What games make you feel like a badass, Sup Forums?

What games make you feel like a badass, Sup Forums?

The kind of badass that makes nearby females' hearts beat faster. You know the type.

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Ninja Gaiden 2 if you get the combat


>letting your daughter get fucked by a chink
Yeah, real badass.

Where did this DSP photo come from? Also, that looks like 3 burgers on his tray. What a fat fuck.


A real man doesn't care, guess we know which category you fall into

Doom 2016

Has anyone noticed how genuinely angry and mean spirited Phil is lately? I know he wasn't exactly known for his pleasantness, but he's lashing out at everyone and everything lately.

Also it seems confirmed that he's drinking gin late and night and get drunk a lot now too,

Dragon's Dogma bitches literally glow when you talk to them

Oh, the camera's on.

>Phil is one of 8 chosen to be featured for a new Twitch feature at Twitchcon
>Had to admit that he was paid to shill it

eh I think you would be to in his situation. Not that he didn't get himself there but there's no way you can come back from that. People want to hate him so they do. They find reason to hate even when he's doing some innocuous. THYDP's get more views than anything he makes a lot of which is done by people as cringe as Phil.

Yeah, this is new apparently. When was it taken?

Don't use the b word!! You'll summon Randy...

you're talking about a person who managed to turn playing video games into a 9-5 job he can't escape from anymore. imagine living that life.

Dark souls. Takes a real man to beat the game in full

It's old. It's from when he went a burger place with Leana.


Damn, that is some real EU way of thinking. Sweden and San Francisco would be proud my fellow liberal friend. Gotta promote that race mixing my fellow memer!

Yeah, you tell him! #WhiteGenocide2K17

Sure Sven

Dsp needs to go back to his old friends, only friends can heal a broken heart

Why would they choose Phil over literally anyone else

Watch this it's pretty amazing.

Face it user, you'll never impregnate anyone so you'll never have to deal with the problem of your daughter fucking a chink.

He needs to be careful. He could easily piss off his remaining fans and lose even more money.

That shit's a photoshop

Ding ding ding. Literally any of the fights against Kaze in Y0 will make you feel awesome though his fight theme may play a part.

Some of them are too far gone he was given 300 dollars in twitch bits the other night and not 5 minutes later was talking about setting up an Amazon whishlist so he could get new headphones.

>What games make you feel like a badass
Battleborn. It may not be doing aswell as Overwatch for example, but it's really epic and badass.

God dammit he's here....


> fat
> ugly
> daily fastfood ration
Are all NAs like this?


The whole "badass" is so fucking annoying at this point.

Is Randy autistic?

>food rations
No user, we aren't poor like Europoors and chinks.

...so annoying that it comes back around again to be ironically funny and cool?
I've been ironically playing a lot of Battleborn to feel ironically badass.

What's the story behind this picture? Someone stalked him in a bar?

Mostly because the word "badass" seems to be their catch phrase for every single game. It also seems to be their defense for their games too.

You cant get burgers and fries in a bar

Yes you are.

I'm messing, I can't keep up the pretense. I've never played Battleborn and I agree, the word is retarded.

It's on the same level as people still using "epic".

Not that guy, but I wouldn't be surprised if Clapistani bars did sell junk food.

You let the chinks fuck you, so yeh.

Maybe not the bars you go to.

Proper bars? No food. "Sports bars"---institutions with a dozen or so TVs lining the walls showing numerous sporting event simultaneously serve low-mid range dinner food like burgers and fries.

he looks menacing here

I noticed it too since leanna left and around the time he started playing the sf2 remake he gets triggered by everything

Well, could be because Leanna left him, people shits on him and reality is catching up.
He might have to go back to have a real job.

What job will (/can) he do?

He did work a few years in customer support. It's not like he's never had a job in his life.

why does he walk like that wtf