What are you guys playing today?
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Why the fuck do you keep posting this shit thread? Did you just have your 25th birthday?
Yeah. And when you have yours you can join.
I'm 27 and I'd slit your fucking throat if I knew where you lived. Do you think this is some fucking exclusive club you mouthbreathing cockgoblin? Age has nothing to do with video games.
33 here.
Been playing Shadow of War and XC2: War of the Chosen.
Lots of war.
The only thing that is 27 regarding your life is the amount of cocks your mom sucked throughout her life. Faggots like you are the reason why we have these threads, to exclude you.
I'd like to see you try, faggot. I could teleport behind you without even breaking a sweat.
You do not deserve to breathe the same air as I do but it's okay. You will grow out of it you fucking child.
26. Pushing through some ps2 classics. Comfy times
Guilty Gear Revelator 2, Destiny 2, and alcoholism.
i have a group of friends i meet in a voice chat every night im starting to notice im being too fucking loud late nights because there is dead silence right now so starting tomorrow im not doing voice chats past 12 or if i am im going to try to be completely silent
t. 26 yo
32. Working on S ranks on Cuphead.
29, going back to elex
>Utter desolation. My once proud kin wiped from this world like excrement from a boot.
32. Been going on a nostalgia binge through some of my old favorites. The voice acting in this game is fucking fantastic. Only just killed Zephon an hour or so ago.
Combat in SR1 is so plain and simplistic with minimal variety yet impaling things is fucking satisfying as all hell.
Wish my popstarter save file didnt get corrupted.
Elex and finishing D:OS2, might start Shadow of War
It's a good month
Installed Tropico 1 again and forgot how infuriatingly lazy Teamsters and Laborers are.
27, sick at home
Starting my 2nd round of ciV today.
Lmfao do everyone a favour and slit your ass instead
If you're well enough to play games, you're well enough to go to work. Man up and get back to work you little wimp
Finished Vampire Masquerade last night and now im downloading the new South Park to play it with my brother.
Playing Gothic 1 for the first time and loving it.
Just played Stardew Valley for the first time, I had some Harvest Moon nostalgia recently and this looked like a good option.
Why tropico 1 instead of 3 for example? I recall finding the road system and construction times in 1 sucking major dick.
So did it actually scratch the nostalgia itch?
30 in a couple of months, playing stone soup and the fractured but whole
Playing Amnesia for the first time. Got some other horror games lined up.
Also occasionally tekken 7
Playing 999 for the first time. It's great. The first puzzle had me stuck for like 30 mins, I am such a brainlet.
Resident Evil 4 or Mount & Blade Warband.
Buying a switch made having this shit security graveyard shift job a little closer to heaven.
I got so bored once that i read the entirety of the Dark Tower books in 3 weeks
Yeah game is nice and comfy, only played a few hours so I'm not fully into the routine of it yet.
33 here, playing shadow of war, just finished gta v, both are pretty gud.
>I'm 27 and I'd slit your fucking throat if I knew where you lived
t. underage
29, just finished Evil Within 2 and loved it.
Strongly reminded me of RE4 and I thought the pacing in TEW2 was far better and more consistent than 1, and the final few chapters of 2 were perfectly climactic and led to a very satisfying ending.
Writing was cheesy and pretty corny at times, but I liked that the game had some humor in it like classic RE.
over 40 here going to farm some halloween stuff in ESO as well as GW2.
26, ck2, gonna dominate the duke of mercia then die and watch my 10 sons turn england into an arena for bloodsport
65 Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
>I'm 27
>being a 90s kid
27, Shadow of War. Pirated it, but honestly shocked how much I'm enjoying it. Gonna get down to some Alien Isolation when it gets dark as well.
This is my mum.
I'm not even kidding.
>Alien Isolation
This should be a fucking /vg/ thread at this point. So please do us all a favor and fuck off over there
Chimpout! Chimpout!
I playing hollow knight atm and like it much.
Also hoping to play co-op dying light with my friend
>Being older than 20
>Still playing video games
What absolute worthless sacks of shit you must all be.
Playing Divinity OS2. Just got out of Fort Joy. Also have been playing Crash Bandicoot. Can't wait to be done with crash 1 because some levels are just shit.
Sub-25 children pls go
I was having fun with it but the spider vampire mooks really tried my patience. Short quick attacks constantly interrupting me, taking the Soul Reaver away, and scarce secondary weapon placement just made portions of that dungeon unpleasant.
Still great all around though. I tend to only complain about stuff that keeps me invested.
Shadow of War, just got domination so the game should start getting fun.
Can't wait for Mario though.
Back to your Neptunia thread, kiddo.
29. I'm trying to play through Pillars of Eternity before the second game comes out. I also got La-Mulana a couple days ago but I've mostly just stared blankly at it and tried to find out how many ways I can die or get stuck so far.
