>Most sold console of the 2000s
>PS2, 155 million units
>Most sold console of the 2010s
>PS4, 63 million units
What went wrong? Why is console gaming slowly dying?
>Most sold console of the 2000s
>PS2, 155 million units
>Most sold console of the 2010s
>PS4, 63 million units
What went wrong? Why is console gaming slowly dying?
people are getting smarter about tech and don't believe sony's lies anymore
Consoles have become prebuilt PCs with x86 CPUs, standard GPUs and OSs so now people can compare them directly to a PC.
The PS4 has been keeping pace with the PS2 for a while now. The PS2 sales are so high because it was in production for a very long time and its sales reflect this.They'll end with very similar sale amounts unless the PS4 takes a severe blow and people start buying Xbones for some reason, which isn't going to happen.
>Years PS2 was sold for: 13
>Years PS4 has been sold for: 4
PS2 sold from 2000 to 2013.
PS4 sold from 2013 to 2017, so far.
Because you can buy a better pc for the same price as a console.
my dude the ps2's sales were running between 2000 and 2012 and ended with 155m units sold, the ps4 has been on sale for less than half as many years as the ps2.
Because Sony and Microsoft entered the market while Sega and SNK left.
What's most baffling is how the PS4 has sold 63 million units despite having nothing worthwhile.
Its the normalfag console this gen Microsoft destroyed their self st the E3 announcement of the Xbone.
Please don't predict stuff. Sup Forums's predictions are notoriously inaccurate and you may have doomed the ps4.
Good marketing + pre existing fanbase
Plenty of yearly AAA multiplat shovelware to play that normies love.
Also seeing as how Sony dominates Europe it is a haven for Fifa and PES trash that they eat up.
4 years and 60million plus isn't really that weird. It took PS2 a decade to hit 160million.
PS2 piracy is strong even today, specially in thrid world countries. You may not buy any game if you hack a console, but you still bought a console.
PS4 wont go as far as the PS2 if it don't got a hack on it's lifetime. And even if it got, it would be fixed by sony in later patches and newer games wouldn't run on the hacked console.
In essence, no console will sell as good as the ps2.
everybody needed a cheap dvd player. there are more cheap bluray players this time around so that pressure point has been alleviated
People don't need a DVD player anymore. PS5 might sell better though, people might adapt 4K in a big way.
>What went wrong? Why is console gaming slowly dying?
Phones and pads.
People don't consume that much optical media anymore anyway, streaming has taken over a major share of that market
>Why is console gaming slowly dying?
Microsoft and Nintendo weren't pulling their own weight
Sony was the only one selling
Switch will probably bump the numbers up as well, but that's really comparing consoles to handheld markets
that as well
Phones can't kill consle gaming. There will always be an audience demanding more """""hardcore""""" games. The may kill handhelds in the future though.
All these. Microsoft shot themselves in the head on stage and sony went "we don't want to do that" and thus won the place as the normalfag's AAA box.
>despite having nothing worthwhile.
They already have. They brought micro-transaction lootbox garbage to every other platform complete with Casino psychologist specialists.
Microsoft really, really screwed up on their console launch. Now sony have both the normalfags and the weebs on their lap, and that probably won't change for a good while.
Cause today you can play PS4 games on Youtube. There is no such a choice back then
>There is no such a choice
great input pedro
I blame normalfags for the shitboxes. You know, the ones who buy players on fifa and guns on cod.
MS screwed up, and Nintendo/PC are doing their own thing. As long as Sony keeps geeting nearly every multiplat and some more exclusives they're set.
>Sixth Generation, 210 million units sold
>Dreamcast, 9 million units
>PlayStation2, 155 million units
>GameCube, 22 million units
>Xbox, 24 million units
>Seventh Generation, 272 million units sold
>PS3, 86 million units
>Xbox 360, 85 million units
>Wii, 101 million units
>Eight generation, 113 million units
>PS4, 63 million units
>Xbox one, 30 million units
>Wii U, 14 million units
>Switch, 5 million units
I see you deliberately left out console powerhouses such as the hyperscan or the ouya to make your post fit narrative. That's lying by omission user.
smart phones.
