>main menu changes with story progress
Main menu changes with story progress
Name 3.14159265359 that does this.
hutman bluud muney
Nier automata
That's always neat but what's even more interesting is when the transition between the main menu and loading into the game is seamless
Kid Icarus Uprising
bravely default
Mario and luigi partners in time
World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, to an annoying degree that it comes off as advertising new expacs
Half-life2 , with great effect.
I said 3.14159265359, not 8, you dumb fucking cunt!
Alan Wake
Half Life 2
just cause 3 was so good for this
Spec OPS: The Line
>Main menu spoilers upcoming game content
Metroid Samus Returns
apple, and sometimes cherry
Gravity Rush 2
MGS2 or even 3, not sure about 3 though
Both LiS games
Life is Strange
Resident Evil REmake
Resident Evil 4
witcher 2
Resistance 2
Title Screen & BGM changes when you install expansion
>name of the chapter spoils a major plottwist
Hotline Miami 2
>"video game" peaks in season 2 but is still going into season 5
replace video game with television show
Gray Fox's visor opens up when you unlock his missions.
Likewise in MGS2, the main menu changes from Snake to Raiden when you hit the Plant chapter.
>Masked antagonist
>Figure out who he is the moment he opens his mouth
>Main character takes the whole fucking game to figure out his identity
that is not a game