People play this garbage

People play this garbage

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People make this garbage thread every day

>Overwatch baby can't play Fortnite

Git gud, bitch nigga

uhhhhh boolits go in cross aimer so it gud deesine

I'd play pubg but they don't want it out on console yet, so fortnite gets my hours, and my money if they start offering cosmetics.

The only problem I see here is that the hit in the head doesn't kill the target. The spread seems fine.

I like that garbage

Its the pre game lobby, no player damage, not that it matters because the lobby is laggy as fuck as it loads in 100 players and only lasts for around 20ish seconds.

No one can die in the warmup minute

>FOV fix doesn't work after latest patch

Literally unplayable.

>The spread seems fine.
you're ok with RNG bullets?

So any good SFMs yet?

t. FBR developer

What solution would you propose to replace random spread? Guns are not perfectly accurate in real life either.

>make a unique game
>game flops
>add a battle royale mode
>game succeeds
Are gamers idiots that eat up whatever the current trend is?

>muh real life

They also started marketing the game heavily recently, which probably plays a part in the risen popularity.

>UT4 had to die for this gay Pubg clone
Fuck off Epic.

No one gives a fuck about real life. If I point my cursor at something and fire, it should get hit. RNG is for dice games.

I hope Battlefield 1 or Call of Duty WW2 adds Battle Royale modes.

>Are gamers idiots that eat up whatever the current trend is?

Where have you been for the past decade?

It's the only BR available for consoles so they have no choice but to play it.

I believe random spread is a good way of limiting the effective range of a weapon and punishing for moving while shooting. It's a good game mechanic by itself and it happens to be somewhat realistic too.

>unique game

They missed the bus on a Minecraft clone and decided to pivot to the next fad. It was a smart business decision even if they have literally no integrity.

True story, please reply with discussion.

>buy the fortnite EA on disc because I have slow internet and i'm an idiot who seen the unique idea and fell for it
>on disc game was very expensive, 50 pounds
>play it for a couple weeks before dropping it due to the loot system and bugs
>sad to see that it didn't work out and sadder to see my money gone
>just recently check up to see if its improved any and I could play again
>main game has a effectively stopped and stagnated in favour of the F2P BR mode's development
>my 50 pounds went towards developing a game I didn't want for others to play for free

How is this acceptable? If this was any other industry it wouldn't be.

>I believe random spread is a good way of limiting the effective range of a weapon
Why would you want to?

>you're ok with every weapon not being a sniper?

>muh minecraft zombies singleplayer
battle royales are actually fun

To differentiate weapons from each other and give them varying roles.

do people really trail dirt clouds behind them like that? what the fuck?

>enjoyed what I played of UT4 alpha
>enjoying the hell out of fortnite's bootleg pubg mode
>read that development for UT4 halted

soured my mood but I can't be too upset, I had my fun with it at least. It was better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. That being said they better beef this thing the fuck up, it's already a more fun game than PUBG and they're going to strike gold with cosmetics and shit.

babbus first shooter, pls let me point and click for instant win

Hitscan is a bad thing.

Epic has been a sucker for trends and genre stealing since its inception from Quake/Doom, Metroidvanias and MOBAs

If adding RNG to bullets is the only way you can think to accomplish that, you're a shit game developer.

Damn, looks worst than a alpha game. I played the closed Sea of Thieves alpha recently and it looks way better than this

Why the fuck do developers put such intense aim assist in their games on console

>Hitscan is a bad thing.
Stop having shitty opinions.

Should I get pubg if I want to try this kind of game?

i dont get it

fartnite is free, pubguh isn't

>expecting bullet to fly where you're aiming at
Really my dude? It's 2017, cmon.

Not him, but I'm not, user. Just ignore retards.

Once you pay for it the money is no longer yours, doesn't matter what you wanted your money to go towards. After the purchase it wasn't yours to decide.

>wahhhh why is aiming hardddd why cant i point and click wahhhh

Without spread, kick, drop or anything like that you might as well have just one fucking gun in the game you silly cunt.

>How is this acceptable? If this was any other industry it wouldn't be.
do you live in the world? the real outside world?

Fortnite on console has such intense aim assist that whenever you aim on someone it locks on to them. What are you not understanding?

Let's point, click, and roll the dice instead, right? Oops, the other guy got lucky and you didn't! Well at least my game has weapon variety.

I play the game daily and it doesn't lock on. You're outright lying.

Semi true, but when the box says it's EA and you're paying to supprt the game that implies a level of control.


>I've literally never played a game with hitscan

i'm pretty retard tier when it comes to fps mechanics, but i dont understand how it "locked on" to him? it just seemed like a good/lucky shot

No it doesnt, you have no control over funds you've purchased something with, much like a donation. You are just bitter, which I sort of get, but you have absolutely no control here.

>first shot RNG is good

Nah, fuck that. A better solution would be to drop damage over distance rapidly on lower caliber weapons, making them useless at range. Or make it so smaller caliber bullets travel faster.

Randomness like a controllable recoil or some RNG if your running aren't terrible ideas, but first shot inaccuracy to balance weapons just lowers the games skill ceiling.

Projectile weapons are only really interesting in games like Quake and Tribes, in BF they're needed to make distance in a fire fight an actual factor. In smaller scale shooters having bullet physics would only make gunplay worse.

Let's get within effective weapon range you fucking tool.

Your argument only applies to 1HK games e.G R6S which funnily enough has all the things I listed. I would love to play against you in that game user, I bet you'd be fucking dreadful and be crying down the mic about it being a lucky shot when I headshot you.

I am extremely bitter.

People play shit like pub

Well, atleast it's not PUBG.

gamepads are not very precise

CoD in general will probably turn zombie-mode into a quicker DayZ variation (and, ideally, L4D-amounts of zombies).

BF would go its own less-obvious way, if I had to guess.

the girls in this game have INCREDIBLE tits and ass, and they're really fucking hot. is that possible in the modern tumblr whale sjw era?

also a western dev made attactive girls lel

>tfw you can't play as constructors in PvP

Game is fun senpaitachi

And it's free. Why get mad over petty things? at least youre not getting banned because some degenerate streamer said you honked near them

How about predetermined recoiling values?

>Guns are not perfectly accurate in real life either
With ADS, they're pretty precise. Even shotguns have ranges -- there's a video of shooting clay pigeons all the way back to 130yds, others with slugs to 200-250yds.

>What are gun statistics?

Outside of Gears of Wars (though there are some qts), Epic has always made pretty good but overlooked waifus.

No gun in the world has that kind of spread at 20 yards.

I hid in bush, I win :^)

Its free PUBG and me and my PS4 friends can play together and Im on PC, so we squad up. I dont give a fuck

>goes into config and removes bushes

>far enough away that crosshair is clearly larger than head and barely covering any of it
>omg wtf it's not a railgun

ok, they have a Random Spread that's accurate.
aka, you can reliably headshot targets 300 yards away with perfect aim.

if you want to simulate recoil you should just move the crosshair with each shot.

that's cool
I'm glad they didn't transform the bush into a green Box and instead removed them entirely.
that's good for gameplay.

>less than 50% of the bullets hit
Wow might as well not even put such a gun in the game desu

What the fuck were they thinking?

Not OP but whoever legit uses "git gud" as an argument is fucking mentally handicapped.

this game has the best developers ever

they are so in-touch with players its not even funny

first bullet accuracy