When will the Open-World fad die out?
When will the Open-World fad die out?
> ten years ago
> waah wahh fucking linear scripted shitty games
> now
> waah waah I want my linear games back
fucking children, I swear
You live in Sydney, faggot? Wanna meet up and fight?
>dude look I took a meme and said I like games that aren't lazily made
What a SHOCKING statement
So bold!
oh wow it's like people get tired of the same thing after a while and want different things. Could even be completely different people complaining. wow. What is this. So difficult to understand. Everyone else isn't hive mind?
Yes, so we can go back to linear cinematic TPS games
do you have a source for these quotes?
open world is good though, you're only mad at shitty aaa games that are pretend open world but miss the point entirely
I'm sure we'll be back to really shitty aaa linear games soon enough and you can be begging for open world
Interesting. I love to know why you assume such things
Never, open world sandboxes are the future, along with pure multiplayer focused games.
Single player games are outdated trash, get with the times.
>I have ADD so I need the game to constantly hold my hand otherwise I get lost and confused
Honestly i just want another bad company game.
>>I have ADD so I need the game to constantly hold my hand otherwise I get lost and confused
You can have large seamless zones in a linear game, you dinguses. It doesn't need to be empty wastelands.
open world doesn't mean empty wastelands
No, what we need are linear games with open ended levels.
Hopefully never, I will never enjoy linear games.
After seeing how far they've lost what makes original BF games good, I doubt BC would fare any better.
They even said they don't know why people loved BC2 so much.
>tonally consistent
>highly polished
None of these are exclusive to linearity and most linear games are none of these.
sorry, I meant empty forests and fields with the occasional cave
you can keep on implying that assassin's creed or whatever represents all open world games if you like retard
Open world ruined: MGS, The evil within... What else?
Yeah. I dont have high hopes for getting one (espescially a good one) but a man can dream.
>I want more Uncharted
nah I'm good
Go play Nier, or the two last Dishonored, or Prey, or RE VII, or The Evil Within 2, or Wolfenstein II, or Injustice II, or Nioh, you moron.
And that's just focusing on AAA shit.
>implying that an open world game can't be tight, tonally consistent, and highly polished
Stop being such a fukken memester. There's nothing that intrinsically makes one genre better than another. Pulling this shit is going to push us back into shitty corridor shooters again.
Open world just means chore quests. Busy work. Inconsistentincies with textures, lower FPS, bigger game budgets and less interesting content, copy pasted or pre generated lazy maps. Inventory systems full of junk. A story thats usually incohesive due to the player choice fucking with timing for sequences of events.
But it'll keep being popular. Its eye candy for investors and potential customers. Jaded gamers typically know better though.
I'll admit some open worlds worked well enough though.
I'll fight your tight ass man
No those are all signs of bad developers, dingus, and bad developers would be bad developers no matter the medium.
Every open world developer in the world is just shit then.
inb4 someone recommends the shitcher
They tried this with the metro series but couldn’t make it fun. I’d like to see someone do it well
The secret is that it only works with zombies, so that's why non-linear games like Dead Rising 1 and Dying Light are some of the only good ones.
Why is it always bitter stupid kids posting in these threads?
>Sup Forums
There's ya problem
>implying that an open world game can't be tight, tonally consistent, and highly polished
name 5
You are making wrong assumptions based on dumbing down the initiall statement so much that it loses the crucial information. Basically shitposting newfag on fourchan starter kit.
People who bashed shitty linear scripted games still do the same, they explicitly bash trash like CoD for being more like an interactive movie though and not actually polished linear games which offer enough freedom to be a fun, but still are tight and guided.
Open world is nice and dandy, but with the huge influx of uninspired open world games which have nothing to them but quantity it is not surprising that they also get a backlash.
Get your head out of your ass and stop thinking on a one-dimesional line faggot.
>They tried this with the metro series but couldn’t make it fun.
A shitload of games have tried it dude...
Not having played those game I can't comment on those, but what I did play was Dead Island 1, and that game would have been so much better as a linear game, the open world made it feel bland, empty and boring imho, not that I disliked it, but the 1° parts inside the hotel were the best ones.
I'm not going to say that open world is a mistake, I think it's the way forward for RPGs, mainly, as soon as someone gets his shit together, but I think that some games don't really work with open-world and people (mainly devs) should learn to understand that.
100% accurate, but sadly this board is too young to remember.
What are you talking about? Metro was literally on rails except a few stations which actually were way more fun than the rest. Atleast thats how I felt about Last Light, afaik 2033 is shit in general and it was not stemming from "open" levels.
We all know it's not a real video game until you have to climb a tower and survey the area for more map blips.
Metro 2033 is completely linear, I was thinking about System Shock or Deus Ex.
shit opinion, 2033 was great
Hopefully never.
Only Open World I like desu
This. And to all the fags saying different opinions and people get tired of the same things, how are devs supposed to keep up with your whimsical bullshit trends?
It is true but the developers aren't innocent they milk that shit to death. Just look at how every shooter used to be world war 2 people got sick of it they then preceded to milk genericmodernshooter#38765 for over a fucking decade with the genius solution to go back to ww2.
It's interesting because Techland made both Dead Island and Dying Light, but the former was published by Deep Silver who is lowkey infamous for ruining games they touch, previous victims including Saints Row, STALKER, and Suda51. With this in mind, realize that it doesn't matter what meme the publishers or devs are going to hook onto. It's going to be a bad game if it's being hampered by bad people. Dead Island was never going to be a good game, not because the Open World shit got its claws into it, but Deep Silver did. They have nothing to learn or understand other than how to make a good game or let good developers make a good game.
I never said that, I always liked my single player only games.
It's pretty dead. People haven't been giving games shit for being linear for a while.
I mean the answer was always just to give the player some guided exploration and enough control to make them feel they're in full control of the situation. The whole "fuck linearity" was more just a backlash against shooters leading you by the nose.
Fuck, i spotted Mario and Luigi at the 25'th panel and only saw them in the other frames after that
I just don't want linear "open worlds" with nothing to do when you deviate from the path.
So, the future is trash then? I guess it'll be the times I quit games, once it's either multiplayer-only shit or half-assed low-effort sandbox "entertain yourself on your own".
Because we were there, newfag. I was old enough to buy M-rated videogames in 2005.
That show was so lame, the girls weren't even hot desu. House of milfs is better.
Make your own then. It's not that hard.
Open world is the ideal video game design. You may not like it, but that's what peak performance looks like.
MGS3 nigga.
This is exactly what happened fucking faggots getting mad at getting called out
the grass is always greener
>Fallout 1/2
>Space Rangers
off tiptop my head
>ten years ago
>man I'm sick of COMPLETELY LINEAR games with no variation of player agency whatsoever
>man I'm sick of COMPLETELY EMPTY glorified ubisoft copycat collectathon with no player agency whatsoever
fixed that post for you
I fucking hate you
Ten years ago was 2007.
Reminder that the Gothic series are the only games that got open world right
morrowind was better
>american gamers are retarded
color me suprised