Videogames are shit now

>grow up playing vidya
>think it's hard. Feel accomplished when I beat something
>grow up and vidya seems easier and easier
>people on Sup Forums call me retarded and say "it's just because you're older! Videogames have never been hard!"
>go and play REmake for the first time in 15 years
>it's absolutely kicking my ass
Holy shot I forgot how difficult and fun videogames used to be. Even nu-age """"hardcore"""" games like the Souls series/cuphead have absolutely nothing on old games. Why are legitimately difficult games a thing of the past now? Replaying REmake has only served to remind me how terribly castrated the Resident Evil series has gotten.
Limited saves? Ammo conversation? Punishing the player if they fuck up by making them replay the past hour? Nah, thats all too difficult. Let's flash achievements at them and tell them how amazing they are for everything.

Fuck modern vidya

Resident Evil didn't start being good until 4 though.

Neck yourself

fuck outta here

post jills

>look at me I'm a hipster who loves garbage tank controls and archaic saving systems because Its """""""""""""difficult"""""""""

Where did I say anything about difficulty, retard? The original RE titles are objectively good games, and if you think otherwise your taste is shit

Guys can we not turn this into a nu-resident evil versus classic resident evil and instead just talk about why modern videogames are shit please?

>try playing re1 and re2 after seeing people sperg out about it.
>only ever played re4
>controls are clunky and not intuitive
>lame voice acting
>dumb ass immersion breaking puzzles
>only challenge and difficulty comes from shit game design
>turn both off after an hour each and never look back


Git gud faggot

>>only ever played re4
So you're a fucking toddler then. Okay

>reloading outside of the inventory
Kill any man who donated to this fucking baka

>misses two shots
fucking trigger my OCD

>cherry picking games deletes all modern games as hard
Yeah that's how it works, literally every old game is hard.

You have 5 seconds to name 3 games produced in the last 3 years as hard as REmake.


>that panic misfire into the air


: ^ )

if you dont think Remake is the best Re game, you need to get off this board

Should I play REmake with the new controls or the tank controls?

Seriously ? I played REmake for the first time ever just this week and besides dying five times at the start it was a cakewalk. Literally didn't die a single time for 75 percent of the content. I had so many healing items I was leaving shit on the ground. Had six ink ribbons left over at the end of the game.

Does anybody else get serious fan whirling when playing this game on PC?

I dont understand myself, this shit is made out of pre-rendered backgrounds. How taxing could it be.

Literally down to preference.
I played it with tank controls forever but the second they added give analog movement I switched and didn't notice much difference in my experience.

I would strongly prefer the new controls. I grew up with some tank controls, but it's not like it was the standard. I remember even saying "Wow, walking around in Jade Cocoon fucking sucks compared to FF7" I just wanted to make sure it's not essential for REmake, like being able to walk backwards increases the experience or something.

But RE: REmake is easy as man.
If I can beat it in 1:58:47 and without saving then you should be able to beat it in at least 2:30:00 while saving and getting all the unnecessary ammo you dont need.

tank controls, because there are a lot of different camera angles and your directions will never be the same

If you like REmake a lot, you're probably going to really fucking enjoy yourself with any of the classic RE games, maybe excluding Zero depending on your tolerance for bullshit.

Having said that, I like REmake and RE4 equally, they're just different.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. But really, I'm already used to that from DMC.

Redpill me on zero. One of the few re games I managed to play for awhile when I was young. Got to the mansion but had to stop because I was a pussy. Just beat remake and am playing 4 again. Was thinking of getting zero.

>he chose hiking mode instead of mountain climbing


yay retard alert. There were tons of easy ps1 titles just like there are tons of hard modern games now. The "ONLY" difference is auto save. Back then you would sweat getting to a save or have to remind yourself. Not anymore.

I'm playing it right now and it's only using 30% GPU and 50% CPU.
GTX 970
i5 4570
No fan noise, not sure what's up with yours

Found the 12yo

re4 is trash compared to Remake.
re4 isnt even hard and requires no brain function or knowledge of the map. you basically just go thru rooms of enemies

0 is still worth playing. but
>no item box
>having to move all items from location to new location
>partner system that doesn't add anything and just forces you to use one character as a packmule
>retarded hookshot that forces you to separate
>worst classic Re
>boring enemies and bosses
>leeches arent scary
>terrible story that was probably written in 5 minutes
>boring locations sans the train
>why dont people like it

I chose mountain climbing though

Zero has inventory management but no boxes so you sorta need to know what items to keep so it slows the game down.
Then you have the forced CO-OP which also slows the game down because of some puzzles that separate the characters.
You want to be Rebecca but the game forces you to play as Billy because he does more damage, he has more hp, he plays a piano better and he runs quicker.
The bosses are not memorable and the final boss is a pain in the ass that gets free hits on Rebecca while you have to just keep his aggro since you cant kill him and just have to wait 5mins for the game to let you win.

memory cards

Very bad example OP, REmake is great but is also rather easy, specially compared to the original PS/Saturn game.

do I need to play Chris campaign too or is it the same
8 slots is annoying as it is I don't wanna deal with 6

It's a good game bogged down with uninspired enemies (especially their replacement for Crimson Heads), the placement of the locations not making sense physically (the infamous elevator) and by the fact that it has one of the worst bosses in the whole series.

Personally I also didn't like the whole item exchange system between Rebecca and Billy, the fact that you can drop items and pick them back up is nice but the whole process takes way too long and clutters the map beyond acceptable limits. They should've included the item boxes but didn't for some reason.

Give it a shot, but only buy on a sale or if you REALLY want another game like that to play.

You can walk backwards with tank controls. Don't use the new controls, the game wasn't designed around them so it casualizes the Fuck out of it and makes it super easy like MGS twin snakes.


