3x3 thread

3x3 thread

Maybe try to do a little more than make this a completely communication-less exchange of numbers. Recommend people games, ask them about games in their 3x3 you're interested in etc.

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Does Banjo-Kazooie count as a Metroidvania?

You might be able to make a case for Tooie what the the interconnecting worlds and backtracking actually. Kazooie probably not.

1/1 Nier Automata, I didn't have a PS2 growing up so I never got the chance to play a lot of these games though I could and should emulate them now.

4/4 solid stuff, lots of sakurai

4/4 +KIU Kirby Earthbound Cave Story

I do very much enjoy Sakurai's work. City Trial in my opinion is the perfect multiplayer experience, me and my friends have seriously dropped at least a thousand hours into it and we still never get tired of it (And still lose to DeDeDe pretty much every time we get him jesus fucking christ).
And KIU is ironically the only shooter from this gen I can think of that didn't have its design constrained by needing to be designed with stick aiming in mind since it's not on console.

Also as far as recommendations I think you'd enjoy The Sexy Brutale. It's a puzzley adventure kidna game where you're this dude in a roaring 20's inspired casino/hotel called The Sexy Brutale living out one day over and over groundhogs day style trying to stop people from getting murdered

The videos I watched on it before I played it compared it to ghost trick.

I'm gonna recommend you RiME user.
It's a relaxing little puzzle game with some exploration and AESTHETIC as fuck.

I've seen it compared to the Team Ico games and also the Journey/Flower teams games.

+Dragon Age: Origins
+Resident Evil Remaster, Nier Automata, Battlefield: Bad Company 2

>City Trial in my opinion is the perfect multiplayer experience, me and my friends have seriously dropped at least a thousand hours into it
Same here, fantastic game mode


6/6 Megaman X, OOT, Sonic 2, Mario 2, Halo, Dig Dug is surprising to see in here but a great choice. I fucking love that game.

If you like 2D platformers and haven't played either of the modern Rayman games yet they're fantastic. Both are good options, though Legends gets dragged down by the murphy levels unless you have a WiiU and several friends who'd want to play with you imo.
And if you like classic arcade games you should try Pacman Championship Edition DX+, it's really fucking fun.

I played a bit of the new Rayman games and I really liked what I played. And I've played the shit out of pac man dx. Easily one of the most fun games I've played in a while.


Final bunp

Could not get into smash 4 even at a casual level. Single player was bland, most new characters did not feel that great to play, the new game modes were uninteresting.
>A wonderful life
I don't hate it, but its an odd choice


Greentexted game is my favourite one in that 3x3. Please recommend games you think I'll like based on what's in my 3x3

Didn't really care much at all for Smash U.
Just MGS3
Just Ape Escape PSP
>New Vegas
Just don't care much for HL2
Just Sonic Mania
As much as I love New Vegas, I cannot stand Dead Money

digga your taste is golden.

you're also pretty cool

you both have my two fave games of all time in the center and kid icarus is like #4 in my list.

Really loving the KI:U

What's the center one?

4/4 Mania, Uprising, Sunshine, LoZ 1
Smash single player definitely isn't what it used to be, but I do find that people usually completely sleep on/are unaware of Crazy Orders, which I thought was great fun. Also while classic mode does suck, master core and the revamped master hand and crazy hand fights were golden.
Assuming you're deep into melee or other fightan its more than reasonable to not get as much satisfaction out of Smash 4 imo. Every time I play melee and go back to 4 I desperately miss jump momentum.
1/2 +MGS -Fallout New Vegas
I briefly played Planescape Torment, got through the entire opening bit and thought it was fantastic, but I'll admit the old clunk of the games UI made me eventually stop. I need to try again because I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
2/4 +Platinum, Xenoblade X -FFX and Fallout New Vegas
Gonna play the first Xenoblade Chronicles once I beat X which I'm currently trying to blitz through a long with a few other WiiU games before miiverse shuts down November 8th

Oh shit I was gonna reccomend SOMEBODY Yo! Noid 2 when I first started writing this post but I can't remember who or why now.