Because besides vidya its basically a glorified entertainment system. it can play blueray, play digital, and stream services like youtube and netflix. I know this can be done cheaper seperately without the extra bloatware but normies love convenience. The same can be even said about ps2 sharing dvd capability and ps3 with blue ray. So even if Sony goes full retard with their games, they can still deflect and say the console sells when customers end up still keeping it for its other uses.
>>GameCube, 22 million units
>>Wii U, 14 million units
>>Switch, 5 million units
yeah Nintendo is winning alright.
Isn´t it obvious? PS2 had THE best game library of all time both in therms of quantity and quality and it was retro compatible with all the PS1 games as well.
PS3 was a disgrace with like 10 or 15 worth a shit titles and PS4 has like 5, no retro compatibilities, episodic gaming, DLC, micro transactions, remakes attempting to sell you games you already own, more sequels than original games, payed online... not to mention the whole "hur durr, we need video games to be politic" shit.
Meanwhile PC has most of the games worth something nowdays, can emulate old consoles and play any and all old PC games, has free online, has steam, has mods.
I don´t want to use the master race meme here but consoles shot themselves in the foot.
>consolewar faggotry
>dude cod and fifa lmao
That's why
Their casual gaming meme failed when phones became powerful enough to handle 3d games with decent framerate. They're trying to focus on other areas right now.
Parents can just buy the kid a Kindle Fire and they can play shitty games on it
Their success with the non gamer audience ie: soccer moms and old people with the Wii was never going to last. People like that follow fads and move on quickly its not a sustainable audience.
This t bh
PS4 is already selling more than the PS2 in the same time-frame, it basically outsold the PS3 and with the PSN+ scam they're basically making back all the money they lost with the PS3, thanks to you dumb faggots paying them for P2P online gaming.
Xbone shot itself in the dick with the shittiest reveal of all times and LOL Wii U.
Handhelds are the real dying breed here.
>Video game industry size in last decade
>vs industry size today
No excuse.
>consoles will die in you life time
>CPUs will be forced to use win10 and kill pc gaming as well
Time for a looking for another hobby I guess.
Exactly this. PS4 is the fastest selling console to date.
> 1 PS4 in every household. Don't forget the sacred Nipponese words
>The only reasonable person in this thread
Why is most of Sup Forums so retarded ? Whats worse is that in pressed they defend their ignorance for no reason other than to be defensive.
> You will never play Bloodborne
eat shit pcpeasant
>Dreamcast only sold 9 mil until discontinuation despite head start
Damn... And I thought the box and cube had done bad.
The death of the vita was a sad one. It represented the death of reasonable sized and quality hardware hand helds. No company will try it again and nintendo will keep on cloning the DS and shitting out kiddy games.
Dreamcast looked stupid and had a stupid controller.
Nintendo is moving its top sellers to the Switch, which is kinda handheld.
Next Fire Emblem and Pokémon are confirmed for Switch, and those are handheld titles.
where I live, nobody even knew about Xbox until like 2008. by that time, PS 2 became affordable and almost every kid had it. Also, we'd mod it and play pirate games, which made it a decent investment. I think I spend like 30$ for games, and I had dozens. I am sure it was like that in other parts of the world-PS was simply a brand.
also, today they have to compete with other time-wasting technologies like smartphones, netflix etc. gaming's not a primary source of entertainment any more, it's just one of the options.
Switch is a clunky piece of shit gimmick toy that does not fit in your pocket and has to get the gimped version of any multiplat
It sold due to brand name thats literally the only reason. For that same reason Nintendo gets away with easily emulateable games at full fucking price.
Good luck trying to run anything on your ghetto tier rig
If you're getting anything worse than 1060 you're retarded
>most GPUs are produced for retards
Really makes you think..
i have 1050 + kaby lake and can run everything just fine
The PS2 didn't actually sell 155 million, Sony officially said they shipped 150 million prior to stopping all manufacturing of the console. The DS is the best selling gaming console at 152 million. That 155 million comes from wikipedia.
The PS4 stopped outselling the PS2 a while ago. In the same time frame, the PS2 shipped about 10 million more units.
Not all GPUs are produced for gaming
Crash is coming to Switch