people discuss The Bouncer is when they talk about it being the first big disappointment of the PS2. It was part of the first batch of PS2 releases, it was marketed to hell and back and Square were at the height of their popularity at that time. It was THE GAME to have. And then it was released and it turned out to be an enormous pile of absolute shit. Just because nobody discusses 15 year old pieces of shit doesn't mean nobody played them.
Mah Man !!
I liked it so much that I'm considering buying a pad just to play it again on the emulator.
I remeber this being very difficult.
Does it still hold up? Worth getting a copy?