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Did you just assume my gender?

Dr Pavel?

Remember to switch your Smoke Bomb for another Charm when you're in plane stages.

Easiest Boss in the 3rd world OP.

Coffee helps. Also, don't be too aggressive with the Doctor himself. Patience is key with him.

You can give up when you get to King Dice, though. I'll never get a feel for the cards because I CAN NEVER FUCKING MAKE IT ALL THE WAY AND IT TAKES FOR FUCKING EVER FUCK THIS GAME.

My right thumb got tired from shooting for the first few fights, then halfway i realize i can HOLD down the fire for continuous fire. HOLY SHIT, metal slug didn't have that.

You do know you can time the dice roll right? when it turns to the right you jump, when the dice is at 1 you do a fast jump and parry it, it will always hit 3. 2 gives 1, 3 gives 2. i know it changes direction but it is the same thing, just go for the hearts and you will still have 3 when you gotta fight King dice

Take the invincibility super and the red shotgun bullets. Then just rape him from below.

You can also hit a guaranteed 1 by parrying the dice as soon as King Dice closes his hands with the dice in them.

dude just sit under it and jump and instant parry the moment you see the number before the number you want

ez af

Just parry the same card multiple times before moving on to the next, it's super easy.

Do you have to dash before moving to the next card or can you make it with just a jump?

Guys, why did he die after the first phase?

Depends how close they are, sometimes you'll have to dash. I'd advise not using the dash powerup so you know where you're going to appear definitively.

>finally beat Djimmi on expert
>pyramid laser hits me literally the second he dies
>turns out i went 2 secs over the limit to boot

I beat this asshole with a fucking trainer

> Iron Chad

Shameful solution

yeah sometimes

its all about positioning yourself right to get the dash right

>using smoke bomb

I had some problems with that boss too, except he wouldn't die.

>not using smoke bomb

>make him look at the top of the screen
>ok he's looking there now, there's the lazer
>do the thing

x4 and other easy stages

if you mean expert, fuck know, i've barely beaten the easiest bosses on expert/s yet. But yeah the robot is the least of your worries, you're near the end.

really buggy boss

>using a controller and hands


>make a thread about struggling with the robot and the dragon
>they're just saying basic shit like chaser and hang on etc
>realize they're not on expert

first 2 stages of this boss are real easy.
first, focus on his abdomen, shooting down the ships too. After it's destroyed, hang on a bit to destroy the bomb as it comes out. then, thanks to parrying all the pink objects and shooting up the ships, you should have a full meter. Nuke his head and finish it off with some bullets. then, fall back and get to the center left of the screen and focus on his chest, making sure to shoot down at his abdomen when bombs come out, eventually you will have broken his heart and assuming you parry all the pink, wil have another full meter. Turn into a nuke and meet his head as it flies out, then drop it a couple bombs and its on to the next phase, which is literally just dodge city. remember to shrink!

>tfw you're part of the 0.6% that beat the game on expert

>It's the hardest game ever guys you just have to not use the smoke bomb, auto parry, charge shot, lobber, roundabout, any of the supers, etc

how do I shot web?

>Let's put foreground objects that block your view in the most bullet hell like stage

Fuck off, how did they miss this? Or did they think this was a solid decision? Fucking cheap

Maybe you're just bad at video games?

Works on my machine.

It lasts less than a second. If you're that unaware of your surroundings then you shouldn't be playing this game.

>most bullet hell like
see that's the thing
it's still not bullet hell
something blocking your view for half a second is hardly issue

I get it, people complain about the robot because they are trying to get a perfect score.
And here I thought People had problems defeating him normaly.

That is what I said... except for the theater, thats easier.

cala maria and her bullshit rng was harder

>your view in the most bullet hell like stage
the fuck? this stage was pretty slow and far from bullet hell

>half a second
it lasts atleast 3 and it repeats itself, and its also present on other stages, but this is where it started to become a problem for me. This boss already limits your movement with its attacks, and it doesn't help when 1/3 of the screen is covered half the time. I'm not big on shooters, I haven't played any of them after the SNES R-type game, but please point me to a shoot em up where the bottom half of the screen is constantly blocked by the looping foreground.
>hurdur gitgud :^)
Just because a game is hard it's not immune to criticism. This shit is an objectively bad design decision, or something they didn't consider, on the worst fucking boss in the entire game.

>bullet hell like

It isn't bullet hell, it's just the closest boss that's closest to it

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

>fishing for (you)'s this hard

Honestly I didn't even notice the foreground, you're not focusing properly.

If by close you mean nowhere near, sure. It can be beat by just moving up and down ever second, that's not too complicated.

isn't that how you play real bullet hells tho?

Cala Maria is my favourite boss. Not even because I want to fuck her. She's just the most fun to fight against, and her theme is the most fun.

It was even fucking worse in the bull ghost miniboss with the trees, but no one complains about it.

That was clearly intentional. The attacks you had to dodge were all things you could do in advance.

Was stuck on this boss and about to say fuck it and move on too the Phantom train. Saw this thread and decided to give it one last try. Beat it with two hits to spare. Holy fuck

It's hard at first but gets easier with practice especially the last phase becomes easy when you keep your focus. Just get a method of getting outta the 1st whole phase with a couple hits left.

>5 cupheads

There's normally more of a pattern, you may have to move up twice then down once!!! Plus speed is usually a lot quicker.

man fuck this bird and his gay asshole son

>mfw hugging the babby and hitting the parry button the instant he pulls out his gun

I only see 4

nvm got a perfect


This meme needs to stop. Cuphead is not that hard. With enough practice, anyone can beat this game. If you feel a boss if giving you a harder time than it should, you probably don't have the best weapon/specials equipped. Don't be a stubborn autist and vary playstyles.
This does not apply if you are a game """"journalist"""" though. Stick to QTEs and "Press F to express your lesbian feels" walking simulators.

one is currently exploding

With that logic one could argue no game is ACTUALLY hard because all you really have to do is practice it for an indeterminate amount of time until it's not hard anymore
The game is reasonably difficult. Quit being an autist

Heck yeah

literally just shrink to avoid feathers than light his ass up when he gets tired

>shrink to avoid feathers

If you're a bitch, maybe.

>not facetanking every single possible particle of damage in the game
What are you, a loser?



unironically looking forward to finally battling the Iron Giant