Tell me about the elevator. One thing I liked about remake is all the areas seemed to exist believably around each other.

its got some different cutscenes and slight differences. for instance, youll never know rebecca exists if you only play as jill

That's fine for the first Hunter encounter. She was walking back into a room she previously cleared, and she panicked. At least she killed it. When I first hit it when I was a kid it jumped at me for the one hit kill, while I unloaded my handgun at it

You're miles away from Racoon City and encounter a training facility in the basement of which there's an elevator that goes up to the little tram area that you cross in RE2, and that's literally on the outskirts of Racoon.

It doesn't make any sense.

Its very slightly different. If you think Jill has inventory issues though. Chris needs to use old keys to open locked doors that Jill can lock pick. Also different cutscenes, a different weapon, harem ending, Chris laughing at wesker

Personally I think 0 is way harder than REmake. You have to really strategise since there's strict item management and controlling an AI partner. Also, enemies seem to deal more damage than the ones in REmake.

>implying Remake is hard

>the "only" difference is this huge fucking difference that impacts the entire way the game plays and the emotions the gamer feels while playing
Thanks for proving my point you cuckhead loving nu-male.

its not hard, but at least it requires some form of skill, unlike re4

>REmake is easier than the ps1 game
>the version without crimson heads or Lisa trevor is more difficult
Lol ok

The HD version is on PSN for 8 dollarydoos right now. As someone who loves Remake, is it worth 8 mcchicken sandwiches?

Played REmake and Zero on the Gamecube back in the day and loved them. Tried out the HD port of Remake on my buddy's PS4 and got the itch to play.

Does the Deluxe Bundle offer any content to justify the price or is it all just fluff like costumes?

REmake shits ammo and health at you, not to mention those self-defense items or the conveniently placed save rooms.

Rebecca is best girl.
Such a cutie!
Cute a cutie!!

REmake and Zero are both on sale on PSN for 8 bucks each right now. Can you really not justify 3 subway sandwiches for these masterpieces?

>Zero a "masterpiece"

It's a masterpiece compared to *your favorite game*

Hard to tell, honestly.

becca isnt best, but she is cute

They're $10 and $11 respectively but I was asking specifically about that $40 bundle which only seems to add costumes so I'm just going to nab the vanilla collection.

>subway sandwiches
a jill sandwich is much more valuable

I just had that happen to me during a no save run, hunters are such bullshit man. The fact that they can do that from off-screen is the worst.

8 dollars, assuming you have PS+ and are in USA. Source: I just bought them both.

You played as jill.

Re2 is clearly the GOAT

>Come here to tell you just stop being dumb and play challenging games instead
>"REmake is absolutely kicking my ass"

Jesus tap dancing Christ.

It was literally one of the easiest games i ever played and it was my first experience with "classic" RE to begin with. Literally just an inventory management game.

>Use handgun for dogs,
>Use shotgun for zambies


much hard
very challenge

I really liked it though

>Jill is easier to play meme

So you are just a full blow retard huh?


or Resident Evil thread. Where the fuck is REmake 2 Capcom?

It's not easy, it's piss easy

I had a similar experience.
>Revisit resident evil 1 through remake
>fuck yes lets beast this
>shamefully die twice to the second zombie
Survival horror is a different kind of difficult as well. Ammo management, route planning etc shit that doesn't exist in games today

They do it.

what scenes will they retcon in RE2make?

Seriously what is the appeal of cuckhead? It's a fuck easy shit game yet numales praise it as the next dark souls??

Sorry Chad, you're not going to make us like cuckhead no matter how hard you shill.

Marketing, shills, the usual business, also it could be said that it's the first 2d platformer for a lot of millenials so it's probably mind-blowing for them.

>there will never be another good silent hill game
>the final entry in the series is a gambling app
Why konami?

REmake minus everything that made it great.
Its horrible

Doesn't stop it from being objectively shit. Glad that Sup Forums is waking up to the blatant shilling going on and is realizing that the game is a piece of shit, like most of us realized long ago.

Not sure desu. I wonder if A/B will be combined or will the separate scenarios stay.

Holy shit I really can't think of any that aren't FromSoft or Indie


Daily reminder that neo-gamers think pic related is GOTY material.

Let that sink in.

I really like how much porn there's of Jill and Claire, but Rebecca and Ashley need more.

Cuphead is the quintessential Tumblr game, thank fuck we all woke up to it and are shitting the fuck on it.

Same with that Cuck in Shite game.

I can't believe i am actually in a non ironic "REmake is hard thread". What the fuck...

What is the hardest RE game then.

Harder than most neo-gaming shit.

The first one, Chris route Saturn version.

RE:DC Arrange Mode
They basically get rid of zombies and replace them with Hunters everywhere


>Kicking your ass
If you're not playing on one the variant modes like invisible enemies or one bad zombie then you're bad at videogames. REmake a pretty easy game, especially if it's a replay and you know about crimson heads.

You sound like an absolute fucking retard. Cuphead is actually challenging and the presentation has a lot of merit for being unique. This is legit contrarianism, how fucking underage are you? Who are you even trying to impress?

Jill is the best girl

Stay butthurt Chad. Soon more and more people will push back against your garbage game and there's NOTHING you can do about it. It happened to tumblrtale and it will happen to cuckhead.

The presentation is nice and unique yes, but the gameplay itself is nothing special or awesome, it's just another platformer, and not even one worth more than a mention because of his aesthetics, everything else falls flat.

[citation needed]

One of the action ones on the highest difficulty, 4 or 5 i guess.

The only people I see hating on Cuphead is Sup Forums, and nobody here opinion's matters.