When you were young, did you prefer playing and discussing games with people your age or did you hang around adults?

When you were young, did you prefer playing and discussing games with people your age or did you hang around adults?

As a kid I watched a guy 6 years older than me play Jedi Knight 2 for hours. I didn't feel like talking about Pokémon at elementary school with people my age.


kids my own age rejected me

post more cute

Since my school friends were as nerdy as me I obviously preferred them.

Don't think I even met any older nerds.

I would play Diablo II and Sven Co-op, but I pretended to know things about Runescape around my friends. I don't have friends anymore as I am a neet.

I only played with my peers

older cause i would get molested

I played games with friends, but we never discussed them, if we weren't playing we were doing physical activity like climbing or soccer.

I'm pretty sure this is a former CP girl

I had an older cousin who I could talk vidya with, though looking back I probably only annoyed him more than anything.

Other than that I would talk to schoolmates, since pretty much everyone had a PS2 back in the day.

None of my schoolmates liked them so i kept to myself. Still do because my favourite games are too obscure for friends.

same age

anyway, why are slavic women so much more attractive than white women?

Is this a roundabout way of saying you were raped?


I like showing and discussing obscure games to friends, even when they don't get it or aren't interested I feel an air of superiority and wisdom.

When I was young I was outside all day, and at night I stayed up late to play my NES and read fantasy novels I rented from the library. I don't remember discussing games all that much back then.


even slavic bois look better than white women

What makes you so sure?

Neither, people I knew in real life had shit taste in games. So I talked to people online, and I had no way of knowing how old they were.





slav women and mediterranean women belong exclusively to mediterranean cock, slav dudes should date white women instead

white "males" can date other white "males" or off themselves

I knew something was off about her

>implying anyone would ever want a gypsy nigger like you

Slavic males are fucking hideos. Literally Orc-tier.

>t. nordic nigger

>thinking bumping your cuckold fetish a few rungs up the racial ladder makes it any better
rope yourself my dude

We played video games but rarely discussed them. If anything, we discussed robots after playing a video game with cool robots. But we didn't have any actual vidya discussion.

Most of my friends were into video games. Weirdly, most of them were girls. They'd play mascot platformers and I'd watch, or we'd switch upon death or something. I liked having friends over and just watching them play single player games.

Fewer boys liked video games, most considered any indoors activity boring and nerdy. One boy would play RuneScape with me, the other would play console games and have me watch, which was fine too.

My parents were divorced and I liked watching my mother's boyfriend play PC games. He'd let me try some of them. I thought he was really nice and I enjoyed hanging out with him, he even used to babysit me when my parents were working. We used to have some vidya discussion. Shame they broke up for some reason.

My uncle liked discussing video games too and he gave me all his used games, gaming magazines and demos.

And then there was my mother, she actually got me into video games. I originally didn't give a shit about games in my childhood, I didn't even know there were different consoles, but my mother insisted a kid ought to have a PlayStation so they got me one and that's what started it all. At first I watched her play. When I had the courage to play I'd still have her complete the parts that were too hard or scary for me. In my teens she'd already gotten rusty and wouldn't try my favourites when I recommended games, claiming it's too hard and she'd rather watch. She plays F2P MMORPGs nowadays, a fact my friends find very amusing.

Man, this all sounds pretty weird now that I'm typing it out.

Cool mom

dunno mate I played Pokemon talk about Pokemon and had a older brother who got me all the R rated games.

>baiting a thread with masha

fuck off

Well you made me feel old user

Her scenes were fantastic

you're not a slav are you?


very cute, go on

Masha's spread pussy!

Is that loli-chan?

Masha desu

I love how all the gypsy shitskins that talk about the superiority of "mediterranean" men always choose some hilariously corny stock photos of men models.
That's how you actually look like, Milosh.

Mostly hung out around kids my age, but I only had a couple of friends that were really into games anyway.

There was one time I stayed at my grandpa's place overnight and played Majora's Mask from beginning to end with a cousin, though. An older guy, kind of a burnout, works 3 jobs and sleeps on someone's couch kind of guy. Dude smoked constantly and didn't talk much but man he could pull an all nighter with some decent vidya. Kinda miss that guy, haven't seen him in years.

tfw no masha babko vids

She has a bf now and he won't share vids

When I was young I was busy exploring the wilderness with my friends. Getting chased by rabid dogs and snakes fishing at the sky-blue colored stream.

It was such fun.