Why don't girls like videogames?

Why don't girls like videogames?

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girls like vidya but for different reasons
lower comp drive being one of them

Because they are soulless robots who exists to fuck and take care of kids. When they aren't doing that they are ruining everything they touch.

My girlfriend is trans and loves videogames. She's even in an all girl Overwatch clan.

This is some expertly crafted bait


Only cunt bitches don't like gaymen


So most of them

The only correct answer in this thread.


ITT: /r9k/

>tfw tried to get imouto into the good shit ever since she was young but all she plays is Roblox
kill me baby

Because they work against every innate advantage they have from just having a vagina. Why would you spend any time alone or develop an interest in a hobby when you can just go through life with orbiters always feeding you attention, food, ect while not having any hobbies beyond tv and snapchat or whatever? You can just say you're into something one of your orbiters are into and the most mainstream version of it and that's enough. No one will question it because they put that pussy one a pedastal.

Women are always scheming.

They dont like video games because video games are just a means to an end, the activity itself isnt what they want to do.

I don't know why they cant enjoy things or let other people enjoy them, but that's just women.

ITP: A butthurt roastie

+1 m8

I play vidya with a few grills who are "just one of the guys" and from the distance I orbit it seems gaming is a toxic hobby for them to get into. I went to EVO with both my male and female buddies and my female friend kept getting followed around by some black nerdy dude who I guess thought they hit it off well enough to just follow her around. She talked about how weird it was and how she was too polite to tell him to fuck off. I think it's cool if a girl plays vidya but don't pretend we don't glorify these women and bump a 4/10 into an 8/10 because she plays vidya and because we think because she's ugly or fat she'll be easy to fuck since the Chads won't be over her.


>tfw no qt Mexican gamer gf


If girls don't like video games then who the hell is playing otome games and drawing all that weird yaoi porn?


I like videogames

Her own fault for not telling him to politely fuck off. She's just as "beta" and that's why she relies on getting attention from nerds. If you latch onto a more outgoing woman like that, they'll tell you to get lost because they aren't quite as attention-starved.


>there are no fat ugly studs

most are based in logic and spatial reasoning, both of which men are better at

games that don't have a concrete objective like the sims and animal crossing tend to be a lot more popular with girls

>gay men
>playing video games made for women where you play as a woman dating men


I wanna play vidya with Gaz while we eat ridiculously sloppy pizza and watch Mysterious Mysteries only to laugh at Dib's delusions.

no shit, sex is his job

He fucked a lot of women off the clock also.

that's what the "I play as the woman because I like to look at their ass" anons turn into

But I've been picking girl characters in games for over 10 years and I've never done that.

not yet

Because society at large doesn't see playing games as a thing girls do, leading to less of them starting to play at a young age. They'll fall into other interests because of what their parents give them, meaning only a relatively small amount will move into playing vidya

>Because they are soulless robots who exists to fuck. When they aren't doing that they are ruining everything they touch.

It’s a techy hobby and therefore male.

Nah. I've also been coming to Sup Forums for 10 years and I don't like traps or boipussy or any of that shit either.

Imagine dealing with this 3-4 times a day and tell me you'd still be into the hobby, as a woman. If you're just going to be negative the entire time to people you share your hobby with why even do it? And it's hilarious how she's the impolite and attention-starved one when I was fucking there and all she did was play a match with the dude and after he gave her some tips he thought they were friends the entire day because he's an autist who doesn't get social cues.

holy shit, this incredible bait

I play boy characters that look like women because I like to self insert as a trap that gets rammed by futa cocks

I find funny how girls do like videogames that can be associated with feminine evopsych stuff

I know that danganronpa and ace attorney have lots of female fans, probably because they require emotional intuition and not reflexes. This is broscience but i hold it to be true

>Meet girl
>Turns out she likes video games
>Turns out we like the same video games
>She's funny
>She's easy to talk to
>She's cute
>But she's about as conscientious as a tree stump and it clearly doesn't matter to her whether I talk to her or not

Nah I'd say you're right and it's also why more girls like games like Pokemon and Animal Crossing

You forgot that she has a boyfriend.

But she's single

My gf likes vidya but only because I do. She really sucks at it and I wish she'd just watch me play....

