I hate the switch I will be eternally salty nintendo didnt make a straight console to compete with microsoft and sony...

I hate the switch I will be eternally salty nintendo didnt make a straight console to compete with microsoft and sony (Becuase the switch isnt getting MH:World or Dragonball fighter z becuase of it.). But mario looks so fucking good. sell me on switch Sup Forums dont bother with open world games, hd re-releases, or games featureing heavy DLC. Convince me I need this shit Sup Forums!

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how about mario kart 8 deluxe, it's really fun to play with friends if you have ones at all faggot

>my city has a street full of pubs and outside tables in the middle
>go there in the summer
>some guys are drinking beer and playing mario kart on a switch with 4 joycons
It was like seeing an advert

>(Becuase the switch isnt getting MH:World or Dragonball fighter z becuase of it.)

Well that's flat out wrong but nice try.

The Switch is an underpowered tablet with no games.

>Becuase the switch isnt getting MH:World or Dragonball fighter z becuase of it
Then how is it getting the new Wolfenstein?

>I hate the switch
>I will be eternally salty nintendo didnt make a straight console to compete with microsoft and sony

When have they ever tried to compete with ms or sony? That's the "good" thing about nintendo, don't giving a fuck about the competition

My wife likes that one. Is the DLC from the first release included? Also I specified no re-releases user. please.

Nintendo putting out a straightforward console in 2017, midway through a generation where most casuals have already decided on their almost identical game box of choice, would be suicide. It would almost cetainly fail as hard if not harder than the Wii U. The Switch needed a gimmick to stand out from the crowd, and offer something it's competition does not in order to entice potental buyers into picking up a second gaming device.

You might not personally like it, but it's the hole they dig for themselves. Be thankful they were smart enough to come up with something that has a practical use rather than a new form of waggle.

The console can't run them because of my earlier reason though no? This is what I assumed. Is it a licensing issue maybe??

Good point Wolfestein does look p.cool. But its too violent to play around the kids and will undoubtedly scare my wife. gj not posting a rerelease user tytyty.

Switch can easily run both. MT Framework is extremely scalable and there's nothing to prove DBFZ can't be run. After all, the thing can run Doom.

MH World is probably just Sony paying up the ass and Arc Sys wants to see how Xenoverse 2 does on the Switch before wasting the money porting over.

The developer said that they would consider bringing Dragonball Fighterz to the switch after seeing how Xenoverse 2 does.

MHW I could see coming over as MHW portable (since Sony apparently paid to keep regular world off switch according to the guy who leaked it) and FighterZ I think will eventually come as well given the large demand


The Switch is not a console. It's a high powered portable that has the ability to HDMI out in order to double as a console.

And it's the best thing they could have done, for a number of reasons.

>Nintendo has historically dominated the handheld market, and with the complete and utter failure of the Vita the Switch basically has no competition in that field save for mobile.
>Offers a completely different experience than it's competitors, slightly less powerful but strong enough to deliver full console experiences like DOOM on the go with only a slight downgrade. This gives it value even if you own another platform like the PS4 and Xbone
>Not splitting their resources between two platforms means the Switch will have a far more steady stream of first party games, which was a big issue on the Wii U
>Handheld heavy hitters like Pokemon being playable for the first time in full on the big screen will drive "console" sales dramatically, while still not losing the audience that loves playing them on the go

This. It baffles me that there are still people when think nintendo made a mistake given the success of the switch.

I think FighterZ is very likely, considering fan demand and Switch is getting the new Blazblue Cross fighter.
World is up in the air, Capcom is being extra stupid these days so idk if they'll ever come arounf and recognize they're blowing it by not releasing any games on Switch.

I cant convince you if you havent been convinced on your own yet. Wait for Pokemon and Metroid and Retro before thinking about buying one.

