So PC preloads are now up.
Console friends, how have you been liking the game now that its been out for a while? Is it shit? Worth a try?
So PC preloads are now up.
Console friends, how have you been liking the game now that its been out for a while? Is it shit? Worth a try?
It's shit almost worse as the first one when it came out. But you might like it if you didn't play the first one.
Everyone I know playing on console says it's dead already, just like the first game. Not enough content.
If you're into loot grinding and whatnot and have friends to go with for some mindless fun, yeah it can be fun.
Better than the first for sure.
I was a huge Destinyfag for the first game's entire life but was very disappointed by Destiny 2. Almost all of the depth is gone, and with it almost all of the replay value and everything that made the first game rewarding. It's still fun for a while, I guess you could say that it has a good honeymoon period before you realize how shallow it is.
Dead game with no content.
Been following the hub-bub while waiting for PC. Seems like it'll be fun for the first 50 hours or so, but lacks longevity compared to D1. Endgame has been catered hard to casual crowd so while there's a lot of "stuff/content" in the game, it's a case of miles wide, inches deep. A lot of the horizontal progression/RPG elements have been neutered too.
hope you have as much fun with The Token King as I had, PC friends.
pvp is just 4v4. there's no 6v6 or free-for-all mode. hopefully they add that shit but I highly doubt they will
there is no endgame and the different party sizes fuck everything up
>3 person party for co-op
>6 person party for raids
>4 person party for multiplayer
fucking garbage dont bother
How did Bungie fuck up so badly the 2nd time around? You would think they would have LEARNED from the first game's mistakes... Right?
That's a good way to put it. It's not that there isn't enough to do it's more that nothing is rewarding enough to do more than once. Part of that is because gear is inherently unexciting in D2 and part of it is that the raid in particular is very greedy when it comes to rewarding you with gear.
It looks like the laziest sequel ever made. I've played the first one on and off since it launched but I'm not going to even bother with D2. They had a chance to fix everything wrong with the first game but they didn't even fucking bother, also removed stuff for the worse.
Is it true they removed random loot rolls?
So there's not even a point to grinding for perfect rolls? Instead you just wait for Bungie to release the next batch of stuff (that you probably have to pay for)?
>Console friends, how have you been liking the game now that its been out for a while? Is it shit? Worth a try?
Worse then Destiny 1.
Yup. It's a one and done deal now. Duplicates are virtually useless.
It's better than the first when it first came out but still not enough content to last. Might as well wait until all the DLC is out and then play it when everything is discounted.
Is the actual game literally pistol simulator? Coz in the beta that was all anyone used.
At this rate people aren't gonna want to stick around for the DLC.
>Seems like it'll be fun for the first 50 hours or so
It's fun until you finish the horrid story. leveling to 20 is fine So that's about five hours, not fucking fifty.
this game is dead on arrival on PC
They did learn. They made progression piss easy and took away meaningful rewards from endgame content. Because apparently there were a lot of casuals complaining it took more than a week to reach max level and they couldn't beat the raid. They learned all the wrong lessons and now even die hard fans of Destiny 1 can't find reasons to keep playing. Also they ruined PvP in what I'm assuming was a bid for esports, except they removed basic shit like private matches. Funniest thing about all this mess was the community manager's response to it: "Destiny's real endgame is making and playing with friends".
Not even the initial endgame while grinding up your Light/Power? Not necessarily fun, but I expected the climb to 300 to be enjoyable-ish at least.
Dont expect fun grind like in D1, its standardized and loot is essentially the same with the only difference being the light levels. If youve got friends to play with its fun, solo experience is trash.
>but I expected the climb to 300 to be enjoyable-ish at least.
Fuck no. Leveling past 280 is completely pointless. The Power caps are on shit just to prevent you from doing content too quickly in a game with no content. They aren't recommended power. Which is why a group of 305's can still have trouble in a Nightfall, even though it says minimum 240 Power, because the enemies scale.
Did they add a lobby system or at least auto-matchmaking for all their mission types?
user is just being his cynical self. Yes, the cyclical game after the campaign is fun for a while. Learn your way around public events, climb up steadily in power level, do a couple of exotic quests and try the raid. I had played for around 60 before I was over the game entirely but the last ten hours of that was me basically forcing myself to play.
Is it just me or are the exotics in this game extremely basic? I remember a Spartan helmet that blinded people in your Titan Bubble in the first game but now it's all just things that make your abilities refresh quicker. The guns aren't any better either. I miss my Bad JuJu and Zhalo Supercell
the only good thing about D2 PC is text chat and being able to tell the shitters on your team to stop throwing themselves to the point B meat grinder on Emperor's respite and take A or lose like fags. Because for some reason Bungie thinks voice chat in a team game should be an opt in affair.