Muramasa Rebirth/Genroku Legends on Vita

I'll comment in a minute, when there are more.
Also I may replace Enemy Within with War of the Chosen, but I haven't finished it yet.

3/4 San Andreas, Dragon Dogma, Wind Waker -New Vegas

You should try Sleeping Dogs


Fine taste user

I actually got Sleeping Dogs when it came out, and fucking loved it. It's definitely in my top 20, but I need to replay it and everyone says the enhanced edition is absolute shit.


Here's a video demonstrating it.
They butchered a lot of the visuals. Especially brightening the night time and removing the neon glow, really hurts the nighttime aesthetic.

Give the game a pirate if you play it on PC, even if you own the Original edition it somehow got updated with the enhanced edition changes earlier this year.
>Beat it in early 2017
>Love the fuck out of it
>Want to do a replay already
>"I dont remember the game being this ugly a few months ago and my settings are definitely at max"
>Waaaiiiit a minutes
>Slam a person against a table that I saw in the comparison video
>Destruction physics from the enhanced edition
I was fucking pissed.

Also I bought the game the year or maybe the year after it came out at a discount, half beat it then, fully beat it this year, I definitely have the original edition of the game.


Just contributing to bump.

2/2 + Transistor, WoW

2/3 + REmake, PE - Prince of Persia

4/4 + STALKER, Planescape, New Vegas, Deus Ex

2/3 + New Vegas, CTR - FFX

4/4 + Demon's Souls, SA, New Vegas, Dragon's Dildo

My nigga of refined tastes.
Originally I wasn't sure if Pyre was going to surpass Transistor for me. But then they patched in the NG+ that Pyre was missing and it cleared up a ton of my issues with the game like not having the titan stars square away on replays and the whole "losing is permanent, no redo's" thing kinda got cheapened by having a restart rite button that's gone in NG+. The only faults I have with the game now is that passing feels kinda janky and there's no online multiplayer.
Originally I was gonna replace Transistor with Pyre on my 3x3 but I realized I like them both too much not to have both.
Big Bertrude is best girl, Manley the best character, and Grand Ceremony is the best song on the soundtrack imo

Also holy shit the Pyre threads week one on Sup Forums were the literal most rancid fucking thing I've ever seen on the board and I still have no fucking idea why they were shitposted to such an insane fucking degree.

2/3 + Smash, WoW, - Pyre it nearly made me fall asleep

1/3 + RE, - MGS, NieR

1/2 + Ghost Trick, - Cave Story, got Rhythm Heaven sitting around still need to play it

I dislike nearly all of these

1/1 + Sunshine

1/2 + P5, - any Pokémon I find them very boring but do see the appeal

1/3 + Dragon's Dogma, - DeS, MGS
I was so close to putting Dogma on my 3x3, loved it to bits but trying Daimon's awakened form made me realize how much of a flawed gem it really is, left a sour taste in my mouth; stacking 50 periapts, Salomat's secrets etc and blast arrow gimping isn't fun

I dislike almost every game I play recently, NieR, Witcher 3, Pyre, DeS, Superstar Saga, Pokémon Black 2 all either bored me to tears or felt bad, shame

I love Muramasa so fucking much. I desperately wanted the game the moment I saw the original in a buddies Nintendo Power years ago but I could never find the game and it always got passed over when I asked for a christmas present. It was bliss finally getting to play it on Vita and it being goddamn amazing.
The vanillaware games alone justified my Vita purchase, I goddamn love them And other games on my vita too.

>Not wanting to SLAMJAM
Look at this faggot
I'm kidding, Pyre's much more reading heavy than Bastion or Transistor. They'd probably be much more up your alley than Pyre is. It's a big departure from Supergiants normal stuff.

