How would you combat piracy?
How would you combat piracy?
By making good games that people want to buy.
kind of like your picture
probably would displace images, fuck up animations and overall introduce game breaking bugs
By making good games that people want to buy and that aren't packed with shitty DRM that only makes the payer player's experience worse.
Make piracy a felony. We'll see if a Sup Forumsirgin will still be a thieving fuck after spending a few years in prison with hardened killers and rapists
additional to that, also make a demo of a game.
As a video game dev, I'm so happy net neutrality is being repealed. All the ISP's will throttle bandwidth to pirate sites so pirates can't steal games, movies, and tv shows anymore
That's a good way to handle non violent offenders, give them the tools and motivation to become violent offenders.
By not being a whiny bitch and ignoring them.
Failing that, by making things like unsolvable quests that only appear to pirates so people can make fun of them when they ask on forums
>Make piracy a felony
>stealing a physical copy is a misdemeanor
>make good game
>people pirate it
>make shit game
>people won't even pirate it
Didn't Crisis make your guns shoot chickens, so you couldn't kill enemies?
Creative shit like that works really well actually
by complaining about it on Sup Forums
this, pirated mount & blade and it was so good i actually bought it
maybe if you got a shit crack
now releases get nuked if quality isnt on par or better than original copy
I wouldn't. Piracy actually help sales
Any effort spent trying to combat piracy would be better spent making the game itself better.
That's wasn't the pirated version though, it's a version leaked by the devs
This just gives the game bad word of mouth, which is like the worst thing that can happen to a game.
>By not being a whiny bitch and ignoring them.
This basically. Pirates are gonna pirate regardless of what you do, might as well spend your time actively working on a sweet expansion instead of whining like the Hollow Knight devs.
make the game better instead and stop being an entitled fuck that expects everyone to not only play the game but give you money for it
The pirated version. Every thing one shots you. Bump into something and dead.
>This just gives the game bad word of mouth, which is like the worst thing that can happen to a game.
But no, it just make people flag themselves on the Steam forums
Release a time-unlimited demo that only has part of the game, worked for years until publishers went full retard
You don't. There is no point. The only way to stop piracy is with incredibly intrusive measures that also greatly harm legitimate consumers. The only sensible answer is this because you take the free exposure of the piracy and turn some of that into sales.
I thought it was in the pirated version, but then people started pirating it just to get the chicken gun so the devs released it.
Not everyone checks the steam or official forums. People will glance at a post here or on reddit or whatever and see that the game is fucked, or a friend will tell them how fucked it is and they won't even bother checking to see if it's true.
Update the game every other day so the pirates are always behind in content and mechanics, and feel the need to buy the game because pirating patches every other day takes too much effort.
I pirated Cuphead but I get my first check next week so I'll be buying it
>camelcase on a property
fucking disgusting
so early access is the answer to piracy?
The actual only way to combat piracy is by making it illegal. Right now it's on a sort of legal gray area where only the distributors are guilty.
When drugs are legalized and the private prison industry is without its niggers they will look at all those young white aspies to lock them up. Laws will pass that will make you responsible for the content that passes through your modem, none of that "my neighbor stole my wifi" shit, harsh penalties will also be dealt to people who steal wi fi.
>releasing unfinished products
By making it easy to get the content legally, a single place that has everything for good prices.
The right to control of your own creation is the most important right of all.
I'm for heavy policing of piracy and against the right to encrypt your internet traffic, you can't wear a mask in public and still do everything you want, same on the net. I'm also for a constant attachment of your real identity to your activities online, so we can police each other.
what game is this?
>constant attachment of your real identity to your activities online
Why don't you start?
I dunno about that. When Game Dev Tycoon put in code that made pirated copies suffer in game sales because of pirate, it probably didn't take the much effort and it got them free press.
>what is Steam
>what is GOG
Yes, obviously there will be other pitfalls there, but that's why I also specified good prices.
Fractured now.
The fact that I don't feel comfortable doing that is a sign that I am right
use *= fuckface
and public variables should use pascal case rather than camel case
>silently install speedfan
>shut off 1 or 2 fans if piracy
Fucking poorfags gonna be poorer.
>This just gives the game bad word of mouth, which is like the worst thing that can happen to a game.
where? on here?
who cares, faggot.
make only freemium and pay-to-win shit.
>Some areas have the enemies de-spawned and areas become barren of loot, Low level enemies can be replaced with higher level ones and intentionally give shit loot
>Dialogue gets mixed up between characters and they speak gibberish at random like "Watch the sky"
>Creepy satanic imagery replaces some textures, Sounds of screaming and crying come out of nowhere when you are alone
>Ghost that stalks you and can kill you if you remain idle or paused for too long
Hollow Knight dev here, ask me anything about how we combated piracy.
Have every NPC in the game call you a freeloader.
Rotate the entire HUD/UI by a few degrees.
Play random walking sounds from random, irrelevant objects.
If the game has microtransactions, add real money cost to items that ordinarily wouldn't.
Play "You are a pirate" instead of the intended soundtrack.
Pirates are the niggers of the internet.
They always use the same excuses and justifications to steal without realizing how hypocrite they are.
Ignore them.
