What are some good filters for Sup Forums?

What are some good filters for Sup Forums?

####Sup Forums####

/defend this/i;boards:v;op:only
/did nothing wrong/i;boards:v;op:only
/dust has/;boards:v;op:only
/keep it vidya/;boards:v;op:only
/say something nice/;boards:v;op:only
/went right/i;boards:v;op:only
/went wrong/i;boards:v;op:only
/who was in the wrong/i;boards:v;op:only

all Nintendo and Blizzard related words will filter around 40 to 50 threads at any given time

Why not just stop browsing all together, you've filtered out all the threads

>Filtered out all the garbage, bait riddled, void of meaningful discussion threads.


In a similar vain, how can I filter out all waifu threads on /hr/?

How do you filter out namefags that don't use tripcode?

Patrician filters right here, just add:
/game has/i;op:only;boards:v
/enemy is/i;op:only;boards:v
/enemies can/i;op:only;boards:v
/post your/i;op:only;boards:v
/games where/i;op:only;boards:v

Also add annoying draw fag threads which are basically just glorified waifu threads

Thanks, any more or for other boards?

Some general filters:
Literally never seen a good post containing any of these.

You forgot baka desu and senpai

You're right, I actually did forget to re-add those. I lost my filter list after reinstalling 4chanX and have been trying to build it back up as well.

Is this in copypaste form so all I have to do is post it on my rules or no?


But these are 90% of threads on this board

If you have 4chanX, you just CTRL+C CTRL+V these into your Settings->Filter->Subject/Comment sections (both of them)

Nah, want a screenshot of catalog with the filter enabled? Still a ton of threads and shit, just a bit less shit.

ubisoft and other companies that people shill

don't forget weeb and weeaboo to filter out our newfriend phone posters!

scanline filter

remember sturgeon’s law


Here's one for ya


Finally a good thread.


that´s all of my filters:

/suicide watch/i;op:only

####Sup Forums####

####Sup Forums####

/defend this/i;boards:v;op:only
/did nothing wrong/i;boards:v;op:only
/dust has/;boards:v;op:only
/keep it vidya/;boards:v;op:only
/say something nice/;boards:v;op:only
/went right/i;boards:v;op:only
/went wrong/i;boards:v;op:only
/who was in the wrong/i;boards:v;op:only

secondaries, nice blog, fuck off, PUBG

Cheers again




/suicide watch/i;op:only

####Sup Forums####
/defend this/i;boards:v;op:only
/did nothing wrong/i;boards:v;op:only
/dust has/i;boards:v;op:only
/keep it vidya/i;boards:v;op:only
/say something nice/i;boards:v;op:only
/went right/i;boards:v;op:only
/went wrong/i;boards:v;op:only
/who was in the wrong/i;boards:v;op:only
/baka desu/i;boards:v:op:only
/master race/i;boards:v:op:only

Copy and paste it guys.

Okay i copy it and pasted it and nothing is working.

What am I doing wrong?


Just use the name field?

Excellent thread, high quality all around.

Sup Forums
every variant of the above

Guys how do i copy paste this to where it would work?

Can someone screenshot on hownit is supposed to look on the setting screen please?

>making your own little safespaces
TRIGGER WARNING: microaggression

Use an Assassins Creed, Origins, Ubisoft filter for the next 3 three months

not filtering /goty/ /ourguy/ /pre-order/ /youtube/ /thread/(just the word)

what? it just makes finding what you're looking for easier and helps you avoid common threads you're not interested in.

just go on reddit if you want filtered posts

The Switch: 5


>filtering anything
There is not a single thing anyone could say or be under that doesn't retain a possibility of having content of value to read, and as such, there is no good reason to filter anything ever.

Not working for me so whats the issue?

you're missing the fact that you'd have to swim through a sea of shit to find that gold coin that is "actually worthwhile, good post that contains common shitposting buzzwords"

This. The entire point of Sup Forums is the unfiltered disaster of depressed anons.


I don't have 4chanX so how would I implement this into my settings?

Mobile fag btw

Just go to tumblr or reddit already

>people unironically will attempt to copy this

Can you repost it to where it would work in the settings then please?

consider suicide


You say that like its hard to do
It doesn't take any time at all to read words on a post

>people legitimately mad that people filter out and never see their shitposts

Don't forget to not show stub either.

They are mocking you because it filters out shit like "game". The original post is a joke you retard. It's mocking people who want to filter 95% of the post because they're pussies who cant ignore stuff they don't like.

Now I know what words not to use when I shitpost. Thanks guys ;).

I'm upset that people think that there is such a thing as a key word or phrase that magically makes all content in a post devoid of value, as if its not possible for a word or phrase to not be alongside valuable content.

And even then, good discussion often accompanies shitposts. Someone might make a thread shitposting something, and then the replies start having legitimate discussion. Or someone makes a shitpost and then people argue about it, and the arguments turn into discussion about a game, and so on. There's no such thing as a key word or phrase that guarantees a lack of content. Plus it just comes off like other anons said. That its like looking for a safe space, trying to curate a particular board to suit your desires and perhaps even remove dissent. Its dumb.