>Handheld heavy hitters like Pokemon being playable for the first time in full on the big screen will drive "console" sales dramatically, while still not losing the audience that loves playing them on the go
Take a trip to /vp/. All the underages there are crying that their parents won't spend so much money on a Switch and Pokemon should have stayed on the 3DS. The Switch is too expensive for Pokemon to be as successful as it has been in the past. Even the 3DS was too expensive, which is why they released the 2DS alongside XY.

They're all drones. When they see the "first HD Pokemon game" they're going to shit their pants and rush off to buy the inevitable limited edition bundle version in droves, regardless of platform or quality. They'll cry and bitch and moan that it isn't remaining on a dead and practically fossilized platform, but at the end of the day they WILL buy it.

Especially if Nintendo does a slight price drop to go along with it, which wouldn't surprise me seeing as how Pokemon is at least a year-year and a half out at this point.

Splatoon and ARMs are fun. You have some solid singleplayer in splatoon, and the online is a blast. Your kids can also enjoy it, even if they can't aim they can still do decent in turf war. ARMS is easy to pick up and a lot of fun multiplayer, and has some real depth if you want to get into it online.

Holy fucking shit an intelligent post on Sup Forums.

I'm literally shaking right now.

why does Mario have a such a dicksucking face?

mario doesnt look that good though

yeah and there is a New battle mode

>I hate that Nintendo isn't trying to do exactly what their competitors are doing
It's kind of their thing.

>the switch isnt getting MH:World or Dragonball fighter z becuase of it

>sell me on switch Sup Forums dont bother with open world games, hd re-releases, or games featureing heavy DLC

So why the FUCK do you want it to be a third near-identical shitbox with little beyond HD-rereleases and games riddled with DLC and micropurchases?

Splatoon 2 has fuck-all for local play though. No splitscreen, anyone playing needs their own console and copy of the game. The online play will be locked behind a paywall soon too.

Only since the Wii. Yes, the 64 and GC were directly competitive with the rest of the market.

Strong hardware =/= All your gay shit.

>MH:World or Dragonball fighter z

Post disregarded

I couldn't care less about those shitty games.
Take your dumbed down PC nonsense elsewhere

>It's not getting these games with DLC and/or micropurchases because hardware

>Sell me on the Switch, but I don't want games with lots of DLC and micropurchases

Just a little puzzled. You seemed angry about Switch not getting games with lots of DLC but then ask for Switch games that don't have lots of DLC.

>I will be eternally salty nintendo didnt make a straight console to compete with microsoft and sony
How would they make a obvious increase in money over making it more appealing to the on the go player?
Also that
>But it's underpowered
For 300 dollars? What else do you faggots have in mind? Nvidia SHIELD once you add controllers is an older generation variation with Android's shitty security and optimization.

>he wants games that have DLC in them
>that means he wants DLC
you're fucking retarded

In the couple of years it takes Pokemon to come out, there will probably be a Switch mini in development and cost $150. Getting rid of all the tech that went into joycons and their separate batteries, making a smaller profile Switch with non detachable controls would be the perfect successor to the 3DS

Good graphics are nice and all but I really don't need them to enjoy Nintendo

And unless Nintendo puts out something to rival a high end PC, I can experience most AAA multiplats on a better platform.

If you don't enjoy Nintendo 1st party games, do yourself and us a favor by not getting one and then making a post 2-3 months later telling us how it's collecting dust

> mario kart 8 deluxe
> fun
Coming from a Nintendo fan, fucking double items were a bad idea

>no competition in that field save for mobile
That's some pretty fucking huge competition to be fair.

>I want these games that have DLC
>Don't recommend games that have DLC
No, this is just contradictory.

No. Stop being a pussy, grow a pair, do your own research and make your own decisions.

True, but I think that there will always be a market for dedicated portable gaming hardware even if it's not as big as it was a decade ago. Or rather, there will be until gaming inevitably goes 100% streaming and you can play AAA games on anything with a screen on it. All consoles will be dead at the point though.

To be even more fair, Nintendo also has games on mobile and the games played on mobile and dedicated handhelds are very different in scope and intent. Most paying customers aren't playing something like Zelda ALBW on a phone or Clash Royale on a dedicated handheld, they offer different experiences.