But user, it's a collection game where the endgame content is friendship!
Except, clans actively discourage playing with anyone outside your clan and there's not enough space in your vault to actually collect everything. Nor are there enough spaces to collect all the shaders or mods. 50 of each when there's at least ten more of both you can't possibly have space for. There's even no collection spaces for exotic ships because you get them all out of Bungie's paid service, which means if there were space for them, you'd only have to buy them once.
It's not just you, a lot of the fun gear has been sacrificed in the name of PvP balance. Of course, 98% of PvP players use MIDA so you can see how that went.
My nigga. I always used Zhalo when strikes/nightfalls had arc burn or no modifier, and yeah, I noticed that the exotics are fucked too. Some of them just seem pointless and there are only a few that I could rely on, Orpheus Rig for one on hunters.
I didn't like the direction Destiny took, both gameplay and art wise, in Year2/TTK onward, and Destiny 2 seems to sadly continue the same trends.
Will probably buy if enough of my non-Destiny1 casual friends buy it, or when the inevitable Hyper Deluxe GOTY of The Year DLC Mambajamba Edition comes out.
>All these people defending Destiny 1
That game was fucking terrible.
The grind was boring as shit, and only felt "rewarding" because they made you run the exact same 3 things 100 times before they gave you something mildly good.
When it finally gave you an exotic, there was a 70% chance it would be dog shit, and they made you do the worst checklist bullshit to actually get the thing.
Most weapons didn't feel interesting or unique enough, and the few that were were clearly overpowered.
There were way too many fucking currencies, and every patrol, public event thing felt like a boring slightly for very little reward.
Destiny 2 provides way more dynamic content, while balancing out the loot treadmill to let you experiment more with the game. It's a vast improvement over the first.
They stripped the classes of most of their abilities and just put the ones taken away into new armor exotics. It's maximum lazy. And none of the exotic weapons, save 2 are even worth getting. Once you have Sunshot and Merciless, you can pack things up.
Bungie is an empty shell and activision is cancer
>He thinks Bungie would implement basic quality of life features everyone wanted in their sequel
Jokes on you user.
The best advice for playing a Destiny game is to wait for the expansion 1 year after vanilla releases. Then you get the base game, 2 smaller dlcs, whatever fixes they’ve done because the community whined enough, and a large expansion for the price of the base game.
I was tricked again, this time, and I wish I had just waited until 2018 to pick it up. But then you’ll have to choose to between that and Anthem, so who actually knows.
Just don’t pay attention to me. I guess I don’t know what I’m talking about.
>Destiny 2 provides way more dynamic content, while balancing out the loot treadmill to let you experiment more with the game. It's a vast improvement over the first.
What content? What loot treadmill? Where are these things?
This is a terrible post
They butchered the Cadye-6. I miss when he was a laid back cool guy that joked sometimes. Now he seems like an incompetent idiot that people seem forced to like. And he seems to quip all the fucking time, and at the worst moments too.
They went to the Marvel Studios school of character writing to ask for assistance.
>That game was fucking terrible.
Correct, until WotM
>The grind was boring as shit, and only felt "rewarding" because they made you run the exact same 3 things 100 times before they gave you something mildly good.
Now there's no reason to do anything more then once.
>When it finally gave you an exotic, there was a 70% chance it would be dog shit, and they made you do the worst checklist bullshit to actually get the thing.
Exactly the same as the D1
>Most weapons didn't feel interesting or unique enough, and the few that were were clearly overpowered.
Exactly the same as D1
>There were way too many fucking currencies, and every patrol, public event thing felt like a boring slightly for very little reward.
Exactly the same as D1, enjoy your tokens.
>Destiny 2 provides way more dynamic content, while balancing out the loot treadmill to let you experiment more with the game. It's a vast improvement over the first.
It's weird they took him there, because in D1 he was probably the only competent member of the vanguard. If it wasn't for his planning they never would have gotten on Oryx's yacht. But in D2 he's a clumsy oaf here's a chicken wakka wakka. Fuck outta here.
He used to be the oddball support character.
But then they made him the oddball lead character and put him center stage.
It doesn't work that way.
If Hunters actually got to use that chicken, it would be a better class ability then anything they currently have.
I enjoy it, but to each their own.
