What other IPs should Nintendo bring back next?

What other IPs should Nintendo bring back next?
Hard mode: what IPs should have a BotW-style "break the series convention" type of revival?

mother 4 with full 3d real time battles no porky

Pokemon snap AR, oh wait the switch doesn’t have a camera

Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru
A sequel would be so nice

Pokemon snap AR for phones.

Pokemon obviously. Ability to go anywhere in the world as long as you have the right type of Pokemon to climb mountains or swim across lakes with the gyms and Pokemon in areas scaling in levels with how many gym badges you have.

I hate how botw basically killed zelda for me as they said the next zelda will be the same empty skyrim bullshit

I'd rather have new IP

Only really tired and well established franchises need BOTW styled revivals. And the answer to what series needs one most is Pokemon. 110% Pokemon. Nintendo needs to do a hostile takeover of the Pokemon IP, kick gamefreaks incredibly lazy asses out, and start from scratch, new combat system, no more gens, no more cumbersome 700+ Pokemon per game to keep track of, no more math battles competitive autism. Throw it out, start over, it's Bloat: The series at this point.

Now, as far as which out of use IP should get a KID ICARUS UPRISING style revival...The answer to that is Mach Rider or Takamaru's series.

Why not both?

>Now, as far as which out of use IP should get a KID ICARUS UPRISING style revival...The answer to that is Mach Rider or Takamaru's series.
>not Ice Climber
>tfw no bro-op 3D mountain climbing adventure RPG

For every one Splatoon we get there's a whole fuckload of abominations like ARMS and small scale stuff that never gains traction like Sakura Samurai.

Yamauchi fucked up not absorbing GF completely, now its too late and nintendo cant do shit.

>need BOTW styled revivals
You mean slapping a boring ubisoft empty open world on them ? no thanks

Oh fuck, yeah, add that to the list.

Arms is good

No it means getting rid of the same rehashed trite shit that the series has been clinging on for 20+ years


>8 years

I am literally one of the most vocal supporters of gyro controls on the site and I think ARMS is a fucking travesty of game design.

We were never meant to return to wagglan with motion controls, and I'm fucking pissed Nintendo managed to shoehorn what are essentially wiimotes onto their latest console.

>Hating ARMS.

Its fun unique has good music and character designs and gets free DLC
Its not great but nowhere near a travesty

you can turn them off retard, try playing the game for once.

To get copy paste of AAA garbage but with a nintendo sticker on it, BOTW is literally "the legend of skyrim breath of the link"


And the motion controls are perfect, its not waggling at all.
And they are optional.

Mach Rider and Famicom Detective Club both have untapped potential in a reboot. Nintendo doesn't really have a VN/mystery series or a character action game series right now either, they'd fill niches their major franchises don't cover.

I'd love for a new proper Panel de Pon game but the terrible handling of that series in the west doomed it to being nothing more than an Animal Crossing minigame

>Stick clicking in a fighting game
>Can guard while moving with motion controls but not physical controls
>Made launch Splatoon 1 look fully featured
The game's really just a fucking disaster of design every way you look at it

At least a cameo with him still in the everlasting capsule thing.

Thats not what design is
You an also fully map the controls now
Why do you shit on games you have never played

>ARMStards STILL exist
Holy shit this is funny.

>state incorrect info on the game
never even played the game, looks boring to me, but damn you're a moron

>3ds gets boatload of new ips
>nobody fucking buys them
>Dillion got fucking F-Zero Climax'd, 3rd game is japan exclusive
Next time i catch you fags saying Nintendo shouldnt rehash existing games, i will remind you of this

Yes, let's do shit that would stop making the games sell even less than Fire Emblem

What did he mean by this?

>implying the bigger part of the Pokemon fanbase aka kids wouldn't kill for an action-based pokémon game

>The answer to that is Mach Rider
You know what, I bet that's exactly what Sakurai's unannounced new project is. He said he bought a Vifam figure to use its gun for work related research and it looks kind of like this one.

I would cum buckets and by a Switch if Sakurai's working on another KI:U style revival.

Smash is literally one of my favorite series and even IM sick of seeing his talents completely sucked into it like a black hole at this point.

Isn't he working on one of the Kirby games?

No, Sakurai left HAL back in 2003 because he grew tired of sequels and he's been a freelancer since then.

Pokken DX is doing in badly in America

Wario, for fuck sake Wario.

>Wario may never be anything more than a meme again

From and Nintendo team up for Takamaru revival is still a dream

Nintendo fags are all well served, even with all those dead IPs at least there's plenty of Ninty IPs that are alive and well. We SEGAfags have to live with the fact that the only IP SEGA will never forsake is Sonic, and nothing else. Even last-gen IPs such as Valkyrie Chronicles have already been abandoned, let alone gen 4 and 5 stuff.


Bring back HM's

it hurts

Animal Crossing.

Please make Waifu Wars a reality for the Switch!

I want a new Luigi's Mansion game badly, not on a handheld either and like the original but this time in a museum

Billy hatcher

All I want from Nintendo at this point is a new 1080 Snowboarding with the originals gameplay design, and a new F-Zero.

A new Wave Race would be cool but I could live without it.

BOTW style Punch Out.

As in, not a memory on rails game but a full Fight Night style boxing sim but cel shaded.

The battles are fine, simple enough for the story but capable of being dragged out to the autistic exteme if you so wish

The major reason Pokémon Go was garbage in my book was because the 'combat' was so simplistic/mindless