If Nintendo had just released an underpowered PC like Sony and Microsoft, it would've failed.
The Switch is going to sell 100 million units because it's portable.

DBFZ is in UE4, which can export to Switch. They haven't announced a port YET because the Switch's success caught everyone off guard and no one was prepared to port their major multiplats to it. Same reason TNC's Switch port is coming next year.

Monster Hunter world won't be coming to the Switch.

Capcom is a business, and they have lots of PS4 games in development. Obviously it benefits them greatly to increase the consumer base for the PS4, especially in a region like Japan that is struggling to care about home consoles.

Capcom knows that a bunch of Monster Hunter diehard fans will go out and buy a PS4 to play Monster Hunter World, especially in Japan where the series is very popular. Those new customers are also likely to get other games that Capcom has made for PS4 too.

They're releasing Monster Hunter XX on Switch because they have games for that platform planned as well, and Japan loves portable platforms. So they want the install base of the Switch to grow along with the PS4 in Japan.

So they are making these two Monster Hunter releases to get more potential customers and more customers who own both platforms to buy their upcoming games.

When i first saw the switch trailer with all the people playing coop in unusual situations i thought: who the fuck will play like this? Then i got a switch and played coop at a campfire and the train on the first day. Felt like i am in a commercial.

>they're blowing it by not releasing any games on Switch.
Actually, they already promised future support because SF2U did really well despite being an overpriced port of a remaster of a rerelease of an ancient arcade game.
But Sony paid for MHW exclusivity.

>there are people on this earth who still don't understand how console CPU/GPU/RAM works
>there are people on this earth who think the switch doesn't compete with the xbox wan
They chose a hybrid for a reason, by all accounts the switch is more successful that microsoft's console already since it only matters to dudebro's in the US and the 5 people outside the US who have friends who never bought a PS4 or moved to PC.

But what happens when World inevitably undersells, especially in Japan?

>But Sony paid for MHW exclusivity.
But its on Xbone and Steam too, its not exclusive to anything

>That's some pretty fucking huge competition to be fair.
Not with the same standard of games. You have your odd indie ports here and there but you ain't getting new games that people actually want to play on a mobile platform.

Eh, it's already been stated that DBF may go to the Switch if there's enough interest and Xenoverse apparently did pretty well.

Why the would you expect the Switch to be $300 forever? It's currently being sold at a profit, so Nintendo can drop the price as soon as sales slow with no consequences. There is also a 100% chance they will release a Switch Portable with integrated controls, a smaller screen, and no included dock; if they also cut out the IR sensor and HD rumble, they could probably get it under $200 or maybe even $150 and still make a profit on each unit, but software sales are looking so good they could probably afford to sell it at a loss on day one.

>The console can't run them
MHW I don't really know but if Arc Sys can put BlazBlue Tag Battle on Switch then Dragonball Fighter Z would certainly not be that much of a stretch.

>Obviously it benefits them greatly to increase the consumer base for the PS4, especially in a region like Japan that is struggling to care about home consoles.
Yeah that's what they thought with the Wii when they released Tri and it didn't even crack 2m.
MH simply isn't a console series.

>Nobody believes that I genuinely prefer the WiiU version of 8
Racing balance is fucking in 8 Deluxe. It's only worth it if you REALLY missed battle mode and I didn't at all

Tag Battle is on Switch?
Neat, maybe I'll pick it up.

>is fucking in 8 Deluxe
is fucked in 8 deluxe

>they already promised future support
Yeah and all we've got is Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 while games that would be perfect fits on the Switch like Megaman and that Disney Game Collections are nowhere to be seen.

I have only zelda and sonic mania and I still think it is worth it. I'm going to pick up Xenoblade 2 and Mario. It's just a side console to my PS4 really

Of course no one will believe you. While it's a good game it's considerably worse than deluxe.
Hell, kart stats aren't even represented properly in that version so everything is fucked.

