What went so incredibly wrong?
The Evil Within 2
western cuck for a game director. hes a swedecuck from jew york.
nothing GOTY after Nioh.
pretty much this. Just look at the guy and you'll know what his motivations were. Probably greatly inspired by the masterpieces bioshock infinite and the last of us
Art direction.
>Muh wife
>Muh daughter
This shit
Open world in 2017
I haven't finished the game but I'm at
nigger fire fortress
Do you ever fight that camera faced thing again and kill it or did the game just forget that was a boss?
Also the game feels directionless compared to the first one. I enjoy the more open world but the game will limit the amounts of open world segments to only like three parts of the game.
Plus most of the harpoon spears are useless because pistol+ stealth kill is the only useful gameplay tactic.
Not scary at all, the gameplay is your standard tripple A upgrade tree and crafting system trash.
Who woulda thunk that trying to appeal to everyone would appeal to nobody?
I suck with the pistol. You can't even trip fuckers now.
>Be jaded and desensitized.
>Still expect every horror game to scare the fuck outta you.
>No mikami
Who thought this is ok?
Yes, people are upset because they removed an asian and not because he was a veteran in the industry who worked on Resident Evil.
>every scare has a massive audio cue buildup
>character reacts to everything for you
>none of the gorey parts would be horror themed at all if it weren't for the music
It's like I'm actually watching a really bad movie.
Mikami's tired. Leave him alone.
Is the game even as long as the first one? It feels fucking shorter with less content.
Oh look, a shill!
>What went so incredibly wrong?
Not much, it's a good game about on par with the first one, if only slightly better.
But Sup Forums will cherrypick and whine about this game and then run off to praise a game like Elex, so who cares what Sup Forums "thinks".
I've screamed due to getting jumped like six times already. That's despite me being aware of the audio cues.
>Reach the morgue/lab last night at 2am
>This isn't so bad, I'll just do this segment quickly and go to sleep on the next check point
>Trigger Ghost lady near the pit
Oh man look at the time, better alt+F4, I have too many things to do to tomorrow, wake up early and hit the hay.
>Enjoy vidya.
>Get called a shill.
2017 Sup Forums is fucking retarded.
>being racist
tsk tsk tsk if only jonah saw your post
>open world
When will this ignorant meme end? CoD is more open world than TEW2.
>Not scary at all,
Which videogame is scary? I can't think of a single one.
Bethesda deciding to be in charge.
>I've screamed due to getting jumped like six times already
>being startled is all there is to being scared
Consider getting into horror movies, I have the feeling that literally all of them will please you.
Ignore absolutely everyone that cries shill. It's the new shitposting strat attentionwhores use to fish for attention.
Deny them the thing they seek, attention. Do not reply to them.
Perfectly decent game at the very least, and worth it for the simple fact there's a lack of good action horror games, especially ones that don't follow the Amnesia formula.
I just hope no one was influenced by terrible reviews like pic related which was outright embarrassing.
On a side note, the Moist Meter format ruined his channel for me. Just another youtuber jumping into the wannabe critic bandwagon.
>Not much, it's a good game about on par with the first one, if only slightly better.
Then why did it sold only a quarter of the first game?
Lol, this damage control is beautiful.
>Sebastian's mental power is so great that his subconsciously created monster makes anything made by actual in-game antagonists a complete fucking joke despite the fact he has no admin rights on anything in this system
What? Bethesda did not develop this game in any capacity.
>Trying to deny that shills doesn't exist here on Sup Forums to promote their games
Fucking retard, kill yourself.
Am I the only one that wanted to part those ass cheeks?
I would've given you a serious reply until I read
>Lol, this damage control is beautiful
Hide your bait better next time. Because right now you will not get a second reply after making it clear you're just shitposting. This is my advice to you.
Alien Isolation is pretty scary. You never really know how the set pieces will be laid out and you can't fight most of it. There's no audio cues for when you're being chased either, it just happens.
Prove that shills exist for TEW2.
I finished it in about 7 hours. First game took me about 15.
It's a solid 6.5/10 game. But I honestly don't feel like typing out a synopsis of all the problems yet again in another thread.
We live in a cucked society. People fucking love Metacritic. It's all about what your favorite e-celeb says these days. Forming your own opinion is against the rules.
The fact that there is such a split group between people who hate and people who love it just confirms to me this is a good game.
There are plenty of good games that are unsuccessful sales wise. Some of Platinum's games (and also Clover back in the day) are perfect examples of that, while generic shooters like CoD continue to sell like hotcakes.
It's missing best boy. Other than that it's my game of the year.
>Alien Isolation is pretty scary
Not really, it's more annoying than anything.
too much talking. Too many cutscenes. The end of the game became a walking simulator and Kidman's parts might as well have not been playable since they were just a shooting gallery where dying is impossible and then you hold forward for a minute. Also Sebastian just seemed like a whole other person to me. I don't know.
>game releases
>not even hours later, Sup Forums is already filled with people praising the game
Really gets the juices jivin'
The Evil Within 1 = 8/10
The Evil Within 2 = 6.5/10
Like fucking everything.
>b-b-ut muh westecuck director dindu nuffin you fucking weeb!
>sebastian has no memory of his daughter in the first game yet claims it was traumatic experience
i had it a day early
Fuck off to one of the conspiracy theorist boards. Idiot.
