What did I mean by this

What did I mean by this

>not i9


That's a very sexy box.

>not an i9
You are not master race, leave you poor piece of shit

Implying any games can multithread well. But I'm sure you're gonna start up that YouTube channel so you can use the extra power to render, right user?

I'm happy with my 6600k.

>tfw mine still hasnt shipped that eventhough I ordered on the 5th.
Fucking Intel paperlaunching it 5 months early because they didnt like Ryzen cutting into their profits

>still have an unclockable i5 4460
> Just bought a 1080ti last week
Kill me now

Enjoy your 25% bottleneck

Do you at least play on a higher res so the bottleneck isn't as apparent?


lel how bad is the bottleneck?

Lol with a 8700k you don't even have to keep the heater on this winter. I room heater and best gaming cpu in one. I wish AYYYMD was so innovative.

I can play everything on ultra 60fps at 1440p, shite the bed at 4k tho

surely the cpu can be contained on water. get a decent pump and block.

>just upgraded from an i5-4460 to an i7-4790K
It makes a big difference in some games like GTAV. I can play at very high with no drops below 60 whereas before I'd sometimes drop below 60 while going super fast or on that one really busy road near Michael's house on high settings.

>want to get one
>realize I have to downgrade to the Botnet 10 OS
>stick with my i7 4790K and windows 7 instead

>not an i12
Enjoy playing Solitaire at 12 FPS 2bh

>i5 3570k
Mate, at least you're not as bad as me. The bottleneck is real.
8700k coming this Saturday though, this week needs to hurry up.

Does it make you mad people use their cards user?

>owning anything less than a current gen i5 or last gens i7
Enjoy your i3's you poorniggers

Should have waited..

S-still chugging /w i2500k @ 4.7ghz

>still on an i7 3770k
>want to upgrade
>gotta buy a new mobo and ram along with the cpu

I guess I'll get around to it eventually.

Is it that bad? what resolution you playing at?.
Had the same CPU, ordering 1080ti and a ultrawide 1440p hopefully its not that noticeable.

I hope you have good fire extinguishers at home OP

but you need to upgrade the motherboard as well if you get 8700k, right?

At least now I play at 1440p so its not that bad.

>tfw my 2600k is still good enough today.
Feels good man.

>paper launch


>have a phenom II x4 960T and memecard
>runs games well
>want to upgrade CPU
>DDR4 RAM prices are ridiculous
>unsure if it's worth it because it kinda works and I'm not seeing the big need to upgrade/been playing less games
I'll be fine I guess

Is this a meme? How big of a difference would it be if i upgrade to that over a AMD APU?

2600K at 4ghz is still enough for 60fps gaming
not a meme
my 2600 only had issues with dark souls 3 dropping to 55fps, i'd guess a 600mhz OC can fix that on K series, lus it easily goes to 4.5 without major issues, intel wasnt cheaping out on thermal design for sandy

you wanted an Intel chip?

Yes, it's perfect for 60 fps gaming. That means with normal multitasking usage too.

2600k Work fine at 120 fps too, but it will struggle with multitasking then.

>For a great VR experience

>DDR4 RAM prices are ridiculous
There's a NAND shortage user. Terrible time to upgrade


>upgrade in 2011
>paid 180$ for 2500k 55$ for ram 100$ for motherboard
>Upgrade to same tier level in 2017
>270$ for 8600k 150$ for ram 150$ for motherboard

Enjoy your half step upgrade.

Kinda in the same boat except i've 965be

Nah, good insurance. My house is worth 200k more to me on fire.

I know that feel looking at my old order history
And these are euro prices with tax included.

180 bux almost 7 years ago and still hold up today.
2500k truly is the best cpu ever made

Phenom II x6 1090T
AMD 7950

Meh, I still get by, surprisingly.

Upgraded to this from my ancient i7 920. I'l pick a Volta/Navi card in 2018 probably. Wont get much more performanct sticking with my 960 but i also dont see the point in upgrading to pascal which 1 and and half years old already or vega which is just terrible.

>buying an i7 now
>not waiting till Cannonlake

No you don't, retard. There's a patch to remove the blockage from using Windows 7 or 8 on new CPU's.

>Waiting for a Laptop processor
This guy


when is cannonlake coming out anyway? Next year?

I'm curious about it, I really don't feel like jumping on Coffee Lake in what seems to be a dead socket from the get go

What? No it isn't. Either way IcyLake is out in 2019.