You can find solace in the fact they are poor, too dumb to make good decisions and will likely die early.
Let them enjoy their games, that's all they have in their sad existence.
sorry, but how are you going to detect a pirated copy? denuvo is essentially that, recognizes a pirated copy and stops it from bring executed, it still gets cracked though
it also has internal triggers that should crash the game.
Basically you want to replace that with some BS anti-pirate feature? what do youdo when steam/uplay/origin emus get updated constantly?
>How would you combat piracy?
>Be Developer
>Visit popular piracy sites and websites like Sup Forums
>Release my own game to the public as anonymous
>When you get halfway through the beginning of the game (using my version) it'll delete your entire hard drive and remove system 32
>mod support only with the official version
>reasonable DLC policy
remind people that piracy is a sin
I would implent moments in the game where your save game gets deleted if you pirated.
Also display a message why it is happening. "You pirated now you are fucked" type of thing.
>muh morals
I pirated it as well and put in over 100 hours, never bought because why buy something you can easily get for free. If all gamers actually had morals you'd never see any piracy to begin with, unfortunately morals can be rather inconvenient as I'm sure anyone who pirates anything can agree.
>I'm for a police state
Yea people that think they'll get all profit and no loss from that usually are.
At that point you're just making an elaborate virus, not a game
start with not having steam DRM or any DRM you fucking cunts
and not $60, $20 at max
release a patch every day for the first thirty days after release
Friendly reminder that the EU ordered a report on the effects of piracy, and then tried to suppress it when it found that it had neglible impact on sales.
Also make the game free. And keep the servers alive forever. And keep a separate studio constantly making free dlc and if the player base starts dwindling start paying randoms to play the game!
I love leftists.
kill single player games
So another lostboy.exe, basically?
You're retarded, lurk more before posting again.
Saves have a set chance of deleting themselves on start up
Increase the sound of PC footfall by 400%
And other minorly annoying things
Buyfags please stop ruining video games for everyone.
The developer himself gave out that copy for free. He has no room to talk since he just stole from another game anyway.
>As a video game dev
If you think piracy effects YOUR pay as a developer you are hilariously misguided. You could have 0% piracy and all that would happen is the CEO's get a payrise while devs still get the exact same.
but youre not a dev youre just a larp faggot
You can't willingly turn hardcore pirates into customers. Most of them are wholly used to getting their games from trackers or whatever, hard to beat that sort of habit.
I'm a indie dev, and I have pretty much no quarrel with hardcore pirates. You don't need to justify yourself. I just wish they wouldn't tell other people to pirate or what they think X game is worth (unless there's something like extremely nasty DRM etc). Also the whole "I'll pirate it now and buy it 2 years later if I like it" thing is really cruel.
(Obvious solution: make multiplayer games / games as a service. And that's what AAAs are doing. Anyone pirated the new Hitman with everything yet?)
>hurr steam isn't DRM
This desu
Who suffered the most from piracy in the recent years?
How do I become a hardcore pirate? I'm only a casual pirate right now
Anyone who sailed too close to Somalia?
Me, so much time wasted on shitty games1
horrible mental gymnastics used to justify your third worlder behavior
if a game is shit why would you play it through pirating it?
That is awfully misleading. I despise people like you that try to manipulate scientific reports to fit your narrative. The study did not find sufficient evidence to conclude anything, they literally could not draw any scientific conclusions to prove any arguments whether for or against piracy.
Yet fools like you will sit here and pass on your disgusting lies to those unaware citing the sciences as if on their side. What a shameful display.
>He has an anime reactions folder
Good to know you will be miserable and depressed forever.
Actually if you keep making shit games it'll prevent piracy.
Friendly reminder that video games are a bunch of intangible 1s and 0s on a computer which can be replicated infinitely with zero effort, and as such have an exact value of zero (0).
>I'm also for a constant attachment of your real identity to your activities online
please explain why youre on Sup Forums the largest ANONYMOUS imageboard?
also go back to facebook
Why should anyone do that? No one is losing money because of it.
>scientists get funded to prove piracy hurts sales
>they can't prove it one way or another
Randomly when you go to sell to a shopkeep they'll copy your item and refuse to buy it as they already have it
man, this would improve some of the games that came out recently
>By making good games that people want to buy.
This is stupid logic because pirates pirate for selfish reasons. If the game is good they will have no reason not to pirate since they're only concerned with saving money.
Pirates always try and justify their piracy. They look for the pettiest of reasons to justify and feel better about their piracy.
Why would most pirates not pirate a game simply because they enjoyed it?
>no rebuttal
Oh the irony
>I just wish they wouldn't tell other people to pirate or what they think X game is worth
"I'm OK with pirates, so long as they don't tell the uninformed masses about what my game is actually worth"
Sorry, but I trust the opinion of someone who has actually played the game and has zero to gain from embellishment over a morally-questionable "journalist" or a paid youtube shill.
>Study concludes there's no evidence to prove anything
You need to go back to elementary school since you clearly didn't learn a thing from the science fair.
It's not about morals, you retard, it's about supporting a developer so he could produce more good games.
get yourself a nice boat, and start recruiting a crew. Somalia is a nice place to start
So morals? Pick up a fucking dictionary sometime