Post vidya food that you always wanted to try

post vidya food that you always wanted to try

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You've never tried a hotdog?

"hotdog" what's that?

*hot dog

>eating food that's shaped like a dick

If your dick looks like a hot dog you should seek medical attention.

As opposed to food shaped like vagina?

>seeing penises everywhere

Just about everything from the Star Ocean games t b h

All the food you can make from the recent zelda title bar rock hard or dubious food


unagi from maplestory. I thought it was a sandwich though, I just found out it was eel. I still want to eat it even more now.

These are pretty good

Meat generally tastes bland as shit but pretty much every cartoon ever makes it look like the yummiest shit
I don't get it. Why make it look tastier than it is?

>What are seasonings

Ineffective at fixing the bland taste

I pity you

t. closet homo

Unagi is the undisputed best sushi user. Go try it.


You either don't know how to season or you just don't like meat.

Buts user, alls da best foods are shaped like dicks

>nobody got the reference
I guess people only watch Adult Swim for Rick and Morty after all

Did they stop making these?
I used to get these all the time at University but it's not sold anywhere where I live now.

I got it user.

Anything from odin sphere. Man vanillaware makes the best food porn, i don't care if it's been discussed to death it looks so good.


I can only stay up late enough to watch Rick and Morty but to be honest, it's the only show worth watching on Adult Swim's lineup of low-brow humor. At least with Rick and Morty, I feel like I'm learning something - something about myself and about a greater meaning in life that other tv shows cannot simply offer. I knew once I saw Pickle Rick that it awakened something deep within me, it was as if Rick's transformation into a pickle was my transformation into a higher being; transcending the realms of humanity into a territory beyond what any mere person could comprehend. I became a Rick and Morty fan and like all of its fans, we aren't constrained by dick jokes to have a good laugh, we are enlightened by simple and vague phrases such as "Show me what you got" which is subtle to any non-Rick and Morty fan but is otherwise a deep and profound meaning to the rest of us. So sorry if I didn't get your meager reference to a show about talking food and dick jokes but maybe if you would enlighten yourself, you'd see beyond such shallow references.

>he doesn't like his food to be aerodynamic

I was autisic enough to order them from Amazon.

looks like my wife's vagina after a long, steamy session with her black bf

preferably the ones with meat

nigga they all meat

>hearty meat soup


>Grilled snake

>tfw not smart enough to get this post