It's been delayed three times, so next year, apparently.

Kaby and Ryzen work fine, but reports are that coffeelake as some serious issues with 7. Don't own one so I can't confirm

>not sticking with a 4690k

>tfw still on x58
>upgraded i7 920 to a x5650 a month a go
This thing will last me another 10 years, I hope Ryzen 2 has better OC potential because that might force me to upgrade.

Yeah. No patch for that. Dunno what to do about that.

Should I upgrade from a 3rd gen i5?

>had a GT 430
>AMD Athlon II X4 645
>upgrade to 8GB RAM
>GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
>have no issues since i don't care about the new games or most of the single player games that require a shit ton of shit

bumped let's get cpu discussion going

Wont be much of a improvement performance wise compared to coffee 14++ but it will probably overclock better to make up for it.

Well I'm on the i7 920 and I want to do a new build. I dunno if I should wait till 2019 for IcyLake (and risk it not coming out) or upgrade to Cannonlake and go from there.


I think I have an i7 but my laptop still runs like shit. I can't even stream an old 2d game without it lagging.

>still using a 3470

Send help.

forgot pic

>Core2 quad Q8600
get on my level

Depends, RAM prices will continue to rise till late 2018 at the earliest which is around the same time Cannonlake will come out. If you're fine with spending 200+$ on ram you could or wait longer for icelake or buy a coffee now. If you can get one with this paperlaunch. i7 920 is quite old already but it's up to you

>not waiting 4 months for the 8-core 8800K
>not waiting for Z390 chipset that actually has new features

It's mainly the problem regarding Windows 10 requirement and nobody has made a patch for Coffelake yet.

>Spending $400+ on a processor every year

So glad I only bought my PS4 once and can still play every game that comes out.

>Not waiting 6 more months for a better upgrade
>Not waiting for ULTIMATE power and new features

If coffeelake wont be able to run on 7 without problems it's unlikely future cpus will either. If you wait though. I recommend buying the ram asap. it will save you money later.

nigger open the box

>better upgrade
not in 6 months
but seriously, this has been known for months now

There'll ALWAYS be a better upgrade to get by waiting a bit. Its a never-ending cycle. Fuck yourself.

Yes, and RAM.
>every generation
>intel aren't peak kike

not all i7's are the same, even a 6 years old i3 is stronger than your laptop's i7

How much do I have to overclock an i5 4690k to reach OP's power level?

Daily reminder that Coffee Lake was supposed to come out early 2018 (competing with Zen+), but Intel did a shit launch to fuck over MOBO manufacturers and its fans.

8400 and the 8700k seem like the only worthwhile chips atm, but even the 8400 needs a cheaper MOBO to be more viable and there isn't that for three months lol.

except this is from the same cycle, tard barge

fuck you, dick pickle

RAM isnt necessary unless you're upgrading from less than a Skylake cpu.

DDR upgrades are a sepate thing. DDR3 works in DDR4 slots but isnt recommended because you will get bottlenecked by slow RAM.

the Z370 chipset is basically the same as Z270 because of the rush to push out these chips

Z390 and the 8-core SKU will be available Q2 with the actual feature set

They will also cost you 500 and 250 dollars most likely

are z170 and 270 supported by coffee at least?
they should have the same chipset 1151

>are z170 and 270 supported by coffee at least?
>they should have the same chipset 1151

>He doesn't know

same pin count but different power delivery standard and RAM compatibility so prob not

you poor goy

No, they're not like AMD where sockets get supported for 4 years.
Eventhough its the same socket Intel made an excuse about the power delivery not being good enough even though the TDP 's are the same
A socket change a year keeps the goyim in fear.

god dammit, never buy a fucking $2000 dollar gaming laptop because it becomes obsolete in 1 fucking year. I bought this shit 7 years ago.

>falling for the ''gayming'' laptop meme

It was released in 2010.

get an x5650/x5660, 6c12t for $50 or less, just make sure you update your motherboard's BIOS to the latest version before swapping it.

Who else i7-3770?

Muh nigga

How will I fare with a Ryzen 1700X for gayming? Should I stick with Intel still or go back to AMD seeing as they might've finally fixed their shit?

>not waiting for ice lake

CPUs barely matter at higher resolutions you dumb fuck.

Anyplace to find a 4790k for a decent price?

>CPUs barely matter at higher resolutions with the current GPU's out there you dumb fuck