Consolidate all the console war threads I know you post in into one /vg/ thread and we'll talk.
I wish the story didn't suck nuts and wasn't full of holes.
gonna buy final fight 3 for the virtual console so me and the gf can play co-op
Thinking about giving The Evil Within 1 another try. The first two hours I played like a year ago didn't grab me all that much.
These badboys.
>tfw got a week of sick leave from work
Good luck beating wow in a week.
DC is pretty fucking horrible dudes. I fell for the meme.
I'm 33, own my house, have a great job, I'm fit and fuck roasties on the reg, and have a bunch of other hobbies. Video is my cooldown hobby I use to relax after exhausting my other hobbies, and equivalent to television.
Pick one one game you can do, ok? One game you can do as opposed to a whole bunch of them where you don't know what the hell you're doing.
FGO. Waiting for MHW still.
28 here.
Playing The evil within 2 on nightmare on my first playthrough.
Its a bit hard but i'm having fun.
Playing Elex on the side
Hah you guys are old
I play games to enjoy them, not to beat them.
Make me.
Are you threatening one of us? Oh, poor child. The 4channers will never forgive you. We will ruin your fucking life.
Played some Spectre of Torment and SD Gundam Gashapon Wars.
I wish I had more available friends to play some local multiplayer, oh well.
I hope you all have an excellent day.
>I hope you all have an excellent day
Fuck off.
Right now playing Civ4. Going to continue playing Fire Emblem 4 with my friend's daughter later today.
Fuck off back to r9k faggots
I'll pray for your soul user.
Clearly you need it the most.
27 nearly on 28, picked up an indieshit game on humble bundle called crawl today and thats actually surprisingly fun probably the best 4 bucks i've blown in a longass time on this shitty industry.
>thread in general are just adults playing some vydia and having a good time
>now and then some kiddo comes screeching and gets ignored or told to shut up.
>everyone keeps acting cool and playing good games instead of masturbating to some anime character.
Is this a safe haven for Sup Forums?
30 here, starting to play paragon with my online company. Other than that, gwent/witcher 3/yakuza kiwami
I'm not. I just lay in bed for the past 3 hours and now I've got to go to work. Yay adulthood.
Might play a Doom wad. I don't play much games now. I stick to retro games when I do. Good game there OP.
How dare you speak to me.
Dont blame us on your collosal laziness.
Good one. So much nostalgia.
Jokes on you, I'm 25 AND masturbate to anime characters. Also other than mobage, competetive shooters are the only thing for me, too brainlet to keep enjoying grand strategy after playing through it once.
No need to brag about being a pedo in denial.
I am merely typing text and sending it to the internet.
It is your choice only to acknowledge its existence.
Ur mum a casual lol
Now, seriously: can 60-year-olds play FPSs consistently? Or is reaction time so low you're dying every fight?
I honestly get that vibe, too. It's just a bunch of oldies congenially discussing vidya. It makes it even more super obvious that 95% of the worthless garbage posts on this board comes from angry underage virgins.
I love you guys.
But old hags aren't children user, I just enjoy women who could drown me in their motherly bosoms.
32 here
26. Grim dawn and watch some shit on my second monitor. Maybe some tekken later.
trying to do something in dead space 2 but meh
im gonna ask this again
Dark alliance is also on GBA tho. Play some Champions of norrath/Return to arms if you like the genre.
I honestly find both of those very overrated. Difficulty is retarded.
DC1? Seriously? I think Dino Crisis stands proudly with the PSX RE games, it's great. DC2 isn't so hot, thought I loved it more as a kid. What do you hate about it?
Just done some job. Going to tokioland next week for job. I kinda miss akiba though I'm sure the only thing I will do is sitting around in mcdonalds.
I've been planning to learn japs since HS but now I'm 26 and can't even order food in japanese. I kinda just meh, I'm not sure anymore.
You already know the answer
Trying to finish Persona 5.
Its my first Persona and although I have enjoyed it; Im suffering from some serious burnout from it.
muh boi, series should have been Legacy of Raziel
I had to eventually stop playing Rimworld and X3 since they're never ending and my backlog was accumulating.
As someone who adores PS1 horror games, i actually enjoyed DC2 far more and continue to enjoy it to this day. Single exception where going more arcade/action feels fun and brings out the best of the game.
As much as I want to like DC1, it feels utterly flawed.
>horrible inventory system without any sort of indicator for how much health you got
>confusing system for combining items/ammo where half the time you are going in blind, not sure what exactly are you going to get
>endless respawns of enemies
The atmosphere is kinda interesting and I dig the puzzles and all but it's really a chore to play. And I enjoy games like Countdown Vampires.
I know the feel. I played P3 and P4, but for some reason I started to feel burned out on P5 around 70-80 hours in. I pushed through, though, and so should you. You've gone this far, might as well see it to the end.