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>you will never play 32 vs 32 defib only again

Why is the hit detection so bad in this game?

>shooting at an enemy in the face
>his head is bobbing around and dust is flying off his face
>he shoots me once and kills me
what do you mean, user? it's fine.

Net-code was not so great and weapon spread was absolutely fucking ridiculous unless you were prone. Combine this with the way movement mechanics worked and it's no wonder the best strategy in infantry combat was a dolphin diving breakdance.

I spent thousands of hours playing BF2. I loved the Special Forces expansion with all the fun ziplines and shit. I spent hundreds of hours playing BF2142.

Why did console gaming have to ruin this series?

>both me and a sniper proned

>I double fire right in his face and I know this since my crosshairs are right on on his eye

>counts as bodyshots

Its really hit or miss weither the game feels like counting headshots bodyshots or not

>goes 72-0

Didn't the J-10 get a nerf before?


>Shooting down a Jap Zero with a naval gun
best feel

>enemy spo- enem- enemy spo- enem- enemy spotted!- enemy spo- enem- enemy spot- enem- enemy spotted!- enemy spo- enem- enemy spo- enem- enemy spotted!- enemy spo- enem- enemy spot- enem- enemy spotted!

Fucking grapple hooks, man. That was my shit.


Exactly how I felt user, the modding scene to.. ;_;


Seems they did, I haven't played it since 2006 so didn't know.

>Karkand infantry only
>always pick support because of grenade spam and the RPK-74 is a broken piece of shit
>top of the scoreboard every game

Ah medic!


btw you can still play this online

>still no quake wars ET resurrection

It hurts

>spent 10 minutes sneaking around to a distant flag
>heh, nothing personal kid

>enemy boat spotted!
>enemy boat spotted!
>enemy boat spotted!
>enemy boat spotted!

You could counter them.

Fuck wake island

Absolutely horrible net code. I love the game but there was a lot of it that was simply shit.

You could hit people by aiming *behind* them, while you saw a hit but didn't do damage by shooting slightly in front of them.

>No basecamp servers
>Kicked you if you killed anyone in the base
>Sneak in, blow up their artillery, grab a jeep and drive for your life as you escape

Now that I think of it, the arty island never had a flag.

unfortunately the revive network has no idea about proper rulesets on their servers
everytime I tried it it was just grenade spamming shit, much worse than it was back in the day
I have no idea if it's been rebalanced since then though. I guess I stopped playing it a little after 2142 came out?

I never liked wake island, in any of its iterations

>that one nigger that would go to the kill zones to kill you if you hopped in as a gunner in his helicopter

>2005 was twelve years ago

El Alamein was the best Battlefield map ever

>tops killboard

BF2 was cancerous shit with cancer stats, unlocks and DLCs... It's only redeeming factor was the awesome mods it spawned.

>twelve year ago I was seventeen

>mfw climbing the rocket in that one soviet level with the grappling hook

suck on the hat of a chef


Sorry chief

>bf2 version

You must be 14 years old.

>no basecamp

What an absolute and retarded rule. I am perplexed how retarded those idiots are who slowly made that the norm.
There is no reason to add artificial rules to games. All the main bases had defenses which were meant to be used to defend against attackers. If a team sucks so much that they're getting annihilated in their base, then they should be and the match will end instantly.

I only play it for FH2. That's the spiritual sequel to BF1942. You don't have to dump 30 rounds into someone to kill them and it doesn't have any unlocking shit.

Wake Island sucks in the BF2 engine though.

I quite agree artificial rules are stupid there where several severs ruined by them, unfortunately it seemed most servers ran 'Karkand' all the time which got boring real fast.

>TFW you sneak past enemy lines and take the second point of Normandy then use the artillery to rain fire down on the trenches

>detonates C4 as you are about to take off.
If I don't get a plane, no one gets a plane.

>dont have internet in my room
>spend most of my time in BF2 playing bots
>occasionally go online
>get my ass handed to me
>go back to playing bots

BF2 is almost 14 years old, the fuck are you talking about?

Doesn't matter. Any game that was after 2003 can't be considered old.


>his buddy on the other team shows up and then kills you


post yfw you dont get yelled at a game anymore when losing


2142 wake> 1942 wake> 2 wake
Best maps were 2\2142 mods tho. . especially first strike\forgotten hope

Posting best gun for best class


mah nigga


G36E fags need not apply

>ywn play with 4 buddies again all using the glass piercing sniper rifle and making sure the enemy team doesn't get to use a plane the whole match.

There's nothing more satisfying than sniping the enemy helicopter faggot right out of the cockpit

based M95



>covers car in C4

Thank god for this. Otherwise this game would be lost forever. It's only a shame BF2142 was never popular enough to warrant a community that could survive a shut down. It was already down to a russian server, a 24/7 cam gibraltar and a clanserver.

why was strike at karkand infantry only so popular

And it's still better than Siege.

Serious question

we all, or we few, all still fondly remember or even play and enjoy this game. But for everyone else, why did it die? Why did it suffer the fate it did? Why are all BFs after 2 so different and just dont capture the same charm or enjoyment now that 1942, vietnam, 2142, and 2 did?


because nadespam

>you're on karkand or jalalabad
it's a special kind of hell

Outside 1942-2-2412, I only ever gave bad company 2 on the PC a chance. It felt weirdly clunky, the soundtrack was boring but what killed it for me was no context menu and a focus on smaller maps.

I know about this. That's the clan I was mentioning in my other post. They're the only guys keeping the game alive and last time I joined one of the games they were all in custom maps and every player was a bot save for me and a couple of other guys.