>WiiU is worse than Deluxe
>When Deluxe has
>Worse item balancing
>A third tier of drift messily slapped on when none of the race tracks were changed or originally designed to accommodate it
>worse fucking stability in online

Oh and I'm not fucking paying to play Mario Kart online, I did it once in a blue moon and it's simply not fucking worth it.

Once Pokemon comes out, Nintendo could just forget the Switch exists and still make money. Mainline Pokemon puts whatever it's on on auto-pilot for the rest of that device's lifespan.

>>Worse item balancing
Have you actually played 8 user? The item balance is considerably worse in that you'll get nothing of worth in places 2 to 5. You'd essentially be stuck there.
>>A third tier of drift messily slapped on when none of the race tracks were changed or originally designed to accommodate it
And yet you can easily pull off the boost with no issues in every mode except 200cc for obvious reasons.
>>worse fucking stability in online
Fixed ages ago, keep up.

The issue is finding adults with Switch consoles honestly. No one owns one.

>I will be eternally salty that Nintendo keeps being innovative and original while MS and Sony keep releasing glorified PC's with custom operating systems

>Oh and I'm not fucking paying to play Mario Kart online, I did it once in a blue moon and it's simply not fucking worth it.
I really, really hope this is how most people think and the paid service flops and kills the online playerbase for their games. Fuck paid online.

>Worse item balancing
>A third tier of drift messily slapped on when none of the race tracks were changed or originally designed to accommodate it

Nigga it's a party game, who the fuck cares? People who play competitive Mario Kart are more autistic than Smashfags.

>worse fucking stability in online

Mario Kart is best enjoyed locally anyway.

>Nigga who cares that they took Mario Kart 8 and made it less fun to play?
Well I guess just me

>Switch can easily run both. MT Framework is extremely scalable
You serious?
There has yet to be a proof of concept on the Switch. All the games either look like shit and run good or look okay and run like shit.

There hasn't been a single visually or technologically impressive game on the Switch yet. Doom 4 might be the nicest looking game on the system, and it looks like shit with muddy textures, 720p and 30FPS.

Is there any proof of concept that the Switch could run it?

Doubt it, being considerably cheaper than everyone else is going to attract people if anything else in the same way Sony used the power meme for the PS4.


Sent early my bad
>Mario Kart is best enjoyed locally anyway.
I can't argue with this, which is why it's ultimately a non issue since my and my friends just keep playing the WiiU one, but it was always nice to have as an option

Also if its just you and a buddy, going online with a second player was loadsafun

>until gaming inevitably goes 100% streaming and you can play AAA games on anything with a screen on it. All consoles will be dead at the point though.
This is the biggest fucking meme. No one wants to stream CoD 26 through their mobile phone network and no one wanted to use OnLive through WiFi, either. Microsoft nearly killed by the Xbox brand by announcing that XB1 would be always-online for all games.

Explain how Monster Hunter World is on Xbox

Learn to think for yourself and make your own decisions.

>Convince me I need this shit Sup Forums!
It's the only console that isn't simply an underpowered pc? It's portable and its pretty comfy to play in bed too.
I don't know what to tell you, if its those games you want you just need a pc and the Switch is very likely to get DBFZ too. If it is for exclusives, you buy every console that has the ones you want, so buy the Switch if you want the Nintendo exclusives. For me Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade, Metroid Prime and Pokemon are already enough for it to be one of my favorite consoles.

It's currently the top seller since TGS, the bundle has been sold out everytime its stocked. World is PS4 exclusive in Japan

He wants games with DLC/microtransactions but not a fuckton of them

It started on consoles, and has only been on the decline since it went to the 3DS.
The top selling game is still Portable 3rd.

Putting it on Nintendo consoles was a mistake.

But f most people play the games intermittently, they may not be inclined to pay to keep playing. I fall into that category. I'd play smash online once every few months, not paying for that. I'll play Pokemon online once in a while, also not paying for that.

Its not like PS or XB on which you have basically everything being reliant on that bullshit paid subscription, online for Nintendo has always been an afterthought, not the primary reason you're buying and playing their games.

