Sup Forums tells you a game is good

>Sup Forums tells you a game is good
>it's actually shit

>all of Sup Forums is Cody
>aka one person
You fell for his meme retard. Did you though Star Fox Zero and Cuck Splash was good too?

>smtxfe good
>anyone telling this worthless shit game is good

Pic unrelated?

You took the bait huh?

can't believe people like this game

>Your mom says she love you
>She doesn't

Op is a faggot (source: his mom)

TMS is good though

Isn't it supposed to be Persona-Lite? If you already have the console and are craving that kind of game, what's wrong with it?

Chances are people told you it was shit. People told me it was shit and I enjoyed it so get fucked.

>Isn't it supposed to be Persona-Lite?
People say that because of the visuals but it really isn't much like Persona.

I've been told it was shit, then when I actually played it myself found it was good.

Well Mirages are basically Personas.

Care to elaborate? I thought it was about balancing turn-based dungeon dwelling and keeping a social circle/idol status or whatever.

Nobody said this game was good

Which are basically just demons from SMT.

It is. And that's why it's Persona lite. Even the character interactions are diet Persona.

Between this and FEW is Fire Emblem just not a good series to use for crossovers?

>balancing turn-based dungeon dwelling and keeping a social circle/idol status
It's basically a dungeon crawler, even the "social links" are just glorified sidequests. You don't do much besides going to dungeons and killing stuff.

Yeah but it's closer to Persona because your party members have personal ones.

>You don't do much besides going to dungeons and killing stuff.
And sitting through the dumb character interactions

>And sitting through the dumb character interactions
Which ususally involve going to dungeons and killing stuff.

Not even, for pretty much every character's first sidequest you don't even go to a dungeon at all

Pic strongly related.

>we will never be able to discuss #FE, SF Zero, and Color Splash on Sup Forums without being called Cody

That's why I said usually, not always.

Pic related I assume because TMS#FE is fucking fantastic if you have the stomach for A LOT of weebshit

>actually liked #FE more than P5

Pic unrelated*

it's absolute garbage even by otaku standards, even the uncensored version didn't sell in japan at all

>Muh sales
The absolute fucking state of you

Was it that bad? Do you get to see lot of Kidman?


Yes, all 5 people discussing Zero

from what i seen it's hilariously buggy currently

SMT #FE is gorgeous. What are you smoking?

Because it's impossible to discuss it without heavy shitposting.

oh if that's the case then that sucks, but is it at least good where it's not buggy?

Can't help you there, it was a thread with a bunch of webm of the different bug (things like monster disappearing for a few second then falling from the sky, so i really don,t know if the actual game is good

It's impossible to discuss because no one liked it except you and 2 other people.

is it just a buggy PC port, or are consoles suffering too?

Thanks for proving my point

It's like whining that you cant get a good Mass Effect: Andromeda thread going on Sup Forums. No one likes shit games

>Reviewers didn't like it so it must be buggy

>seriously defending mass effect androgynous

I was talking about Star Fox user.

>Mass Effect Andromeda came out this year

holy shit

Oh, so when reviewers give bad scores to non-Nintendo games it's totally justified and valid. Its only bad when they criticize nintendo games. Thanks for clarifying, fanboy.

Star Fox Zero is genuinely bad just like ME: Andromeda

discuss TMS#fe, you fag.

Favorite dungeon?

Last dungeon. Perfect visual and theme.

I don't remember any of their names but the worst one was the one with blue and red panels in the middle of the room, literally anti-fun

The movie studio one? Where you had to enter rooms by order?

Yeah that one

I like how every dungeon had its own gimicks but holy shit both of these were infuriating.

That was actually my favorite. I hated the Asian-looking one surrounded by water. The music was so grating and it just felt like a chore.

Atlus can't make good dungeons. All of them were shit in any SMT game.

Any weeaboo fanservice simulator

EO and SJ are alright. They struggle with 3rd person dungeons.

Star Fox Zero would be a fine game if you could aim the motion controls on the top screen worth a shit and the bottom screen was not there.

I have tried my utmost to get used to the game because I genuinely like the starfox game underneath it. The second screen NEVER gets more natural.

If the remade the game for Switch with gyro controls, a better reticle on the top screen, and changed the bosses from target view to the normal all range camera people would be able to genuinely enjoy Zero.

I unironically like Color Splash and Zero. I've never played #FE

You must have some serious shit taste.

ITT: Sup Forums shit says

>"It's good with mods."

>you can see panties GOTYAYAYAYAAY