That's what she wants you to think so she could milk you for attention. In reality, she sucks Chad's dick while he's playing with her boobs like with a controller.

Single means riding the cock care o cell

That just means she fucks Chad with no strings attached.

Underrated. Those are some well-placed spoilers.

hi /r9k/

pick one and only one, you fag

Right on time, it's the bitter virgin brigade

I play with my boyfriend's ps4 way more than he does, he's the normie in our relationship

Lol sad you guys think you know women but keep trying sweeties

Tits or gtfo

XD us girl gamers amiright? Ps4 5the win


>implying me being a bitter virgin affects other people's relationships in any way

my last two gfs really liked playing vidya with me though. Let the last one borrow a lot of my gamecube games

Making a statement makes me a virgin lol

Ugly girls play real games hot ones play meme games overwatch pubg thw normal flavor of the month games

one of the best episodes, along with Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars

He's a fucking celebrity and he wasn't a fat piece of shit when he started his career. NEXT

>being gay
Don't make me call Pence

>i-it's not my fault I don't have a girlfriend it's everyone else's

Video games are escapism for people not welcomed in society. Most women are attractive so they are accepted by peers, whereas a large percentage of men aren't.

1. Most vidya since the very beginning were about either competition or removing enemies from world, life and existence (which is replacement for competition).
2. Most girls cannot into competition.
3. ???

no it means she's getting ready to pick.
Girls are really only single for a few weeks tops since they have a lineup of guys interested.
It's just the way our society works.

???? Got a girlfriend pretty overrated desu i love her but miss being single sometimes why you so mad bro? You a fat roastie or smth?

My gf straight up refuses to learn to play anything that isn't a 2d platformer or animal crossing. For some reason when playing 3d games she can't grasp the concept of aiming with one stick and walking with the other.

All these people praising the bait but nobody actually falling for it

"Single". Oh, so she uas many unofficial boyfriends who take her out, give her attention, and fuck her. One more either eay she probably doesn't care about.

Ive heard this argument quite a few times

It literally is. Interacting with other people made me bitter, insensitive and untrusting.


It's a shame. She always wants to play mario bit she's terrible at it. And she tries to play mario kart but doesn't understand how to drift so she always loses.

Some do, you fags just don't believe they are real

Wouldn't that imply that it isn't easy to guess that it's bait?

Hot ones play musical cocks

>futa cocks
Every fucking time with you people, the lowest of the fucking low. Your fetish is even dumber than inflation and diapers and you need to know that.

sounds like a you problem faggot

Hahaha same shit with my girl loves mario kart 64 but cant drift at all and loses constantly


The only girls I've ever known to play GSG or 4X for example weren't super attractive. They knew their shit too. Way more fun to talk to (which, go figure, kinda makes them more attractive to me)

Speak English or fuck off.

Its the worst. I try to explain it to her but she just doesn't understand the concept of drifting one way while turning the stick the other way.

My dad was the same way. He likes older 2D stuff. He says having to use two sticks to move is too hard and "makes [him] feel dizzy."

Noo they are its already been said hot girls fake it and play meme games ugly ones play real shit

>know a girl who plays all the same games as me; SMT, Etrian Odyssey, MonHun, Fire Emblem, and fucking everything else
>she's better than me at all of them

lol you guys are a riot

>ugly ones play real shit

I wonder why. Shouldn't they still be playing stuff like Animal Crossing if they're prone to being noncompetitive and nonconfrontational due to being women?

I am you waste of a sperm cell

now you've done it

Yeah same. At this point the only new games my dad can play are sports games.

Not every female is the exact same however you can be 100% if they are hot they WILL NOT play "real" games only the uggos play good stuff because they were likely misstreated by mini chad in school

Ask her to take you under her wing

The less-attractive girls I know who play niche stuff tend to be pretty competitive. I imagine it might be to solidify their hold on something they like so much? I find it admirable, if that's the case.

Use commas, you bitch! Commas!

>dad loves American football
>always has
>could probably be a coach if he tried
>he likes to have me play Madden for him while he just tells me what to do
>we always win
>he gets the goofiest, proudest look of satisfaction

I love my dad. I hope you guys love your dads too, even if they aren't always great.

I can't , understand , your accent ,