Recommend me some lovecraftian games

Recommend me some lovecraftian games




Bloodborne and Call of Cthulu are pretty much it

This. We're done here, everyone can go home.

>naming your cat Nigger Man
yep, he's from New England


It's more HR Giger kinda stuff, but what do you care.

Fuck you.


Darkest Dungeon

Have any horror fans not played Amnesia yet?

If not Amnesia.

wasn't there some recent Lovecraftian adventure horror puzzle whatever game than just came out where you're in some weird cave?


Specifically the first two.

I've gotta get back to that. Its pretty comfy in a way.

COD Ghosts

Sunless Sea

Wait seriously?

Quake 1


>sail left
>run out of fuel
>sail left
>get killed by giant unavoidable monster
>sail left
>land on an island and read a fuckhuge long story that makes no sense
>run out of fuel
>go back to hub
>have no money to buy anything other than more fuel

I couldn't get past 4 hours.

pic related is a good lovecraftian metroidvania

sail right*

I won't try and excuse the problems with the game's design and moment-to-moment gameplay. But the world and writing were spot on, and enough to justify the time I put into it.