Is the new Everybody's Golf any good? Does it have much in the way of local multiplayer?

Is the new Everybody's Golf any good? Does it have much in the way of local multiplayer?

Has anyone even played it?


Great local multiplayer. You can even play with one controller.

no jensen in this one, no buy

Great game. The progression is very slow, but the moment to moment gameplay is very comfy.

Sounds pretty good. What is the purpose of the free roam environments? Are there minigames or something, or is it just a minor distraction from the golf?

Just for goofin' to be honest. Like, there's fishing quite a ways into the game and the golf karts are just barely before that.

It's really just to give this grand scale to each locale. It's also a way to justify the kinda long load times.


>No adam jensen

>being the only westerner in a tournament filed with japs and winning

Actually the character creation is so good you could probably remake Discount Jensen, real Jensen or even any fuckin anime character you want

customization is good
single player is fine but too easy, local multiplayer is good. if you want to do good in the daily online rankings then be prepared to buy club upgrade tickets from PSN or watch everyone else who did get to the green in at least 1 stroke less than you

That's pretty cool, any other screenshots?

it's fun as fuck and pretty addicting. Character customization is insane too. Lots of people playing on the online courses too. I wish I was better at putting...

It's good, and the local multiplayer is excellent.
Kinda wish they would have abandoned the free-roam stuff for more courses, but whatever. The golfing itself and the few courses we do have are excellent.

yea, its fucking great actually

yeh it's good

Play it while listening to a podcast

I only played World Tour and the online competitive scene is fucking brutal
Only nerd gods play that game online

Local multiplayer is the only reason I bought and play it

SO if thats all you want, then I highly recommend it

My friends, and even the cashier girl at gamestop make fun of me for liking video game golf
They will never understand how much fun it can be

The only people who do that are the ones that have never played vidya golf.