What happened?
What happened?
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Dead by Daylight is supported by its devs actively
Friday the 13th was left to die with dlc being the only thing keeping it alive
DoD already took the relatively small niche.
and F13 wasnt better in any way so it failed to lure people who didnt like DoD much
Dead by Daylight is more polished, was released first, and has more depth to it.
The devs being dickheads didn't help a great deal.
Also not listed as early access on Steam, but it's clearly not even finished.
In b4 "i-it's alive on consoles!"
>more polished
Sure thing. Wasn't it nominated for great sound design for the British game awards, when the sound was broken?
things happen when the game runs worse than PUBG and the devs personally ban people for saying someone isn't good at a game
Not even good DLC, but skins and emotes.
One game is good, the other one is bad
Hopefully DBD can get Jason in and let F13 die. Freddy's in soon baby.
Wait this isn't the same game?
Failing to fix glaring problems for months but at the same time releasing horrible patches that completely fucked game balance, introduced a ton of new bugs and lowered the performance by a lot.
Halloween sale when?
I'm waiting for it to get DBD.
Are you underage?
Do you know what rights are?
I enjoy searching for parts and such in F13 more than repairing gens in DBD but once Jason actually finds you the game is pretty awful.
I have fun during chases in DBD, with the exception of Nurse who is basically teleport grab Jason.
Yeah, I know they give people license when they think they'll get a lot of money out of it. And since F13 is basically dead, DBD seems like it might do just that.
Are you ok?
>Friday the 13th
>Only game "support" they put any effort into consists of banning people from doing the very things most people come to play the game for
>fuck up so bad they're actually considering lifting bans, pissing off what few players they have left who actually like the new "no fun allowed" structure
Really backed themselves into a corner with no way out.
Schadenfreude but it's amusing to watch.
wait dead by daylight is alive? wow
Hell yeah, Freddy Krueger getting released sometime in the next few days too.
Dead by daylight has a predatory progression mechanic. Drip feeding minor perk upgrades for hours of play time.
I have 120 hours in the game, reached rank 1 on killer (which wasnt fun, but i was addicted to the easy bloodpoints you can earn with bbq and chilli perk) and im 100% done with it.
Download a save file with everything unlocked and you'll almost surely lose all desire to play the game.
That's a pretty sad statement, the core gameplay loop is not its own reward as it should be in any game. The really sad part is that i fell for it hook line and sinker.
I go to bjj classes because its fucking fun and challenging, if i were to receive my purple belt, i'd still continue to train. It's a good game.
Dbd, however is not. (it could be though)
Do not make my mistake.
Nobody wants a game ban on their account for calling incompetent faggots incompetent faggots.
How would Freddy even remotely work with DbD's gameplay style?
I thought his whole shtick was being a nigger in your dreams and fucking with your mind not physically mounting you on hooks.
Yeah, you're right honestly. I hope his power is inventive enough to do him justice. Something that messes with people would be great.
That being said he does do his share of manhandling in the movies.
Sauce on people say the f13 devs banned folks for pointing people are shot at the game.
Those devs sound fuckin dumb.
>just want a game where you can stomp around as Jason and take people out as creativly as possible for maximum points or something (can't procede unless you hit a score total or something)
>all I get is a shitty game on NES and a multiplayer only bug filled shitfest
It's just not fair.
>I have fun during chases in DBD, with the exception of Nurse who is basically teleport grab Jason.
Once you git gud, Nurse is actually the most fun to play against. It's pure mind games. She can't catch up with you easily without teleporting and when she does, but misses, she can't see you for 2-3 seconds (that's when you can get out of her line of sight).
Exception is if the Nurse has add-ons where she can blink like four times, in which case you're screwed F13 style.
>Download a save file with everything unlocked and you'll almost surely lose all desire to play the game.
As well as your ability to play, because that gets you a ban and a permanent mark on Steam.
Oh sure we can all run a bad Nurse around. When Nurse is on the field it's their game to lose.
Y u no get n Humbl bundl?
Dey thuk her