I guess I was wondering, thought it was only on PS4 and PC.

I read this exact post on another site yesterday. I don't know why you'd copy paste something written by someone who doesn't understand the idea of multiplats.

>The Switch is too expensive for Pokemon to be as successful as it has been in the past.
That's what they said about the 3DS. If you Pikachu, they will buy.

>Which is why they released the 2DS alongside XY.
The 3DS had a price drop already, but a cheaper model was very attractive to parents. Had nothing to do with the 3DS being "too expensive" because you were going to make up the remainder and then some in future game purchases anyway.

>It's the only console that isn't simply an underpowered pc?
Instead, the Switch is an underpowered phone without all the phone features.

Not that user, but PS4/Xbone/PC are all the same hardware architecture these days, ports take literally zero effort. Japan is only getting it on the PS4, they slapped it on the Xbone and PC for the west.

The only reason it hasn't happened is that the infrastructure simply isn't there yet. Could probably do it in Japan and some parts of Europe, but the US and many other territories simply don't have the infrastructure to support that. Many people still can't even stream TV/movies in HD reliably.

I can't even convince myself to buy one and I've owned every Nintendo system except the Virtual Boy. All I can tell you is to wait a bit. By 2019 Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Metroid, and SMT V will have (hopefully) released plus there's always a chance of a price drop and/or (much needed) hardware revision.

My fucking phone can run BOTW?

>a phone
>without all the phone features
Then it isn't a phone you retard. Or else every console is just an overpowered calculator.

Excellent points made, if the devs used to make 3DS games live long enough to see the 3DS demise and jump over to the Switch, then the Switch will almost have the twice as many IPs than last gens of Nintendo consoles.

You're phone is more powerful than the Switch.

The Switch hardware is shit, being portable doesn't excuse that. It's why its so limited as a platform and not even Nintendo can run its own games properly on it and need resolution scaling or just deal with poor performance.

But in contrast, it has fewer preoders than the last couple MH games, which IIRC undersold a bit.

Japan only has about 4m PS4s, they want to expand that and get more people to buy them but I don't think it'll work out quite how they want. I think a lot of the popularity and appeal came from the fact that the games were portable and could be played anywhere, the older console MH games never sold particularly well.

And World also looks like its being tailored somewhat for a western audience, so I think that may put some Japanese fans off and I do not think it'll sell particularly well in the west either given what has historically sold well on PS4 and Xbone. They seem to be trying to grab, at least in-part, an audience that's not really there while potentially alienating some of their existing fanbase by tying the game to a home console with a low install base in Japan.

Top 50 dumbest posts I've ever seen

>and has only been on the decline since it went to the 3DS.
user it's been selling a consistent 4m on the 3DS. The 1m loss between it and the PSP can be attributed to the fact that
1. they didn't do multiple rereleases of exactly the same game and
2. the lower install base

In other words, there has been no decline on handheld systems in the way that you want to imply.

Meanwhile MH on consoles has literally never sold well. Going "But it started there!" is irrelevant to this fact.

>Take a trip to /vp/. All the underages there are crying that their parents won't spend so much money on a Switch and Pokemon should have stayed on the 3DS.

Yeah yeah, they did the same thing when Pokemon came to the 3DS

>I guess I was wondering, thought it was only on PS4 and PC.
You most likely thought that because it's PS4 exclusive in Japan.


It hasn't been released yet. How is it a re-release?

Revelations 2 was made on MT Framework
Revelations 2 is being ported to switch

I intensely disagree.
When you're in the pack in 8D positions are practically a fucking slot machines there's so many fucking items flying about.

I much preferred races in the original version of 8 for that reason.

It's going to be the highest selling console MH of all time. I doubt it will do anywhere near bad.
It doesn't need portability to do well, even Dragon Quest did amazingly well in Japan for its install base.

Japan is just waiting for the right games.

If you hook it up to your TV and leave it there its not portable and just like every other console. Underpowerd