Reasonable video game apparel

Reasonable video game apparel

Let's be honest, only the most socially retarded neck beard or a total Chad Thundercock would have the balls to wear that in public

kill yourself

I'm that Chad Thundercock.

Your video games are mine now, nerd.

I would wear it as pajamas or something.

Normies discovering Taro was a mistake.

You could wear it to a bar but not to a grocery store, it isn't that fucking hard.

I could wear it to a grocery store, who'd stop me?

That’s sounds like something a girl would do.

nah, you match it with a blazer and you'd look stylin and profilin

He kinda did it to himself. He literally created one of the hottest waifs of this generation. It's bound to garner attention.

Give me one with Tristana and I'd buy it.

Probably the greeter in all honesty..... no ones going to fucking stop you I'm just saying you'd get weird looks but people would laugh and talk to you other places.

>who'd stop me?
I would. I'd stop you on the street and offer to take you to my place so I could suck your dick and gulp down as much of your tasty cum as possible.

"He" didn't, Yoshida is responsible for her design.

Name me one(1) thing that doesn't become insufferable shit once normies take notice of it and like it.

>omg 2Butt is so thiccc XD
Literally normal size, but the meme nonetheless lives on because Japan loves their sticc 2D "girls"

Yeah, but the idea of a sexy big butt android lady as the flagship character for the game was his idea. I wonder how they'll ever top themselves with the next game.


You're just ashamed to admit to yourself you like fat people.

Bloodbourne, because it was still Dark Souls who absorbed the stupid name referencing and memes, despite not being related to it.


plus Bloodborne is too smart for nomies

I really didnt think that there could be a fanbase even worse and more pathetic than Sonic and MLP.

I genuinely can't. Everything is better niche. That's where the passion lies.

Weeaboos have always been the most cancerous, especially as they're far more vocal and entitled compared to furries or brony fags.

>go to a public place
>security tailing you
>sir whats on your shirt
>yeah you're going to have to turn that inside out or leave

I have a fat fetish and I'm hardly ashamed to admit it. There's nothing fat about 2B. I'd actually like her butt if it was fat.

Wrong post

yiff in hell

Well if anyone has lived through the late 2000s, anyone should know that nothing is more cancerous than Narutards back in the day.

>Show distaste for all three
>But I insulted his whyfoo faggotry shit so naturally a furfag

That brain-dead weeb delusion working overtime.

Okay yeah that’s cool, but sucks a dudes dick is pretty gay.

I beg to differ also Zelda is pretty bad. Mario and donkey kong aren't that that bad though.

I don't see what's different between them and any other weeaboo.

weeabs have access to an infinite source of autism memes, since everyday a new anime or japanese game is made. Since sonic and MLP are the same they just circlejerk in contained place about the same shit until they get bored.

>getting this defensive

It's not hard to sniff out a brony or furry. It's even easier to sniff one out that's both.

kys furfag

No need to project so hard, weeaboo.

Well for starters they were the most numerous back in 2006.

You had idiots with naruto headbands doing stupid hand signs and running with their hands behind their backs.

not him but you can tell who is the mad weeb pretty easily too 2bh

>"Weeaboos are the most cancerous!!!1! Not like us bronies and furfaggots!!! xP leave us alone!"

this was me ngl

it was fun

I clearly showed distaste for all three, just placed emphasis on weebs being the worst. You sperging out like some autismal retard just further cemented that fact.

You're playing an US vs THEM game, while pretending to not be a brony retard or furfuck.

It's exactly what console war shitposters do. You're transparent as fuck desu

Again, kys freak