Torrent games

>Torrent games
>Never seed because you "don't want to support piracy"

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I don't seed because I don't fucking want you cucks leeching my 100mb upload while I stream vidya for friends

i think its funny and more people should do that just to piss asses like you off

If I don't seed I get charged with a hit and run. Fuck that shit
I like my private tracker accounts, I'll seed like a mofo

>never seed

Heresy. Seeding your pirated game is what everyone should do.

Only fucking idiots do this

>poorfags pirates still exists

get a job faggots

Why would I potentially add to the list of crimes I've committed?

"Theft" is bad enough I don't want erroneous "distribution" as a possibility.

Paranoia is justified.

Don't lie you don't have any friends

Yeah sorry I'm too busy fucking and sucking.

Paying money for something that he could of gotten for free

>Don't seed

I will be seeding your momma

Whatbare some good tracker sites that let you make accounts?

>Not Chucking

>cucked by his own government

None. Why would you want a piracy account? That's retarded faggotry. Go ask on reddit, they have accounts to post there too.

>not being such an alpha that you even pirate torrents without paying

Better than posting retarded frogs, nigger.

The only people who pirate are NEETs, jews, and literal children. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

I build automobiles and pirate games.

It's more that most countries don't give a fuck about leeching, but they do about seeding/uploading since you enable others to download that way.

>mechanics reknown for being jews who fuck people over
checks out, schlomo

And who torrents these days? Why not download at your max cap using mega?

I just like sea shanties and grog.

>I just like sea shanties and grog.
>I wish mom would hurry back from the store
romanticizing pirates is for children

I have about $3k worth of games on Steam alone. Doesn't include Blizzard, Origin, Uplay, or retail games.

i seed on private trackers. public torrents i hit and run

I'll leave seeding to the cucks

>not being a literal jew
Enjoy going down with this world

They fix, I build. I work assembly at Harley Davidson.

>downloading monitored public torrents
>not downloading direct files with jdownloader

no one who builds choppers calls them 'automobiles'. the only thing you are is a liar...typical jewish behavior

in 100 years israel will be glassed by sand niggers or destroyed by the same methods of subversion they employ in other nations

I can't seed because I set up my torrent client to stop immediately when I've reached 100% download

No, touring and softail.



This. There's literally no point in fighting for the losing team


Well you could, you'd just have to disable that option. It wasn't like that by default.

it doesnt matter what kind of bike it is, rabbi. you still dont call them 'automobiles'. every dmv in every state in america even makes the distinct separation. if you actually work at harley you're at most the autistic janitor who the real men laugh at for calling bikes 'automobiles'

I don't seed because I don't give a shit

I seed until 1.0 ratio, even in public trackers. Anything more is just OCD.

Downloading a torrent is just taking something that's free. Seeding is distributing illegal content.

I just acquired a game without paying for it. If seeding is immoral AND doesn't benefit me, then what's the point?

lol this.

If I ever seed its because I forgot to turn it off.

take your thundercock and get out of here, chad

Not as long as they're in bed with the Americans. They're virtually untouchable and pressure the UN council to keep sanctions on middle-eastern countries while they wage war with their USA bitch cuck army all the while backing terrorist groups such as Boko Haram and ISIS among others.

The only good DDL sites are mega and Google drive. Most people upload to jew sites that restrict your speeds to like 300kB/s

>honour among thieves

>downloading pirated content is legal in my country
>uploading and distributing is illegal
here is your reason

Jokes on you, I go to college.


No honor among thieves

>He doesn't want to seed because that's how you get caught


Late 19th century: from French, from auto- ‘self’ + mobile ‘mobile’.

>be 20
>think you're not a child
jokes on you, kiddo

I only seed when I come across a really hard to find and slow torrent. Or when I'm on a private tracker that forces me to seed

Wanna compare bank accounts user?

stop embarrassing yourself and go sweep up around the line

>t. jew
told you so

>neet thinks he knows what people with jobs do
You're a cute.

>getting caught was part of your plan

Go easy on him user.
Assemblyfags are the opposite of kikes, Henry Ford HATED jews.

about as cute as the retard who calls motorcycles 'automobiles' kek

I only use direct links

For some reason when i use Deluge It seeds next to nothing when it's done downloading. Not Utorrent just Deluge.

I build games and pirate cars. What now faggot?

And a console is technically a computer but you'd sound like a twat calling it one, wouldn't ya?

I get paid the same no matter what.

Thats my reason

Not really, no. They are computers, just like bikes are automobiles. You'd be a twat calling it a pc, like I would calling it a car.

ask for a raise and buy a dictionary that isn't over 100 years old and foreign

Yes actually, yes. You call a console a computer and you most certainly sound like a twat.

Nah, spend my money on kickstarters, lootboxes, and aimbot/hack subscriptions.

Seeding is how you get caught, moron

>console owned by a person (personal)
>is a computer
explain how a console is not a pc then, retard

Because consoles are edgy. Coldsteel the Hedgehog is also edgy. That means consoles are not personnel, kid. Therefore not a pc.

>has no argument reverts to lelsorandumbXD
well you're about as retarded as the average assembly monkey. enjoy your mediocre, dead end career

>be mechanic
>spend hours fixing car
>client makes copy of car
>client leaves with copy of car without paying you a cent
>stuck with fixed car and no money

>sell car after set amount of time because the law says I can
>make $20k on $500 repair

>said the neet as he forced down his fifth bottle of mountain dew this morning

>tfw private vidya tracker account has been locked for months now because their tracker won't let me seed at all
Anyone had problems like this with GazelleGames?

>he's so dumb he has to work with his hands and is less readily able to shitpost while getting paid
you fucked up, my man. don't worry i'm sure you have an easy time nailing bar skanks when you smell like oil


Why is Sup Forums the only board that spergs out about muh piracy? in every other board piracy is the norm.

yeah man, everyone knows /fit/ and /ck/ are huge into pirating. no but seriously ive been in plenty of /vg/ generals where piratefags get shit on. sperg? yes, but Sup Forums is entirely one big spergfest so your question is kind of moot to begin with

I have a job
I'm not going to shell over 60 fucking dollars for half of a game plus extra for dlc's

If I'm not willing to spend a few bucks to play the game, why would I be willing to let people impact my internet speeds?

I usually torrent at night so I seed the same amount I leech

>i know the value of work
>so im going to steal the product of someone elses
piratefags confirmed moral-less nigger-tier

xbox raised generation of goys

Because it's

I've found some sick cookbook pdf thanks to /ck/, my favorite is the Forrest Gump themed one that's all about shrimp. And even /k/ does shit like post autocad files for gun modifications from time to time.

>Because it's
fuck me I get distracted easily

Because it's the only board where the shills are out in full force. Just check out

You know he’s talking about the media-focused boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums, user.

>be black
>own a N3DS
> hurr durr nigger hasn’t hacked his 3DS
>hack it
>hurr durr typical nigger stealing
Fuck you guys

valid point. sometimes in those circumstances it's material you can't find anywhere else tho, not that the anons sharing are being cheap; but i concede to your point. i still contest Sup Forums is a spergfest

ubisoft does this shit every single fucking release. When the fuck will vivendi buy out these subhuman abortions