You cannot reason with them since they're only here to seek attention by shitposting. Screaming shill is a surefire way to get replies for no effort, so do not give them the attention they seek. Ignore them. That is the way you annoy and deal with them.
It's not that the games not 'scary' it's just very tame in its overall design compared to the first one, enemies I felt were more interesting and fun in 1 than in 2 and the levels were more interesting to look at.
You don't get to say that because you don't know what makes horror scary.
>Second game doesn't have any moments as kino as the first one
What went wrong indeed.
Fuck Oda. Kidman 4 LyFe.
TEW1 is just most saturared, more contrasted and darker. You can change these settings right now and get a similar visual experience as the first game.
Well apart from the heavy handed usage of blood in TEW1.
Is tew2 a dead space 3 of the evil within series?
Idiots. :)
This, DLC when?
>it's the same i swear!
Okay, Johanas
>You don't get to say that because you don't know what makes horror scary.
Ok? What's the difference between you shitting your pants in Alien Isolation over someone else shitting their pants in Evil Within 2? That you're always right and everyone else is wrong, because reasons and you certainly know what objectively makes games "scary"? Ok.
No. Dead Space 2.
Not even close. Dead Space 3 was way too diluted and soulless to compare the two.
Not even close, Dead Space 3 is up there with Resident Evil 6 for contender of worst AAA game ever developed. TEW2 isn't perfect but it's an enjoyable game overall.
I decided to stop buying DLC. ;(
It's a sequel to an established franchise that did well on its first run. I guess fans of the first game just didn't want this cinema masterpiece because lol.
I very much enjoyed the game, and I think those complaining about how terrible they think it is are likely nitpicking, miserable faggots that can't enjoy anything, and they should probably move on. This is the exact same reaction the first game got.
>Muh powerful and strong "need no man" female
Fuck off SJW.
Dead space 2 is good tho.
Stop being a faggot.
Those are nice projecting skills. For a shill, that is.
In Alien Isolation, there's subtlety and mystery. You're never sure when you'll encounter the big bad. In a shitty game, a horror audio track will begin playing when the big bad notices you (TEW2), but in Alien Isolation, you'll just have to assume via the ambient sounds.
Horror is more about what you don't know rather than what you do, that's what makes it last.
Yep. My thoughts exactly.
Nobody likes your virgin face.
Dead Space 2 is the best one in the series. Evil Within 2 is a clear step backwards.
New guy looks like a fuckin Elvis tribute artist.
Nah it's just weird how the fans of the first game all became homeless and broke so they couldn't afford the second game.
Really gets the rocks rumblin'
How did he go from a Hispanic guy to some weird Asian/White dude?
sebastian talks too much and puzzled by things hes supposed to know.
>Open hub areas that dissolve any and all tension racked up by the more claustrophobic, linear segments.
>Numerous bugs on the PC port.
>Absolutely busted stealth mechanics, combined with improper balancing on higher difficulties, turn the game into a constant process of abusing bad AI to instantly kill enemies instead of wasting ammunition, until you get to a bullet sponge boss that requires all of your ammunition to kill.
>Lackluster visual design outside of a few select segments.
>The only good antagonist is defeated halfway through the game and is replaced by a series of boring ones.
>The entire supporting cast is obnoxious. An autistic jackass that gets turned into a monster and the game acts like we're supposed to feel bad about it, Japanese psychologist lady that forces you into an escort mission in the late game, a commando chick that don't need no man shows up in the absolute worst section of the game bar none, and a couple of other boring assholes nobody cares about.
>Sebastian's voice actor reads every line with a whiny, nasally cadence.
>The first game's C-Plot regarding Sebastian's family is suddenly center stage, something nobody asked for or wanted, while the first game's plot is left on a cliffhanger.
Savior of the survival horror genre my fucking ass.
>>it's the same i swear!
Make the bottom image darker, more saturared and contrasted. Also slap on a noise filter the first game enforeced.
Then come back.
People complained that Sebastian was too passive in the first game given all the weird stuff that was going on around him.
tew2 is a great 20 dollar game not enough to warrant full price. I'm a fan of the first one and for most of the game I was enjoying the second one trying to full clear, then I noticed the game was almost over, and I started wondering where the rest of the game went.
I think its great.
Im pretty sure Sup Forums just hates video games now and are completely joyless faggots
>Homosexual crazy italian
I mean, better than the other horrible villain that replaces him, but still.
Any titty monsters in this game?
This game LITERALLY reuses 3 bosses from the previous game.
>inb4 his trauma cases them
then why no ruvik memory?
>You're never sure when you'll encounter the big bad.
Because it keeps teleporting.
Also I'm not a fan of the dual-brain AI they used playing hot and cold.
>but uhh emm do this!
>and add that!
>and uhh and do this!
>it's same swear on me mum!
Okay, John.
We actually proved this years ago when a developer accidentally got a bit too triggered when people were shitting on Brink.
So Bethesda gave a white guy the director's chair to make the game more western and cinematic, right?
"Ughhhhhh Lilly, Daddy's coming", "I have to save Lilly" What the hell?, What is this?" says increasingly obnoxious man for 75th time
TEW2 is a great pirate*
>IP number didn't increase at all
What did he mean by this?
He wasn't anything new or original, but he was more entertaining than fucking Theodore and MOMMY.