I wouldn't recommend it user, like a lot of anons said, it's almost as bad as the first one. which i'm honestly not surprised, people feared it would have no content or significant change after the leaks started to come out. maybe you will have fun with it if you play with friends but I highly recommend you wait for a sale or get it cheap it's not worth full price imo
If you haven't played the raid, you haven't played the good content btw. I know the grind kinda sucks, but the raid is good content and makes the rest of the game worthwhile.
If you're saying it's shit without having played the raid is like getting to the start screen of Zelda, pressing start then jumping on Sup Forums to say how shit it is.
The development team started Destiny 2 the second they were done with Destiny 1 year 1. Which is why it's basically the same year 1 game all over again with zero content and no quality of life improvements Destiny actually got on its three years.
The team that actually fixed Destiny is totally different.
Well, what is the team that fixed Destiny1 doing NOW?
If I'm a Divisionfag how much would I enjoy Destiny 2?
>If you haven't played the raid, you haven't played the good content btw. I know the grind kinda sucks, but the raid is good content and makes the rest of the game worthwhile.
The raid is what's considered the good content? Really? So you advocate people spend 60$ on an hour and a half of content? The only good raids Destiny ever got were Atheon and Aksis. Leviathan is the most boring raid Destiny has ever gotten with the worst loot and Calus is the easiest end boss in all of Destiny. You essentially play the raid for a random chance at getting the Rocket Launcher and that's it.
>Console friends, how have you been liking the game now that its been out for a while? Is it shit? Worth a try?
Very good for an initial 2 to 3 week long 10-hours-per-day rush to play all the content, and afterwards for casual play based around weekly resets.
Just don't go in expecting it to be a game you'll constantly play every day for 6 hours, it simply wasn't made that way and you're not its target audience. You're supposed to do the Raid, Nightfall and Trials of the Nine 3x per week, and then participate on week-long events like the Faction War or IronBanner.
Also don't buy it if you play alone, much like any other MMO ever. You play with mates and that's where the true fun comes from.
It ISN'T a long loot grind, you'll get the best stuff in the game relatively quickly and after that all the loot is either aesthetic or a side-grade. But for what it is it's still fun. And during that initial 2-3week burn-out you'll play well over 60 hours so it's worth the money regardless even if you drop it after a month or two until something new comes out.
Drinking themselves into a stupor as they begin trying to fix Destiny 2. God speed live team.
>Only decent revolver is Devils Hand
>sounds like a wet fart every time you pull the trigger
It's the same game with the same amount of end game, possibly less.
It's for sure better than crota, but you're right about the loot, it feels underwhelming and giving tokens to receive loot box style items is terrible.
I've still gotten my money's worth.
Dropped it weeks ago after doing literally all the content. Was max level and through the raid in less than two weeks. Nothing to do after that.
It's better than The Division, but they're quite different games. If the gameplay looks good to you, it's good, if you don't like the look, don't go for it.
Better Devils is the best handcannon. And there are several good ones, just none that come close to as good as that thing.
Well, they get to be the heroes while Luke & co. cop all the flack. Might be worth it
It’s been a little over a month, and I’m already bored with it. The only thing that keeps me coming back a couple of times a week are friends who have a considerably higher tolerance for repetition, and want to Raid/Crucible.
I'm not a fan of buying a game, then having to buy it again the next year. Fucking learned my lesson from capcom in the 90s.
It's not even close to as bad as vanilla Destos.
There are still over 2m people playing it daily user.
>only 1 friend still plays after having a solid group of 10 playing D1
>we can't do the raid
>we can't to trials
>we have to pick up a rando for the nightfalls
>no game systems that encourage meeting new people
no im not having fun
>people actually excited for this after the first
What's wrong with people these days? Serve them shit and they come back for seconds telling themselves "maybe it'll be seasoned this time".
If they can pull what they did with Wrath of the Machine to Destiny 2, they will have climbed Everest.
These are the same fuckers that gave custom matches to Destiny 1 pvp. Think about that, it took a group of secondaries to actually give Destiny a feature that nearly every pvp game before it has gotten. If the live team gives Destiny 2 custom matches it will be the ONLY way you as a player can currently play a version of pvp that isn't completely random.
I thought when the game released they had 1.2 million concurrent players not 2m. And that number has dropped drastically I assure you.
I can't wait to be utterly bored out of my skull and disappointed at the game. Thankfully I got it on discount but I can already tell it's going to be unfulfilling.
Found this on reddit: How to Preload Destiny 2 for PC even without a Preorder
You need: - The beta still installed - GeForce Experience ( don't know about AMD sorry :( )
First, open GeForce Experience and head over to Games. Click on Destiny 2, then click Play. It should open Battlenet and there should be a big blue Update button.