Filtering is dumb

>squidlolifag is the voice of reason
well, that's enough Sup Forums for today

But what if you miss out on something hilarious?

>. That its like looking for a safe space, trying to curate a particular board to suit your desires and perhaps even remove dissent
Isn't there a certain website that has some kind of system devoted to that? hmm I cant remember what its called.

> as if its not possible for a word or phrase to not be alongside valuable content

There is no value in "why don't you have a girlfriend?" threads or e-celeb threads or "BLACKED" threads.

It's simple autism to think that you must see everything otherwise you might miss out on something good.

Sup Forums has never been about being funny. Video games are the most serious thing in the world and you cannot joke about them. I only read long paragraphs about why my opinion is shit, but only if there are no words in them that I dislike.

Look at the shit people filter out, its not that shit and even those are usually deleted in a few minutes. I haven't seen a legitimate BLACKED thread in a while.

>"Why don't you have a girlfriend user?"
>Because 2D girls are better. Dating sims are all I need
>What are some good dating sims?
>[insert game name here]
>Neat. What's it like/what makes it good?
>[insert description of game mechanics and why those game mechanics are positive traits]
>[another user sees post]
>no user, that game is shit and here's why [insert game description and how they are negative traits
See my point?

Based filterchads btfo children who want to meme for (you)s

All I wanted was to just be able to copy and past it into my settings thats all...

Just wish I knew how to code shit myself so i could do it myself.

>imposing a literal Parental Safety Filter on yourself because words hurt you

the absolute state of neovee

Only reinforces their point. You deserve to be mocked for being ready to post a bunch of filters you didn't even read, therefore filtering out 95% of the boards posts. What you really need to do is get better at not entering threads you don't want to. Im sure you can do it champ.

>Sup Forums
>talking about games

how do filterfags know when to take their filters back out again? do you switch the extension off sometimes and check?

Okay but could you at least give me an example on how one would filter out words on here then?

google it you fag.

This is the equivalent of censoring. You know, one of the many things Sup Forums hates.

The only reason to hate censorship is if you're some kind of Nazi bigot.

>s-stop ignoring my shitposts!
t. majority of posters in this thread

Again, that's your autism. You think you're "missing" something. I don't know how you can even browse Sup Forums when you're already "missing" 99% of the board's content; most posts and threads will be unseen by you, pruned, and then forgotten forever (except in the archives).

The situation you're describing exists only in your mind. Off-topic threads, political threads, fetish/waifu threads, have very little vidya content. I've read them. You of course are free to read a pregnancy fetish art thread to glean the "valuable content" and "good discussion" out of it if that's what you desire.


I browse Sup Forums by opening the catalog and looking for threads of interest and, once I find something that looks interesting, opening it and reading the thread and, if I can, replying something on-topic related to the content in question, especially if there's something I want to discuss and/or argue about.

I tried googling and all I'm gettinf is 4chanX crap which I don't want to download onto my phone.

The naughty ones.

Download the virus or you can't do it. If you want a way to filter things I know Reddit has a pretty good one. You can even vote on peoples posts to let them know you dislike it.

/her game/i;boards:v:op:only

you guys missed a big one

>/her game/i;boards:v:op:only
but I like seeing the Jade Raymond comic every one in a while. Though it has been some time since I´ve seen it here.


Some people are promoting Transexuality in Sup Forums lately. It's on a lot of the boards and it's safe bet it's a focus group trying to normalize Transexuality.

Look I'm trying to just get an honest answer because the custom css isn't just there for show, isn't there a way to use it to filter words out with custom css?

>Fags still think Sup Forums's filters were recently implemented.
How pathetic is you're life when your begging for (You)s

/r9k/ is somehow even worse to browse now

Just a quick reply to everyone arguing that filters are bad.
Why do you care which threads people see or not see? Yes there are threads started with strings on the filter lists posted here that do actually contain interesting and worthwhile discussion, but the majority is filled with shitposting.
Even if I miss some of the "good" threads it doesn´t matter, because it´s the same shit all day every day on here and you know it.

now for the faggots screaming censorship:
no one is censoring your precious boards. You don´t seem to understand what censorship really means. The content is still there for everyone to see, I simply personally chose to hide it for myself so I don´t have to wade through an endless amount of threads which I deem not worth my time to find the threads that are actually interesting to me.

If filtering becomes a very popular thing, it will reduce the amount of topic to discuss and the anons who see those topics. People will just stop seeing posts all together instead of looking at a thread, seeing a reply, and thinking they should join in the discussion. It will lead to a splintering of the community as it becomes normalized to hide three quarters of the board from view.

Some of us actually don't go into threads we don't care about. It's already splintered.

Jokes on all of you, I'm saving this thread so you can't ignore my threads

It could reduce the amount of shitty topics and encourage people to actually think before posting.

That's not how filtering works. I've seen many long and interesting replies with some of the words that have been filtered in here. It's really just people being butthurt about certain words.

well yes, I give you that one but then again I really don´t care if there are actually less threads started which in my eyes is nothing but shitposting and memery

This filters out way more garbage than it should.
And in the rare case where it isn't a shitposting thread it's 99% of the time about something I don't give a shit about either.