No new alolan forms


What even is the point of USM aside from a stop gap cash grab?

was ruining Pokemon apart of your plan?

surfing minigame
new UB and legendary
more clothes
more pokemon snap feature

More places. Longer story, new foes, new Zmoves, more Pokemon in the pokedex. New pikachu hat and Doggo forms.

Rotom upgraded and legendarys on other worlds

Significantly expanded postgame that's richer than Emerald or Platinum
New Pokemon added in the middle of a generation

Do you even need anything else?

>Longer story
that just means more fucking unskippable cutscenes


nah, fuck off

Same fag.

Based cutscenes.

I don't even care about USUM in the slightest, but what got me excited from the interview is that USUM is the last 3DS pokemon game, and that they're moving the series to the Switch.


There's plenty reasons to be exited. Being able to have double battles without the frame rate dropping to single digits for one.

Now watch them remove double battles.

>unironically defending Lillie's Babysitting Adventure: featuring Pokemon
waifufags I swear

Can I get info on this post game? I'm fine with another battle frontier but I would buy the game if it's Pokemon Stadium based post game.


What is even the point of -non BW2 third versions- aside from a stop gap cash grab?

Funny thing is, I can't think of a single double or triple battle in SM. Seems like the frame rate issue was the reason for them dropping them. That's why I'm pretty sure they'll be back on the Switch game.

Don't know. All we know is that, according to famitsu, there's more post-game content than Emerald or Platinum. No idea what that is.

Don't listen to that shill. The "postgame" they claim is expanded, is just more cutscenes and fetch quests once you beat the league, something akin to the Delta Episode where you just fly around the map just to talk to a single person and then fly somewhere else to talk to another person. There's been zero mention of a battle facility, and it looks unlikely.

Yeah it's not like you unlock annoying double battles all through the game after the first trail or anything.

Finally, a proper Pokemon game on a main console.

>Battle Facility is the only postgame
Pokemon players are sad.

Twitch plays pokemon will be playing it if ya dont want to pay.

2v1 retard.

But there hasn't been a proper Pokemon game on a console, the Switch game is the first one.

A story mode after you beat the league is limited. You can only play it once. Meanwhile, a Battle Frontier with several difficult facilities can easily give you an extra two weeks of playtime.

>Meanwhile, a Battle Frontier with several difficult facilities can easily give you an extra two weeks of playtime.
Or it might last one day.
Nice postgame, dude.

>tfw best girl still triggers autismos a year later

Honestly famitsu saing there's more post-game content then emerald or platinum is worriesome because I'm pretty sure they said the same thing for Pokemon Omega Ruby and imo was dumb.

I still go back to emerald to play battle frontier, I have not touched Omega Ruby after completing it.

Good job user. Someone that finished it has no business playing anymore though.