Forgot to mention 4/4 +Luigis, Warioland 4, Dong Freeze, and Shovel Knight though I haven't gotten to any of the alternate Knight campaigns yet

pretty much agreed on all counts, sadly online multi doesn't look to be coming
it's been a problem for most indie games that get actual threads desu

Every thread it's the same cringe.
Stand aside peasants, for this is what god tier taste looks like.

2/2 Warcraft 3 and Torchlight 2
Have you played Runic's new game Hob? Not necessarily a recommendation because I feel like it's just a bit above average in the gameplay department and mostly carried by the aesthetic but I'm just curious your thoughts on it if you have.

Wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't because they released it to literally no fanfare after not mentioning it for 2 years in the same timespan that Ruiner, Cuphead, and Hat came out.

2/3 for bloodborne and aria of sorrow
1/2 for rise of nations, don't like NV
4/6 I'm terrible at stealth games and also NV
man you guys all really like NV
3/5 for BB, system shock, and deus ex

+fallout, RE, 999, Lisa, planescape
never played wario or maximo

Maximo is great, since you seem to like 3rd person action games it should be a perfect match
it's on the PS3 store, get the US version if you're a Bong for 60Hz

Darksiders 2 is best on Wii U right? heard the graphics or something were better

I liked Half Life 2 but never played the episodes.
Meaning to go back and give Torment another go
I can't get over how Fallout New Vegas feels to play, I know it's a cut above typical Bethesda stuff but still not my cup of tea.
I've only played Dragon Dogma on this one but I've played the Vita WipeOut and liked it a lot, god I suck at it though.
5/6 Dark Souls, MH4, Megaman Battle Network, Dragon Age Origins, ALTTP -New Vegas

Big fucking props for recognizing Awakening as well, way too many people sleep on the expansion. Who are your favorite companions?
Also how did you like ALBW as far as a sequel goes?

>Darksiders 2 is best on Wii U right?
Not him but I got Darksiders 2 for WiiU in one of the two Nintendo Humble Bundles, it runs like ass on WiiU. Dont do it.

give wipeout HD fury on PS4 if you have one, the vita game honestly was one of the weakest title entries

My plan is to get a PS4 in the near future as I finally found employment again recently. But I desperately need a new computer chair and monitor first.


can't argue about NV, currently on my 3rd playthrough and gunplay is awful, probably why i chose diplomatic approach 2nd time, Bethesda are cunts with their shit if only they gave Obsidian absolute freedom game could've been perfecr

Man i really couldn't get into torchlight 2 because they fucked up the greaves hardcore. Every character looks like they're suffering from chicken leg syndrome. What's the point of loot games if your equipment looks like shit?


Cool I'll give Maximo a try.

The PC version of Darksiders 2 is the best version. Unfortunately, the original release got replaced with the Deathinitive Edition and now you can only get that one. It has bugs, but whoever is in charge of that version for some reason refuses to say that a patch isn't being worked on. I heard the PS4 version got a recent patch, but don't know what was fixed.

I liked ALBW. Give it a solid 7.5-8. Personally I vastly preferred the progression system in the original over having all the items available. The 3D actually works well and the merging to walls gimmick has some fun clever puzzles.

I liked Anders and Ohgren. Rest of the companions were p cool too.

5/5 Melee, Heart Gold, Air Ride, Battlefront 2, Mahvel

I fucking love Heart Gold so much. Best comfy game to replay during the fall and I honestly think it's a travesty that gen 5 6 and 7 didn't copy the sublime bottom screen menu from HGSS

I really like ABLW worlds as well, pleasant surprise after everyone thought it was going to be New! Legend of Zelda, the wall merging was a goddamn blast. Personally I ended up really appreciating the openness of it

Both excellent choices though I'm a Sten and Nathaniel Howe man myself. Although I feel like Nathaniel was really elevated as a companion if you played a human noble, totally different dynamic compared to every other origin since you're families have each others blood on their hands.

Also forgot to say "lets do character 3x3's too" in this post.