Because casuals.

what gave them the smart idea of making the j10 impossible to hit with missiles, and turn MUCH faster than the f35?
I knew some players who knew how to leverage the f35 really well but the j10 was just so much better. It defies explantion as to why they gave them different stats

Switching the engine, moving the series to consoles, just getting older in general, etc. Also BF3 was when EA really went hardcore on the series being their main answer to Call of Duty, you never got dumb internet fights over BF vs CoD before that game.


i disagree with the first point, the engine wasnt what killed this game. But yeah the casualisation killed it, they just should've done bf3 like 2, but with improvements.

>planes no longer are a threat outside of a-10 JDAMing boats
>choppers are overpowered as shit against infantry and no longer need to go back to base to reload, but can't one hit tanks with the TV missile anymore
>stingers are worthless, best way to shoot down choppers is with a SMAW
there are so many dumb balance decisions in bf4, and it all came from people bitching about how choppers and planes were too good against tanks
also don't even get me started on reactive armor on IFVs, holy fuck is that annoying with some guys just constantly going 120-1 in those things on every map

>entire team needs to focus fire a helicopter
>entire team needs to focus fire a tank
>entire team needs to focus fire a fucking IFV
>all these things are manned by a single player

Seriously the biggest most retarded fuck up ever. I love how tanks rotate their turrets at the speed of sound to whip around at infantry and instantly kill them. Why even have a co-gunner when you can just kill every single person on your own easily.

I also love it when some stupid faggot on the other team just one-mans the attack chopper and NOBODY can kill him, and his gun is even more deadly because at his discretion the heli stops perfectly and he has flawless accuracy. Just high/far enough that a SMAW shot is too hard, and just high/far enough to get back into the pilot seat and use countermeasures.

I quit BF4 specifically because I was tired of people (the same people at that) spending the entire 30 minute match inside the same vehicle, constantly positioned so that they could engage the enemy team but also be safe from any real danger. Instead of making armor something that needed infantry to help it, they just do it all themselves.

tanks in bf2 were good in the right hands, but higher risk because it only took 3 AT rounds to kill you. They were also slower, along with the LAVs going down in 2 hits. Also, jets and choppers countered them almost absolutely. The only real vehicle balance issues in BF2 were the TV missiles being too easy to control and the jets being murder machines, I mean if they win every dogfight and the AA is constantly being picked off because of their dogshit range, then what's the point?

Dragon Valley for me and those 2 helos on each side.

Did 1942 ever have to deal with these balance problems? Only broken thing I can recall is the flettner. Even zeroes were able to be shot down by good AA shootets.

Gulf of Oman and Road to Jalalabad were also the shit.

Everything is too mobile, turrets are too fast, and servers let people play in 3rd person so you can have a massive FOV whenever you want.

You could be sneaking up on a tank and it will not only go 0-60 instantly but the turret will spin right at you letting him shoot anything that's not right up against him, and if you are, he just turns slightly and runs you over.

Instantly bailing out and getting in is also fucking cancer. You should have to get on top of the tank to get inside. Teleporting to the driver seat is the worst most lazy way to do getting into stuff. At least make it so you need to use a hatch or door, then just teleport the player inside.

but i think thats what the jets should be about and the choppers, they should be dangerous to the infantry and ground vehicle units. And imo they made this perfectly. I mean your team had jets too, so if you had good pilots they could easily get these air units out of the way

The F35 had the better gun, higher acceleration with afterburners, higher flight ceiling and a ridicilously high top speed near it it was about playing defensively, in and out, like a ghost.

I disagree. After you take heli you got 24/7 lock in the air on for 5 diffrent peoples with stingers.
Maps are smaller and chopper controls are clunky compared to battlefield 2. I B4 life of a heli pilot is hard and short.
For me fucking lock ons and personal aa was most retarded decisions ever in battlefield series and i don't even count retarded spawn system.

thats another point why the new battlefields after 2 and bc 2 went to complete shit. Why were the maps so fucking small? This reduces the teamplay to the fucking minimum and you now see which pile of shit came out of this game

No, all the vehicles were slower and not as strong on their own. They gave everything reactive armor and the APS system so they never get hit by anything ever and annihilate everyone with thermal sights.

They 'fixed' planes by making them terrible at doing anything but shooting down other aircraft. You can't even strafe infantry with your cannon because it does a jokingly tiny amount of damage. Which when you think about it, is totally fucking retarded. The pilot needs to make an angle on his target, fly right at it in a straight line, and then break off. Having infantry get killed by direct impacts from the cannon would be SO OP though, right ?

I don't know why, but I fucking loved daqing oilfields. Kubra dam is also sorely underrated. Fuck the o Any level with the f-15 or other coop jet was fun as fuck.
oh don't get me wrong I loved the jets in bf2, but I do think that the stinger sites or AA vehicles should've been a little more threatening towards them. Though, thinking back on it, if you got hit at all in a jet you were pretty much screwed and you had to actually LAND to get repaired. It was a viable balancing decision that rewarded players with high skill.
maybe the players I was playing against were shit, but lockon AA is almost no threat with ECM and if you fly low you counter it directly.
the issue was that if they got a lock on you at all the missiles were almost guaranteed to hit, and if they knew what they were doing they could get the drop on you by staying in bomb mode until they got close enough to shoot.

>implying anyone is going to use AA when they can have a SMAW and shoot helicopters too

Yeah right, happens all the time.

Fun fact, they guy in pic trained Islamists

Good thing I played FHSW where they fixed most of those problems.

Hitting me right in the feels user. Fuck I miss those glory days