I'm sick of them making the end game content non-matchmaking. I really love Destiny but none of my friends do, so I can't do any of that shit.
Guided game is terrible btw.
I mean why the fuck is there no Nightfall or Trials matchmaking?... The shit isn't even hard or any different than regular Strikes or Crucible.
Every MMO has a raid finder sort of system. Why not destiny? The raid isn't even that hard.
He said daily, which is much easier to hit than concurrent,
Daily is how many unique players that day as opposed to concurrent which is unique players at a specific point in time.
I'm coming down from 1337 hours of D1, and I've probably played about 100 hours of D2 since release.
It's fun enough. But at this point I kinda wish it was just another add-on to D1. Nothing they've added in this standalone was worth standing alone, especially with these new anti-QoL changes they've made. They could've even pushed the "taken your light" thing by cutting off access to D1 content temporarily. Maybe would've felt like an actual loss then. But, hey, money.
I dunno, I've done Trials of the Nine flawless once, I've finished the Raid once. I've hit max light. Most of my clan have dropped out to play PUBG. Kinda just waiting for the timegated content to unlock at this point.
>I'm sick of them making the end game content non-matchmaking
Particularly annoying when I could have easily completed most of it duo with my one friend (maybe +1) who plays but had to spend countless hours searching for randoms to fill.
Pretty fun. Bungie nerfed grinding at the raid is completely useless outside of a few extra drops a week.
From the sounds of it the expansions can't come quick enough. They don't add anything between do they?
More than 400,000 people have dropped the game since launch.
At its highest point 3.670.000 players logged in, it is now 1.831.000 with a slight uptick from Iron Banner as of the 16th, an Iron Banner everyone hated, so I doubt that uptick is even still manifest.
because lfr is cancer kill yourself Blizzcuck
If you want a pseudo-MMO action RPG with no sub fee, play TESO or Phantasy Star Online 2. Destiny 2 has like no content. Activision is fucking with you retards. It's just another annualized release like Call of Duty or Battlefield. If they actually treated it like an MMO, this would be an expansion that built on the base game, not a seperate release that destroyed all your progress and replaced a tiny amount of content with an even smaller amount of content.
>B-But muh console limitations, but my last-gen base game
What? Did that stop Final Fantasy XIV? Did that stop TESO? Did that stop Warframe? Did that stop fucking Final Fantasy XI on the god damn PS2? Fuck off.
>making friends in Destiny
HAHAHAHA Now that's funny.
Activision are counting on PC retards to pick it up, and PC being what it is, they're probably going to be right in counting on that.
However, PC is 100 times more whiny then console retards, so the magnitude of complaints over Destiny 2 will only increase.
I got bored and stopped playing it at lvl 15. Idk the shooting just seems pretty boring and braindead.
As somebody fell for the Destiny 1 launch meme and seeing the reaction of D2 from friends, just wait for the complete edition
I can't wait for the shit-storm. Gonna have my fill of fun on my first character then stop, grab some popcorn and kick back.
Right there with you, user.
>Want to actually sherpa people through the raid
>Can't because the only people that want to sherpa with me are on my friendslist but aren't part of my clan
>My actual clan is majoritivly not even playing anymore
Why not join their clan?
Just from this thread I can tell this game will be good.
>MIDA finally gets nurfed
>It's not even part of the meta anymore now that the tryhards have found Antelope-D
Loving every laugh.
Destiny 2 is a failure, even as a skinnerbox.
Its like that for every game ever made though
the game has a terrible end game, it's story isn't even good either it's just better than Destiny 1 which isn't exactly hard, the raid is terrible in comparison to vault of glass and the pvp is a horrible teamshot fest
i can't recommend that you buy this game, it's currently shallow and is missing many fixes that were added in the later years of Destiny 1
>D:OS 2 is trash
>The Evil Within 2 is trash
>Wolfenstein 2 is trash
>Destiny 2 is trash
>buy $5 weeb games on steam instead
wew, thanks Sup Forums.
Guided games is truly awful.
You don't get to pick which clan you play with so you can't skip over the tryhards until you find "Guardians with Patience" or whatever so every group you're with is a bunch of faggy 12 year olds yelling at you
And trying to be a sherpa is terrible too. Most of the cunts that join have no mic and don't listen or communicate in any way
Destiny 1 leveled out, even with its lack of early content, and actually grew some with updates. Destiny 2 is showing slight upticks and very large dips unlike the first at year 1.